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We might as well finish all of our business up here so we don't
have to come back.


Now we have the Mantra and the Glyph, meaning we just
need the Sigil.

Perhaps this kind woman can help us find
: Hello, good lady. What is your name?
: I am Batista and I'm very charmed to meet you, Avatar.
: What makes you think I'm the Avatar?
: Oh, come now, Avatar. Don't pretend that you're someone
: Who else would be running around Britannia investigating things
and trying to solve the world's problems?
: I know all about you, Avatar, you can't fool me.
: I am looking for some information.
: I'll help you out any way I can, Avatar.
: I'm looking for the Sigil of Honesty.
: Well, handsome, the sigil that you seek is the Writ of Honesty
and I possess it. I will give it to you, if you do a small favor for
Hmm. I don't know.
: What is the mantra for the Shrine of Honesty?
: You don't know the mantra for the Shrine?
: Mmmm, I just adore saying the mantra; it's very sensual. You
just pucker up your lips and say 'Ooooo'. Now, you try.
I'm not
sure how reliable she is. 
: What do you need?
: A dear friend of mine, a mage named Mariah, is very ill. I can
heal her, but only if I have a powerful artifact that belongs to
: There is a magical shield in her house that would be the
perfect thing. If you could bring me that shield, I will happily give you
the writ.
: Very well, I'll find the shield for you.
: I'm so glad to hear that. Bring the shield back to me, and I
will reward you in ways that you could never imagine!
: You'd better be on your way then. The sooner you get that
shield, the sooner you can get back here.
Oh boy! I hope our reward is an XP bonus for staying in

Just like many places in real life, there is a trap door
and a magical teleporter in the floor under Mariah's

There are two magical barriers keeping us from collecting
our prize.

There are hidden doors in both side walls of the
basement. Inside is a pressure switch.

Putting a barrel on top of the pressure switch
deactivates one of the magical barriers. Doing the same on the other side
takes down the last one.

: Forgive me, Mariah. I was sent to retrieve this shield and was
told that you had it.
: I looked for you, but didn't see you in your house.
: Sent to retrieve my shield? By who?
: By Batista; she said that you were very sick, and that she
needed this shield to heal you.
: Really? What else did she tell you?
: Well, apparently the two of you are very close friends.
: Don't believe a word that woman says, Avatar. She lies as much
as everyone else in this town.
: Wait... does that include you? Maybe you are sick and you two
are friends, and you're lying about it.
: ....
: I need the shield because I need it to get the Sigil of
: Well, she does have the Writ of Honesty.
: ...or does she?
: What? Shut up. Listen: Tydus gave it to her when they were
: ...or did....
: If you never finish that sentence I will give you the
: Yay!
: Be careful; it's a powerful shield that absorbs

: Speaking of magic, you still do a bit of magic, don't
: Oh yes, I'm not as good as you are, but I still know a few
: Humility is a virtue Avatar, but don't forget truth. You can be
as good a mage as anyone and you know it.
: It is the truth. When I got here all of the circles were
sealed. I still have 6 to unseal before I can bathe the world in cleansing
: ....

: I'll give you the Writ, and then we can get down to more
enjoyable business.
: Before we go any further, tell me why you lied about
: What do you mean? I never lied to you!
: I spoke to Mariah: she's quite healthy and you two are not
: Alright fine, so I told a little lie. Who cares? Everybody
tells a small lie now and then Avatar, and you know it, so don't pretend
to be so shocked.
: Aren't you lying to the people of Britannia by making them
believe that you can save the world?
: You have made them believe in you, made them believe that only
you can help them for all these years.
: Yet the fact remains that even if you manage to defeat the
Guardian, you cannot save them from themselves. There will be other
'Guardians,' other evils.

: You shouldn't lie about things Batista, it's just
: Look, don't lecture me alright? I don't need you telling me how
to live. Now, we each have something that the other wants.
: Let's just do an even exchange and get this over with so you go
on with whatever it is you're doing, and I can get back to my work,
: Here is your shield, now give me the Writ.

: There, that wasn't so hard now was it? Now if you'll excuse me,
I've got work to do. Goodbye.
That is not a nice lady. 
We have an ethical dilemma. That actually is quite a
powerful shield. I have... ways... of getting it back. It's not
technically murder because we won't suffer a karma loss, but Batista will
die and it is evil. Should we do it?
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