Part 68: Day 31 - Gameplay mini
Day 31: Gameplay miniMusic: First Trumpet

Yang (fish mode) doesn't actually attack, instead releasing a wave that heals HP and SP of nearby employees. It isn't completely defenseless, mirroring any damage it takes as White damage to its attacker.

Yin (fish mode), on the other hand, is kind of a beast. It deals 25 Black damage periodically in an aura around itself, and has a special laser attack which deals 100 Black damage. Trying to suppress them is incredibly difficult, as if either one is suppressed, the other must be suppressed in a relatively short time or else it will revive at full HP.
The two of them select a room in the facility to meet up, and both begin moving towards it. In this case the room was Central 3, so despite Yang starting on Central 4 and Yin starting just to the left of it, they both go through the entire room to get to their destination.

I hide most of the agents in Welfare while the fish are swimming towards each other, because when they meet

At the end of the beginning, the dragon which now became a great avatar soared through the sky.
-Yin's story
So yeah. Giant dragon.

The dragon flies through the facility, and does two things. The first is that it instantly inverts the HP/SP of anything it touches. 100% HP becomes 0%, 47% becomes 53%, and so on. Given that everyone in our facility was at full health, this means it would kill anything that it touched. The second thing that it does is instantly lower the QC of any Abnormality with a full QC it flies through to 0. This means that in addition to the list above, we have Queen Bee firing off some spores.
The birds all being freed also triggered something, but nothing came of it and we'll cover it later so let's skip over that bit. I'll bring it up later when it matters, I promise.

One other note: while the girl Tiphereth is currently considered in meltdown status by the game, the boy Tiphereth is not. This means that the game will still check and see which Tiphereth is saying the line when Central has a breach or death, and if it's the boy then the line still shows up. That's really neat, and I didn't know about it until grabbing this footage.
Music: STOPS

So anyways, we've got Blue Star out in Disciplinary, and I decide to see if our facility can take care of it now.

We wind up taking some casualties, Evil Kit and a couple of newbies, but our damage is much better than it was-with White bullets we're able to take the thing out!

Music: Second Trumpet

The darkness in Disciplinary is because of our new Abnormality, which has just succeeded in killing our last newbie. We'll cover exactly what it does in the full update, but for now?

The suppression ends without incident after that.

Retry Count: 7
Yeah, I just completely forgot that Zeta21 was holding Yang until it was too late. Don't do that. We could have survived, but with a handful of Agents down and Twee (who has the Good E.G.O gifts) being one of them, I didn't feel like keeping the day. This is an example of what days in this facility would probably look like if I didn't know what I was doing. Lobotomy Corporation does not pull punches.
But mostly, it serves as an object lesson in what happens if Yin and Yang breach.

Next time, on Lobotomy Corporation: Birds, but we actually find out what the new one does.

Music: Town - VIP Lounge