Part 2: Episode 1, Part 2 - Setting the tone
I didn't manage to get the thing done in time because I fell asleep. That's my storyPS. I would just like to make it abundantly clear that I really really do enjoy LP2 a lot and I do think it's a fun game that fills a woefully empty niche. It's just that a lot of it is so completely wrong
David Copperfield posted:
I've got something in my eye just now...
come here I will get it out w/ a revolver
Zombie Defiler posted:
Hey Dan & Dad, will you guys be playing with two guest goons for each video? After all, it is a four player co-op game.
(I want to play with you guys. Well, I guess if you go and use the super rad PS3 version.)
Him over there doesn't have a PS3, I'm afraid. If he did I'd have forced him to LP LBP with me by now.