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The Let's Play Archive

Lost in Time

by Nidoking

Part 3: Episode 3: If it were really this hard to start a fire, everyone would freeze to death

Well, to be fair, in the process of repairing the hose, she also gets a very important item with no less than THREE uses, making it among the most-used items in the entire game. However, we'll only be seeing two of them in Episode 3: If it were really this hard to start a fire, everyone would freeze to death.

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED: Doralice saw a wrecked ship off the coast from the top of the lighthouse and decided to investigate. She tried to row out to it, but got caught in the "Devil's Teeth", the treacherous rock formation that sank the Briscarde in the first place, and had to swim to shore. Fortunately, she found a secret passage from the manor directly into the shipwreck, where she discovered a box protected by a padlock, an electrified wire, and if the writing is to be believed, a deadly gas.

The game still pretty much makes sense at this point, because it hasn't given us much of the overarching plot. The next video will be two brief puzzles and a long series of cutscenes that will hopefully give you an idea of just how screwed up the whole thing is. My summaries will probably start being relevant at that point.

I've also updated the character list in the second post with the new information from this video. I'll be doing that after each video, so be sure to check. The information may help you follow what's going on.