Part 21
hey homies let's go explore the HIGH SEAS!
And angler something. They're all weak to fire, which I guess makes sense I mean water and fire are opposites so. . . It just seems kind of counterintuitive, I was using boly on them.
This castle is our next destination. But I like sailing.
Oh lord that thing is huge!
It's a dolphin! No, it's a shark! No? Then what is it? A whale? (working at six flags sucked, I'll explain this later)
So anyway back to this castle
I'm telling you, it's a light house, and you're all crazy.
You were just reading the Let's Play 7th Saga thread.
I hear this every town.
I hate those rich jerks.
but it has fucking sweet spells, Firebird tears shit up, and champion is the best healing spell.
Uh oh, a sub-plot that is kind of stupid.
Hans is the bodyguard to the princess. He's crazy about her, but being a soldier. . .
yeah, tough luck for him, I guess.
You have excellent eyes.
It's not just my eyes that are great. I'm also a good swordsman. Name's Hans.
I'm Guy, and this is Selan, Maxim, and Lexis.
Maxim?! You're the party that did Gades in! What a stroke of luck to meet you!
Even on Ustark continent people are talking about us?!
Anyone who knows anything about Swordsmanship has heard of you! By the way, do you know anything about the guy who landed on the Northeast tower?
Someone landed on the tower?
Yeah, and ever since, hordes on monsters have appeared!
Maxim. . . that might be. . .
The remaining Sinistrals we haven't met yet?
There are more sinistrals?
Yeah, we heard that there are three others with the power of Gades. That might be one of them.
Wow, that means
Yeah, if that's true, this kingdom might be in danger.
Well I'd better go to the tower.
Yeah he'll probably kick your ass, you might want to reconsider.
Well I need to go there anyway, I mean, Eric's attendent asked me to get this gem that he needs to get the princess to marry him.
And you agreed?
Awww poor guy.
So we need to go to that tower, because Hans is there getting that gem so that that rich jerk can marry the princess instead of him. This sucks.
fucking pumpkins. Let's summon a firebird to burn them down.
Awesome spell.
Fucking minotaurs, they like to be jerks and hit me with axes and shit. Let's summon up an ice valkyrie.
Awesome. These spells kick ass.
Okay here's this tower.
Hey, no annoying people are here to greet me, awesome.
Except for this GHOST!!!
I can blow up walls woo
Hmm if I go up here, I end up in a really gay room with just a bunch of enemies and nothing else. So I knocked that pillar back and hooked across.
I end up at this thing here, first I took the left door
Yeah well
If I turn these arrows I can move this bridge
Like this woo!
And then go outside and go into the other door so I can cross this.
Oh no HYDRAS! Oh wait I forgot this is Lufia II, translated by a retarded japanese baby, so it's Hidora.
Dorf learned a new attack, but he never used it so I don't know what it does.
It doesn't hit everyone (I don't think) but it's still pretty good.
Outside again, we end up down here.
Another one of these walk on every space puzzles, except in this one, if you walk back over a space, it turns black again, so I managed to walk over some spaces multiple times to get through
Whee doors
Boy I sure had to go through a lot to get this key that's the best joke I could come up with.
Oh lord, they have shields growing on them! Also, gorem
So anyway, heading back to the room with the moveable bridge, we end up taking the left path this time, which takes us to
A crazy puzzle! The platform moves in the direction the arrow indicates. Of course, you can change the direction of some of the arrows, which takes you to treasures woo!
Who is samu and why does he have a jewel?
Samurais, you say? Don't mind if I do!
it's so mysterious
It let's you attempt to insta-kill enemies with its IP, but Guy doesn't need that. It's also a fucking NINJA JEWEL WOO
Fucking NINJAS. Oh yeah, so we're at the point where the enemies (many of them) attack twice per turn. That is, if they use regular attacks. So these Ninjas are fast as fuck and like to instantly kill my characters, it's annoying. Or they use knife throw which hits everyone, or they just attack twice. NINJAS
These guys are fast, hit twice, but lack the insta-kill power of Ninjas. And, you know, they look stupid.
Here I am at the top of the tower, I actually went back to the town and healed which was dumb because there's no boss SPOILARZ
I have a cousin named Hans.
I. . . I cant move my body. . .
Something's here Maxim!
This feeling. . . could it be?!
It feels like Gades, but somehow more than that!
Ahahahaha the screen flashes purple how fucking this guy must be?!
Yeah, we know who it is, and harkening back to the first game, he is played by
You must not feel embarrassed. That is the normal way of things in these waves.
Where are you?! Show yourself!!!
He looks like what I imagine Bigpeeler looks like. A big, golden manbaby.
Who are you?!
I call myself Amon, Master of Chaos.
Amon. . . Master of Chaos?
So you're one of those four Sinistrals, huh?! What about the other two?
I see you know about us already. But it matters not. There is nothing you can do to stop us. The other two, Daos and Erim, will descend soon. Too bad you can't even get close to them.
Shut your mouth!
Guy decides that he doesn't really like living any more, so he runs straight at Amon. What an idiot.
Dude what the fuck
You're retarded!
Do not throw your life away so fast. I shall show you true terror in time!
Shouldn't you say true chaos?
Well anyway, Hans goes into the next room to get the gem or whatever
I don't see any gems anywhere.
Yeah there's just this blue* stone and that's it.
No, this is it! This stone is it!
This blue stone? It just looks like an ordinary pebble to me.
It is just a pebble, but this is it. I'm taking this back to the castle.
Yeah we should head back too.
*In Japanese, blue and green were originally the same word (aoi) until they borrowed a word for green from chineese (midori). This leads me to believe that a lot of the translation was done without the translator even seeing the pictures or anything, which accounts for a lot of the translation errors. Man, that's fucking stupid.
Back at the castle, this jerkbag prince is yelling at Hans. What a ! Also, the king in the last place didn't get enough time to be so this king is totally stealing that shit. And the princess will be uh I guess. Oh and the prince's attendent isn't speshul so he's just
Yes, I think that's it.
Silence! Stop this nonsense! You just couldn't find the gem, could you? Here, take this! What do I need a pebble for?!
Don't worry Eric. I heard the princess likes sapphires. I prepared one of excellent quality just in case.
Excellent, shall we then?
Will it work?
take that, you jerk!
Did you find the gem?
Oh, I see. . .
But, I did find something you had lost.
Something you lost when we were children.
I have never forgotten it, that small stone you gave me when we were children. I still treasure it. . .
I had no idea, a stone. . .
Princess, I am still not worth of you.
I've grown used to waiting. But please, don't make me wait much longer!
I won't, I promise.
Oh, you're still here? You can leave me now.
Dude she just keeps fucking burning him left and right.
You'll regret this! I'm the only one who can bail this castle out!
Hold your tongue! I'm the king, and I can manage just fine without you! Now get the hell out of my castle, you fucking douchebag!
oh shi
Uh oh something's up
What's wrong?!
An man destroyed the village of Agurio north of the tower! I have to tell the king!
That must be Amon! Let's go teach him a lesson, with our blades being the teacher, get it!?
Have you all forgotten I'm here?! I haven't had a single line this whole update!
Poor Lexis looks like Amon is being a douche, we should go
Oh wait holy shit what
Anybody want a peanut?
Vote for a capsule monster guy! And while you're at it, check out this awesome thread that my friend Vallhallan is doing, it fucking rocks my socks.