Part 18: Autumn 1993

Welcome to the dramatic(?) finale of Scenario B! Last time, someone (again) kidnapped Linda from the hospital. It turned out to be the No. 1 and No. 2 clones, a.k.a. Sumire and Yoshiko, who apparently found a way to restore Linda's left arm via a surgery. In order to help out with that, Ken needs to go and bring four pieces of scorpion meat from the nearby cave!

As the clones have mentioned, we need to head a bit south from Garex... this place here.

This place is called Sand Hole and there are definitely scorpions to be found here (among a couple of other species which we won't bother with today).

Hm, the colours are all wrong, but that definitely looks scorpion-shaped! Let's see...

They definitely look like scorpions, but as it turns out, unfortunately, they are fakes! The name of this enemy in the game is literally "fake scorpion". As with most other non-capturable species, these too are mostly a distraction which serves no real purpose. As you can see, they don't even have a gender designation on them, if you needed more indication that they are fake (if the name itself wasn't enough!).
Anyway, continuing down into the cave, you will eventually come to a place like this:

And here, in quicksand pits like this one, is where the real scorpions can be found!

Here are a few real ones, for a change! As you can see, the only difference from fake ones is the colour scheme and also the fact that these do have the gender designations. Well, also the name.

In any case, we need to capture at least four. I decide to capture two extra so that we can hand them in at the ark. It's not necessary as we already have the needed 50 species and also it doesn't give you any kind of an additional bonus, but since we're already doing it, why not, right?
Once that's done, we can head back outside. By the way, you have to use the run button to get out of the sand pit, so it does cost a couple of HP.

As before...

...we'll make camp with Ken and select for him the option to process meat. We'll process four of the scorpions into meat, as requested.

Coming back to Garex...

...we'll go straight to the bottom floor where the clones are. It appears that No. 2 (Yoshiko) has already been prepared for the surgery to remove her left arm and give it back to Linda, while No. 1 (Sumire) will be actually performing the surgery.

Ken handed over to Sumire four pieces of scorpion meat.

Ah, still more of those?

Aynway, Ken goes upstairs, and in fact even if he wanted to he can't leave because of those closed doors.

While we wait...

...we can check out this computer which wasn't operational previously.
TransCargo IN: Tree Frog ♀: 1, Tree Frog ♂: 1.
So the game basically gives you a total of three species for free, like in the previous scenario! This time it's harder to miss it since Sumire even directly tells you to check the equipment on the upper floor.

Ken is walking around nervously...

But soon enough...

...Sumire shows up to talk to Ken again. So at least now we'll find out what happened.

And here is the situation downstairs: Linda seems to have gotten her arm back, but of course Yoshiko now has only one. Of course, Linda's arm was transplanted on Yoshiko so that she could activate the ark with it, but what exactly happened with Yoshiko's original left arm? I guess we'll never know...

You can choose whatever, but it makes no difference.
Ken presses his lips on Linda's <insert_chosen_option_here>

He does...

And, finally, the Linda we all know and love is definitely back!

That is a very cute animation, no two ways about it.

Ken explains to Linda everything that has happened in the meantime.

Then, finally, Sumire, who's been standing around during all this, approaches.

As we leave...

And with this, we can leave this place.

The lift, unfortunately, is out of action for some reason, so we have to take the stairs.

It all goes fine for a while, but...

...on floor no. 3, we unexpectedly run into Emory. Well, figures that he was not going to let this go so easily!

Sumire shows up suddenly!

Well, I guess he's taken that parasite growth accelerant thingy! Also, I love how he just casually lights up in the middle of all this!

Time for a "boss" fight, it seems?

Indeed. Pretty cool design, I have to say.
The fight itself, though, is much easier than the one with Hume, mainly because he just doesn't do a huge amount of damage. Also, there was almost double the amount of capturing to be done in this scenario, so you will naturally be a higher level, making it even easier.
We can start by transforming both our characters into the strongerst animal they are able to. For Linda this is rabbit with +48 in attack power and for Ken, it's still the eagle which at this point brings a crazy +131 to his attack!

Ken's attack easily does nearly 200 HP damage to him (and he only has 800 HP total to begin with!).

Eventually, he'll summon a bunch of these parasite tentacles on the sides... but just deal with them, they pose no huge threat.

He doesn't exactly fight just with his bare hands, as you can see here!
But regardless, this is soon over.

He creates a big explosion which causes the rubble to collapse on the stairway!

Well, we can't get past the ankle-high rubble, so, instead...

...let's check on Sumire.

Oh hey, she's still alive!

Also she morphs into her robot form!

She causes another explosion...

...which eliminates the rubble!
And back to her normal form.

And so, Linda and Ken make their way back out.

And then...

...another explosion...

...finally destroys this place, once and for all. Unfortunately at the cost of Yoshiko and Sumire sacrificing themselves.
That comment about Hospico is interesting, though. It seems there is still a bit more of this plot to unravel, so we'll get to that in just a moment.
In the meantime we should make camp with Linda, since she has something to say.

No difference here either no matter what you choose.

Well then, let's head to Dogy Figh via this tunnel. It is definitely a pain that in the south area there's really only one place with Bird Line facilities, but what can you do.

There's actually these two people here in the tunnel which we haven't really talked to, but they actually have some interesting things to say! First this guy here.

And the other guy.

So... those are both hints that we'll have to take a look in the next scenario for sure. Especially interesting is the second one which seems to indicate a way to get kangaroos to appear so they can be caught. So we'll try to figure out what it means soon enough. But for now, let's be on our way. We have an ark to launch (after we finish the last few bits of cleanup, of course!).

As we walk through the tunnel, we get another notification of a message. What could it possibly be at this point in time?

