Part 18: Episode 4, Part 1 - Fizzling out
Hello, Mrs. Kalashnikov! Is Andrew in?Oh, oh. We've also got an all-new vaguely interesting magic twitter update robot that tells you about what we're up to if that kind of thing interests you. We had to set it up for a bunch of complicated reasons to do with which I hope you'll see soon.
Incoherent Moron posted:
Oh hey, I was wondering where this thread had gone off to. I started following it, then I lost my cookies and couldn't find it. Just spent most of today watching the entire thing, and you guys should team up with Ambisagrus and Palisade more often, as those were some of the best videos of any LP I've ever seen.
The two of them refuse to speak to me after the whole trains incident The last thing I ever heard from either of them was when they spraypainted "LP BLOOD FEUD" on the site of v.lp in the dead of night