Part 35
Okay here's what happens after the final save point, let's see if I can do this all in one sitting:
It's a little too quiet. . .
I don't feel any energy, either. . .
But something's fishy.
Just your smelly vagina OH SNAP
Yeah I should get on that shield
The IP makes you invincible which is a lot less useful than it sounds because Dual Blade's IP is so much better.
Of course it was a TRAP!
Who saw that one coming?
I was unable to reach the divine armaments before because of the seal. But, if I destroy you now, they'll become mine, won't they?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way!
Those armaments are perfect for he who can handle Dual Blade. And that's me.
Flaunting his fucking Dual Blade at me
You are not chosen! You are unworthy of wielding them! Say your farewells!
He blows us all to hell, but Maxim survives. Then he blows Maxim away again.
The redness is far too intense.
I get knocked down, but I get up again. . .
Don't worry Selan, he can't get me!
uh oh you know what time it is?
Spinny energy time! Spinergy?
Maxim counters!
Suddenly, Dual Blade begins to ring!
And then it comes over to its TRUE master.
Dual Blade. . .
What's going on?!
Dual Blade chose its true owner
It cannot be. . .
There, Maxim, hold the blade in your hands.
Whoa! The power, the energy! It's overwhelming!
This can't be happening. . .
I won't accept this! I won't concede your power to wield Dual Blade!
Then of course he runs away like a pansy.
Is everyone alright?
Yeah, we were on the verge of death a few seconds ago but now we're fine.
So Doom Island will probably just go destroy another city what can we do?
If the other girls and I focus our energy, we can stop it. You don't have time to argue so just step aside.
My ex's name was Lisa Marie
Oh boy here they go!
Light shoots out from the towers and then they create a large hard to screenshot pyramid of energy
Just imagine it as an energy pyramid okay
Looks like it's trapped. . . FOR NOW!
What aggravation! Then it's just a matter of time until they arrive.
No, they won't be arriving right away. I launched an attack on their ship while they weren't looking. This aura prevents me from destroying the ship, but it will fly no more.
You've thought of everything, as usual. But won't they just repair it right away?
I've taken care of that too.
Welp, looks like our ship won't fly! There's a quick scene where Artea admits he's a dumbass
What a moron. Let's take it back to Lexis to have it repaired. Of course Selan warps us.
It's destroyed pretty bad, but the engine is fine so yeah just give me like ten minutes.
word. Selan, can I talk to you?
oh yes
Of course Maxim pulls some stupid "you should stay here crap." Of course, this time Selan actually stands up for herself
Fucking owned. She just wants to be by his side for the final battle so they can go back to their baby. . . oh man this is actually getting kind of sad
Blah blah Guy and Artea are eavesdropping, well anyway we get back together and prepare for the final battle. Oh yeah Guy mentioned how they're going to havea huge party when they all get back! You can still go shopping, but you can't save because if you try to
Yeah, poor excuse dick
Woo I'll bet nothing bad is going to happen
Oh no we'd better hurry let's launch the boat and
Oh no damn it we don't have time to be fighting monsters now!
Hmm, Lexis offers to deal with them but damn man there sure are a lot if only
Single greatest moment in the whole game
Pfft you thought he was dead, you idiots.
Man I missed the guy.
Of course!
Long time no see.
Dekar, you're alive!!
Of course! Not only am I an excellent swordsman, I'm also great at staying alive, you see.
Yup, it's Dekar! No doubt about it!
Who else would I be? Say, there's a dangerous looking island in the air. Is that their castle?
Then you shouldn't be dicking around down here! Go!
Dekar. . .
I'll take care of the monsters down here. Go up there and get them!
Did you really think I'd go that easily?
Yeah, you're right. I'm probably the only one strong enough to get rid of you, right?
Oh ho ho! Who do you think you are, huh? But for now just go get the Sinistrals! We'll "talk" later.
Alright. We will TALK!!
Homosexual undertones.
The best part about this, which you can see in the video, is that the monsters actually start to run away from Dekar when he says this. Amazing.
We're ready for this shit
We were just inside for about eight seconds, and he already killed all the monsters.
Best video game character ever, hands down.
Preparing to fly to the island.
Then Amon comes in and is all like
Master, I will drop those annoying creatures like flies!
Interesting, show me.
With pleasure!
Not only did they break the aura, now they're shooting lasers!
Pfft you'll need to aim better than that! What are you, a stormtrooper?
We crashland in the castle and. . . hey look at the explosions there, it looks like a bomb. I think when they make explosion effects, they just put a bunch of bombs down and ignite them. . . what that doesn't make any sense what the hell Taito?!
Yeah, remember this from the first game?
blah blah blah the important part is
She finally uses Light!
That magical spell turned the lights on!
You'd think they'd call it the Fortress of Doom like you know the namesake of the first game but whatever. Considering it is the same damn place!
It's so cold. It's so cold it chills my heart.
You made it to my shrine at last. . .
Daos, Daos?! Show yourself!
Come! Come before me, I'm right above you!
Yeah yeah, let's just go
There are about 10 or so chests here and each and every one has a Miracle in it OH LAWD so I don't need to post all the screens of the damn miracles.
If you try to leave:
Pfft where would I go, I don't have a vessel to leave!
oh shi
Unlike in the first game, you fight them spaced out instead of all in one room.
Gades! You can't get away any more!
Silence! Advance not a step more!
Why won't he just stay dead? PS notice something about his sprite? He's for real left handed
More hot Zap action:
It never gets old.
The Dual Blade's IP, Wave Motion, is the best thing ever.
It restores all your hp and mp, and raises Maxim's stats to something ridiculous.
Maxim's regular attack after Wave motion, without a crit even.
With only 10k hp, he's weaker than some enemies near the bottom of the ancient cave.
Cool statue. Also, more miracles, etc.
This looked way cooler underwater in Lufia I
Second gunman
You're next, Amon!
You overestimate yourself! Now you shall see my real power, IN YOUR FACE!
He really says that in the game, too.
Yeah yeah, another easy battle. Wave Motion, trick on Selan and Guy, Zap. Also, your dominant hand on a polearm is the back one. Just saying.
Oh no, each of them have a shitty wave move, this one can CONFUSE US!
Weak. It confused Selan but who cares.
Why do they have OUTER SPACE inside their castle?
Oh no it could be a trap! This part is again from the first game. Yeah but they cross anyway but then something new happens:
Never seen HER before right guys?!
Are you the one chosen by Dual Blade?
Wh. . . who are you?!
I am. . .
What is it?! What is your name?
I'm Erim, Mistress of Death.
You're Erim? Was it you who revived Gades?
Exactly. As long as I live, the four Sinistrals will always revive!
So I have to destroy you to destroy all the Sinistrals, right?
That is my purpose as well. For our enemy is he who possesses the Dual Blade!
Anyway, this is where it starts to get a little harder because in addition to the whatever wave attack
Which I guess might auto-kill, she has
One of the best attacks in the game, does massive amounts of dark damage. Even hurts Artea, who has max MGR.
Aw I liked Iris
I have someone to protect. . .
That Woman beside you? You would risk your life for one woman?
To me, she means more than life itself.
Maxim. . .
What is this, human love? Ha! Ridiculous! Even it will fail before Daos!
Aw I mean maybe if Iris could survive and Erim die, like Lufia did in the first game. . . oh well.
Hey look at that bridge. Okay here's the final boss fight, but I'm going to split this into two posts so here's the halfway mark or so.