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The Abyss: Complete solution (Part 3)

The teleporter at the bottom of the shaft brings us back up to the Air level.

Installing the Air Globe made these floating pads appear.

After climbing them we arrive at the air pla... the portal of air.

Just like every other elemental plane, this place is needlessly huge, filled with tough enemies and almost zero loot. We have to keep our eyes on the prize.

After magicking the dragon to death, a teleporter appears that takes us back to the Abyss.

About halfway down the left hallway on the fire level is a pressure plate. Stepping on it triggers two walls of fire that advance on us slowly from opposite directions.

The portal appears right before they reach us.

Plane of fire. Enormous. Tough enemies. Zero loot.

At the center of the Plane of Fire is a gigantic pentagram with an equally gigantic demon.

Butchering it makes a teleporter back to the Abyss appear.

The Earth portal is right out in the open.

I the Earth Plane.

It's small, it has a great atmosphere, it's full of easy enemies and it has amazing loot.

This giant flower that we killed gave us a Glass Sword. When we started I said there were only 4. Right now we have 6. I think this is a new record or something.

The guardian is just a basic stone golem that dies in two hits.

We also have some fun with some Mimics.

And we get a new Blackrock chest to replace the one that we used as a magical reagent.

The water portal is at the bottom of the pirahna-infested tank.

The Water Plane is pretty so we just kill the and leave.

After killing all of the guardians, all four elemental barriers have been lowered. We jump in the hole.

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