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Part 1 - The Lake of Fire
Part 2 - Collecting the globes
Part 3 - The Plane of Air
Part 4
- The Plane of Fire
Part 5 - The Plane of Earth
Part 6 - The Plane of Water
Part 7 - The stuff that I'm posting now

The Abyss: Complete solution (Part 4)

Jumping down another hole puts us on top of a bunch of stone ledges that lead down to the bottom of the cavern.

Eventually we get to this bridge thing. Up ahead we're supposed to see Lord British and Blackthorn, but we don't because it's very dark.

: What does it look like, Avatar? The old man has accepted my challenge!
: And it's going to be the death of him.

: I should have had you executed lo those many years ago, Blackthorn. I suppose that I'll have to do it now.

: No, my lord, I am your Avatar. Let me fight this vermin!

: No, Avatar. I have sat by and allowed you to fight my battles for far too long.
: It was my responsibility to rid Britannia of this menace following the destruction of the Shadow Lords; it was a job that I apparently left unfinished. Now I must finish that job.

: No, my lord, wait!

: No Avatar, I'll not have you interfere.

Lord British creates a magical barrier to keep us out of the fight. This is probably for the best, because either of these guys could instantly vaporize us.

: You're looking weak, old man.
: I may yet surprise you.

: Don't let a little bit of luck fool you, British. I will kill you!
: Don't confuse luck with skill, my boy.
: I may be old and gray, but on my worst day I can best ten of you!

: Why can't you just die?

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