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Yew is what happens when you try to create a game like
Oblivion while 3D graphics cards are still a "future

: What do you know about it?
: The murder trial!
: Murder, huh?
: Yes! Apparently some pirate woman named...
Oh boy, here
we go. 
: ...Rachel slaughtered a bunch of children in Britain! Can you
believe that? She's going to burn for sure.
Oh. Whew. For a second
there I thought Raven's child-slaughtering habits had finally done her
: Do you believe this woman will be dealt with fairly?
: Well this is the city of justice, that's what we do here.
Still, there are some people who will sue over anything.
: By the stars, I myself am being sued!
: By whom?
: A fellow in town lost his house to a fire. He claims that the
fire was started by a torch that he bought from me.
: I think that is ridiculous! How can I be responsible for a
torch after it leaves my shop? The blasted thing is supposed to
: But I'm not worried you see, because I'm going to sue the guy
that's suing me!
: You're going to sue him?
: Yes, for hurting my business with his frivolous
Hey I know, I should have sued EA for selling me this

The tavern is usually a pretty good place to stop for
information in most video games.

: Don't they serve drinks here?
: Only if you sign some damned release form! Me, I don't sign no
such papers just to get myself a drink. No wonder the owner of this place
was thrown in jail.
: He's got to be guilty of something! I hope that he and that
pirate gal get what's coming to them.
: What do you know of the pirate?
: I know that she's a pirate and that she's gonna get hung.
That's what we do to pirates in the city of justice!
: Right. Well, goodbye.
This asshole doesn't know anything
either. Let's try the bowyer.

: Look, if you've come to buy a bow, I can assure you that they
work very well. Please don't listen to what is being said about my
: What's being said about your products?
: Oh, lately people have charged me for misrepresentation,
claiming that my archery tackle is defective because they can't hit their
: I swear, I test everything that I make and they work.
: Now I'm being dragged into court because someone else can't hit
the broad side of the court house.
: People in this town are going crazy over court cases. Look at
what's going on with this murder trial.
: And then there are all of the lawsuits. People are getting
thrown into jail left and right over frivolous lawsuits.
: What about the murder trial?
: Everyone is going nuts over this Raven woman who supposedly
murdered all of the gargoyles, and they don't have any
...Oh. Well, fuck.
: She's going to be found guilty. It's a real shame because I
don't think that she did it.
I'll be damned if we're going to let
Raven take credit for murdering those hideous monsters!

: Your Honor, I swear to you... I am innocent!
: That will do.
: But, Sir...
: I said that will do! As I was saying, it has been proven beyond
a shadow of a doubt that Jean-Paul, being the tavern keeper, did purposely
and with malicious intent allow one of his patrons to become intoxicated
with ale.
: The defendant did not effectively warn the plaintiff that the
plaintiff could, under the influence of the defendant's ale, act
recklessly and without thought to personal injury.
: But, your Honor...
: That will be enough! I find the tavern keeper's actions
unconscionable. I find the defendant guilty as charged!
I don't
understand. This is a civil suit. 
: Jean-Paul, keeper of the tavern of Yew, I sentence you to
prison to await your fate: death by fire.
: No, it can't be!
: Ah, but it is.

: Very well, who stands accused, and what are the

: To state specifically that she knowingly and intentionally
brought down the glorious dome that protected the city of Ambrosia, to
drown the inhabitants of the proud Gargoyle city.
: To further state that to insure the death of the Gargoyle race,
Raven did then kill the Gargoyle Queen, thus making the reproduction of
Gargoyles impossible.
: To finally state her most heinous crime, to insure the
destruction of future generations of Gargoyles, this Raven did destroy the
egg nest.
: To state that Raven is guilty of all of these crimes and of the
destruction of a proud race.
Proud? He has no idea.
: Defendant, you are charged with the crime of genocide; the
willful destruction of an entire race. How do you plead?
: Wait a minute, your honor, I have something to say!
: Silence! I will not tolerate such outbursts in my
: But I did it!
: I said silence!
: But there was reward money. 
: Now, how does the defendant plead?
: Does it really matter how I plead?
: The defendant will respect this court and enter her plea or she
will be harshly punished!
: Fine, let's get this over with: I plead guilty.
: No! Your honor, she didn't do any of those things. I did
: I told you to be quiet! She's obviously guilty. She just said
that she is.
: One more word from you and you will be held in contempt, the
punishment for which is death at the stake. Now be quiet!

: Raven, this court finds you guilty of the crime of genocide.
You are to be burned at the stake until you are dead.
: You are to be transported to the prison Wrong immediately until
such time as your sentence is carried out. Do you have any final
: Yeah, piss on your 'justice'.
: Very well, you've made it easy on this court to order your
death. Bailiff, take her away.

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