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The cave we want is on the opposite side of the island
from the one the thieves were in. When we go inside the cave seals shut
behind us.

: Who are you, creature?
: I am the Guardian of the Stone.
: What stone?
: The Heartstone.

: Sigh. It is the root of Tydus' power, the embodiment of his
soul. He who possesses the Heartstone possesses Tydus.
: I was summoned here by Tydus. I fell prey to his deceit and was
bound here, made to guard this stone from any that might take it.
: I mean to have my freedom, Avatar.
: I will help you in my quest, and in so doing, you will help me
in mine. You may enter my lair if you agree to drop your weapons and
proceed unarmed.
: You will have access to the stone, and control of Tydus. Once
the stone is removed from this place, I shall be unbound.
This evil
blight seems trustworthy.
: Alright, I will grant you my trust.
: You are a lucky man, Avatar, to have placed you trust in a
demon and to live to tell about it. Perhaps next time you will not be so
We don't actually have to proceed unarmed, we just have to
say that we will. 

Behind a box on the left is an iron key.

Inside the demon's face is a silver key.

The keys unlock the two chests on the floor. Together,
they contain chain boots, leggings, arms and a coif.

Now that we have the Heartstone, we can teleport to the

: Ah, shit, it's that kid again.

Wait... shouldn't he be saying that his daddy
isn't hurt? 
: Now, how am I supposed to believe you?
: But I am telling the truth, I swear!
: Oh, alright, but you'd better be telling the truth.

You'd think so, but not with Captain Gullible on the

: You are lucky that I came.
: Yes, I realize that. I know that my son's lies have caused you
a great deal of time and trouble, Avatar, and I'm very sorry.
: But this time I think that he may have learned a valuable
: No no no, that has nothing to do with it. I don't care about
you or your problems.
: Oh. Well, these ruffians ransacked my house and stole my
: It contains all of my most valuable research, and although they
will not be able to decipher the text, it is important that I get it
: If it falls into the hands of an evil mage, it could be used to
wreak untold havoc. Please, Avatar, if you could, find my journal and
return it to me. I doubt they could have gone far.
: I will help you but only because there is a quest
Now we get to talk to Tydus again and bend him to our
Ultima 9 lets you be diplomatic or it lets you be a douche. I
feel I chose the better of two options.

: But, I see you do not have the staff of wisdom. How am I to
help you?
: I cannot trust you Tydus.
: Then you shall not have access to the Oracle. I'll give you one
more chance. What can you offer to quell me?
: I have your heartstone.
: Don't tell me that you actually believed anything that demon
told you, Avatar!
: Surely you're experienced enough to know that demons are pure
evil and can never be trusted.
: That, that thing that he gave you is probably some evil
artifact that will corrupt you.
Too late, we've been to Pagan. 
: You should give it to me, Avatar, and I'll dispose of it before
it does you any harm.
: I didn't say anything about a demon. How did you know that a
demon was there?
: Oh, I uhh, well, that thing there, it's a demon's tool,
: I'm trying to help you Avatar! That thing is evil and you
should give it to me! I'll make sure it's destroyed. Please...
: Give it up, Tydus. I've caught you in a lie and we both know
: No I'm not, I umm, that thing, I really need it. I...
: Stop it Tydus, this is pathetic. I know that you need this
stone. Reveal the Lycaeum and I'll give it to you.
: How can I believe that you'll hand it over?
: Because I'm an honorable man.

Strongarming Tydus into giving us what we want makes this
large building and this moonboat thing appear.

The moonboat takes us on a wild adventure cruise around
town for about 10 minutes, stopping at every goddamn building before it
finally takes us up to the Lycaeum.
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