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: That was quite a display, my lord. I must say I am very impressed!
: Yes, well, I can assure you that I was never in any danger from that worm. There is a reason why I had to fight him, Avatar.
: You see, we... no, I have depended on you for far too long Avatar.

Finally someone in this one-horse planet full of SCA rejects gets it!

: When first I created the quest to find an Avatar, I wanted the person who fulfilled the quest to be an example to all the people of Britannia.
: They were meant to emulate you, do the things that you did. Instead, the people came to depend on you to solve their problems rather than solving the problems themselves.

Notice how Lord British didn't say that he designed the quest to strip the evil away from the Avatar, forming a superhuman ideal that nobody could possibly follow? Yeah. That's because he didn't.

: And I fear that I was the worst offender, my friend. Rather than going forth and encountering the evils that afflicted my own land, I called upon you to do it, but no more.
: No, the people of Britannia must learn to do things for themselves. We can't depend on one man forever.

The guy who is saying this has been king for over 500 years.

: Perhaps you are right, my lord.

: I am right. Now listen, there is still much to be done that, unfortunately, only you can do. You must travel into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality.
: However, the moons have so corrupted the moongates that you can not use them to travel to the void. I will send you into the void, but you must first consult the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom.
: It contains the knowledge that you will need. Take the codex to the Isle of the Avatar and place it upon the altar.
: Next, place the red and blue lenses on the appropriate pillar. Only then will you be able to consult the Codex.
: Once you have consulted the Codex, come back to my castle in Britain, and I will send you into the void.
: You must get the Glyph of Spirituality before I can teleport you out, for we cannot return. Farewell my friend.

Oh god yes. Oh god. Finally. We finally have all of the glyphs. We don't have to collect any more of them. YES!

The Britannians may have finally learned the lesson they should have learned 6 games ago...

...but the plot is still horseshit.

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