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: If you don't re-establish the link, I will be lost forever.
: Tell me what I need to do.
: First, you must consult the sacred statue here on the isle of Skara Brae. The statue will tell you the Mantra of Spirituality.
: Once you have learned the mantra, come back here and perform the Ritual of Return.

Not to be confused with the Return Ritual, which opens a Moongate.

: The ritual is simple: set the Bell, Book and Candle around me in a triangle.
: Then, open the book and read the passage that you find therein, light the candle, and ring the bell. Once you have done that, speak the Mantra of Spirituality.
: Once the sacred mantra has been spoken, I will be brought back into the physical world.

Just what we always wanted.

: I know you to be worthy and good. Although I no longer can protect this place, I see all that happens. How may I serve you, worthy Avatar?
: Do you know anything about Shamino?
: I know Shamino well, for he is the champion of Spirituality. I know that Shamino entered into the Temple of Souls some years ago and has not emerged.
: I know that he is in danger, but from what I cannot say. You must hurry to him, Avatar, his life force is weakening.
: What can you tell me of the Temple of Souls?
: The Temple of Souls is a portal to the nether world. There, spirits roam, searching for what they lost in life.
: What has happened to Skara Brae?
: The Guardian loosed his anger and laid waste to Skara Brae.
: My thanks to you. I must leave now.
: Before you continue on your quest, Avatar, stand in the palm of my hand and there receive a blessing.

: Use the mantra well and wisely, and may you always walk with Spirituality.

Up the beach is a locked chest. Normally to get inside we'd need to select the virtue of Spirituality at the beginning of the game, which would make a key appear among our starting equipment.

Fortunately the Avatar is able to phase through solid matter.

At first the well has a tiny column crammed in its craw.

But we have the Ankh of Spirituality and it makes the column disappear.

We jump into the well...

...and land in -opolis.

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