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You can't kill plot-central characters - that is, anybody who appears in a cutscene or carries a plot-critical item. This includes Lord British, Raven, Blackthorn, the Guardian, or any of the Avatar's companions once they turn back from being Wyrmguards.

Or, rather, you aren't supposed to be able to kill them. Sometimes it's possible. When this happens it tends to make the game freeze forever during the cutscene while the engine waits for the dead character to finish the action it was supposed to do.

Basically U9 is one massively fucked up piece of software from start to finish and I really don't recommend that anybody play this game for any reason.

: Ha, ha, ha, ha,...

Again? That guy just won't shut up.

: Hello, friend. So tell me, how did you get trapped in the spirit realm?
: As I told you, I undertook a spiritual quest to learn more about the columns that are corrupting Britannia.
: The Guardian learned of my quest and cast a spell has kept me from returning to my body.[sic]
: I need you to break that spell so I may return to Britannia.
: What do I need to do?
: I need for you to perform a ritual that will open the barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds. This ritual requires the Bell of Courage, Book of Truth, and Candle of Love.
: I am very weary. The longer I am away from the physical world, the more difficult it is to stay in touch with it.
: Listen carefully, if you are to free me from this world, you must enter into the Well of Souls on the isle of Skara Brae.
: There you will find my body. In order to gain entry to the well, you must find an Ankh of Spirituality.
: I know that Lord British used to keep one in his castle. I've heard that he keeps the Ankh in a safe place in his bedroom.
: I will explain the ritual to you once you've retrieved the three items. Look for them in their traditional homes of Serpent's Hold, Empath Abbey, and the Lycaeum. Goodbye, Avatar.

Now we go back to Britain.

Hmm. Nothing in his bedroom.

Good thing we're obsessive-compulsive and page through every book on his bookshelf!

Okay. We need to play STONES.

: What is your name?
: Siona. I'm a musician here in Lord British's court. Lord British has always been a music lover.
: Is that a piano?
: No, it's a harpsichord. It looks rather like a piano, but the instrument plucks the strings like a harp instead of striking the strings like a piano.
: It's Lord British's favorite instrument.
: Yes, Lord British is a gigantic nerd. What are you playing?
: It's a song called 'Stones'. Iolo wrote it years ago; sometimes it seems that you can't go anywhere in Britannia without hearing it.
: I'm surprised that you've never heard it before.
: Yes, so am I. May I try to play a bit?
: Certainly! Here, just take the sheet music and place it on the harpsichord so it's easy to read. Now, just use the harpsichord to let the music flow out of you.

Pfft. And those SCA guys claim it's hard to play.

While we're here we also gather up the Bell of Courage, Book of Truth, Candle of Love and the Red and Blue Codex Lenses which we were collecting for some reason.

Now... back to Skara Brae!

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