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The Abyss: Complete solution (Part 2)

The teleporter drops us off in a green area. As before, we go left.

This area is full of eyes that make bad things happen when they can see us.

So we cast Invisibility.

We ignore the Gazer because killing it would drop our Invisibility spell. That means we would be visible, meaning the eyes could see us, meaning the floor would become full of spike traps.

In the corner is a pressure plate. Setting an object on the plate makes a set of stairs appear.

At the top of the stairs is this golden Ankh, like the ones from the start of the game.

Clicking on it opens the sarcophagus. It contains a bottle of wine, a mana regeneration potion, a scroll of Time Stop , and a book.



If you are reading this, then I know you have heeded my words well, and have accomplished great deeds. You may remember me as a name from the past, but I have been more involved in your life than you may realize. We share a past and a present, but for me, the past is as the future. In a future that I hope you shall not see, evil has desecrated the land, and our once great Britannia is now long dead. King Blackthorne now reigns, and I assure you he is not a kind ruler. I have returned to your time to leave you this spell, which will help you to defeat his traps. I cannot aid you directly, for Blackthorne has long had an interest in repaying me for the services I did British, and I fear he would not take my interference kindly. Use this power well, Avatar, and may the virtues be with you.

The Timelord

The loose block for this room is way up at the top.

Now we can go back to the last hallway and take the right path.

The room at the end has the Earth Globe in it.

As soon as we step into the room the tiles lift off the floor and start spinning around, damaging us severely. We quickly jump onto the teleporter to evade them.

The teleporter drops us off outside a blue area. We go left. Again.

This room is a big water tank filled with predatory fish. Periodically a small set of stairs will appear on each wall.

We jump from stair to stair until we can reach the loose block on the other side of the room.

The room on the right has water too, but it's decidedly more solid.

Blasting the Icehound with Bolt of Flame melts him and all of the ice in the room, including some ice crystals that were covering the Water Globe.

We take the orb.

And then we jump on the teleporter.

Which puts us at the bottom of the shaft. See that mess off to the right? Those are the elemental barriers.

Installing the four elemental globes in the stand opens the four portals.

Now we jump on the teleporter and head up for our second pass.

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