The Let's Play Archive

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 33

It's kind of disheartening that no one seems to care that I BEAT THIS GAME

Ancient Cave trip report:

I found Strong pretty early on, which proved invaluable. Of course, the lack of armor for Maxim and Artea caused them to start taking a lot of damage after a while, regardless of level. It sucked. I found two blue chests:

Why does Selan get everything?!

So she has everything but a shield now. Damn. The IP for it is like the spell mirror but only works for ice spells, how gay.

I crossed my fingers when I got this, hoping that Artea can equip it

It also has a really cool IP, you attack all enemies and then hit them with the spell Firebird. Cool!

So there, three of my people have weapons, and Selan has a ton of equipment. Maxim has NOTHING. Except for a jewel, which everyone has.