In the Dogy Figh entrance area, we can read the latest news bulletin.
N.K. News Bulletin
A new explosion in Garex!
The Ozsat meteorology department has announced that a small explosion has been detected in the vicinity of C-21 location. Experts believe that the explosion was caused by some transformation in the unrecovered explosive material in Garex.
Well, that's one way to put it, I guess.
Since we're right next to the phone, let's also check the message...

The "real" Sachiko? Could it really be? Well, Sumire did also mention something about Hospico, so there's definitely something going on.
First, though, let's head over to Ken's house in Hardia.

Ken's mum and Ben are here...

Depends for whom...

As always, Ken's mum stays awesome. That was a nice little optional scene, but now let's head out.

First, we'll stop by the ark to hand in those few remaining animals: anglerfish, cobras and tree frogs which we got from the cryogenic storage, and also a pair of scorpions that we ended up having as extras.

So that brings us to a total of 54 out of required 50. As mentioned, we didn't need to bother handing in those last four, but since we were already here, why not, right?

While we're outside, one last overnight camp with Linda, at least for now.

I love these little bits! However, now is the time to finally head over to Hospico and find out what's going on.

While we're here, we can still talk to a couple of people we missed before who have something a bit interesting to say.

Like this gentleman here...

Very interesting, and it ties in into the whole backstory of this game, how humans started exploring deep space and arrived on this planet to begin with! We should try to find out more about this at some point.

This guy here has no "lore" for us, but he IS very funny.

All right, now let's head over to that one hospital room that always gets used when a game's character is hospitalised!

Well, that surely looks like yet another Sachiko! Let's see.

But... Isn't the real Sachiko dead?

Just so he would think that she's still alive? This is all so incredibly messed up.

No, you can't just... We're about to take off with the ark!
However, nothing we can do. Let's just go then.
But as we do...

Oh, good.

She goes outside. Also, this is one of the dialogue choices which do make a difference. If Ken chooses the second option above, then this following conversation doesn't happen and he and Linda just leave.
So let's hear what this is all about.

Waitwaitwait! Where is this coming from now? In this Scenario B, Ken certainly has no knowledge of any kind of a twin brother!

What the HECK are you even talking about!

Reminder, West Area is where the abandoned Beastian town of Koshikata is, and where we had met Nek in Scenario B. Also I still maintain it should be called North Area instead. Anyway, sorry for the interruption here.

A lie, huh? Yes, I'm sure you made up this very specific elaborate story just to mess with Ken. Absolutely. Not to mention, that portrait in Sachiko's room, which we have some vague idea might also be of Nek!

Also, what a thing to drop on us, just minutes before the end! Good one, game. Good one.
I'm also pretty sure you can entirely miss this conversation if you don't come here before taking off with the ark. Remember that Linda's arm is healed, so nothing is stopping you!
Anyway, Sachiko is not yet done talking to us.

Ahahaha this thing again!
Let me see here, what shall we choose?

We're still not done here.

Man, this conversation is like "the greatest hits of Sachiko(s)". But we are actually done now finally.

All right, let's see now, Linda is probably getting annoyed by now!

Before we leave Hospico, there's just one last thing we can do.

Go over to Panheim's lab and talk to his assistant.

So I guess this is where they kept her while in a vegetative state and where the switch happened with the clone.
All righty, that's everything. It's time to head to the ark!

Before we go up, here's where everything ended up level-wise with our two characters:

Now, let's make our way up to the control room.

But getting there...

...somehow Emory drops out of somewhere!

Well then.

Suddenly... of the Sachikos shows up from somewhere.

She takes him...

...and starts dragging him away to another part of the ark. Ken and Linda follow.

Ah, so Yoshiko/No. 2 somehow survived the explosion!

She jumps off together with him.

And being that C-Mode is the self-destruct mode, they both explode together on their way down!

Let me quote myself: "Well then." At least the third clone still lives.
But, there is definely nothing else left to do now but to take off! So let's go back to the control room door.


...of course we need to activate the console, as always.

Of course, we have no reason to turn back as we've done all we needed to do already.

And well, it's take off time!
[Photosensitivity Warning: The following video features brief instances of rapid flashing.]

Well, the song is different from last time! But seriously, this is the second and last time with this kind of ending.
About the song, this one is called "Linda's Song", and as before, is performed by Linda's voice actress, Minami Takayama. Also, as before, an alternate version was recorded for the soundtrack CD which was included in the Sega Saturn version. That one is, still as before, performed by Ryouko Kihara, who composed the music for this game:

And so, here we are.

I know what you're thinking. Not only was not much of this planet's mysteries even touched upon, but we even have more of them added to the list! For example...
- What is the whole story about Ken's father?
- What is the deal with Minago, anyway? We never really get to do anything there as it always gets annihilated. We also never got to hear much of that story that the animal expert in Minago was going to tell us!
- What is the whole story about Nek and this cloning stuff that we just now heard from Sachiko?
- What is the deal with those blue teleporters we never really figured out?
- What is the deal with the strange status we saw in dungeons around the teleporters?
- What is the deal with the Beastian Elder dude?
- What is the deal with the dog fighting arena owner and his weird family?
- What is the deal with that kid whose father works away but in reality is actually divorced from his mother?
- What is the deal with the mythical snow beast? (Yeah I know you forgot this one, it was back in Scenario A!)
- What is the deal with this whole planed to begin with?
- And the most important one... will Sachiko ever stop being utterly perplexing?
...and many, many more, including a whole bunch of heretofore unexplored game mechanics!
Well. Not to get ahead of myself, but I'll just say this. Scenario C is (more than) a little bit different from the first two. But we'll get into that next time (No tease this time, it's time to start delivering on the promises!).
Until then, take care!

Today, a couple of storyboards from recently seen cutscenes:

And then a bit of a, shall we say, risky one of Linda, from the PC Engine era: