The Let's Play Archive

Lufia: The Legend Returns

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 35

hey so. . . I hope you all had a nice christmas, or whatever. Mine started out nice, but then ended up pretty terrible oh well! Although I did get a new screenname for xmas.

We have to walk all the way to the top of the tower from the bottom, woo. The first 6 or 8 floors or so were the first part, nothing exciting.

nothing new there, something a little new here though.

A chest with a miracle how exciting. Praise Foomy. As for the next few floors, I ran into one new enemy

At least I think it's new, a new palate swap of sword enemies.

This is ruby's "ultimate" IP, I guess, she uses most of her IP bar and her HP and MP to deal damage to I guess all enemies. I used it against Daos and it was wimpy but maybe it's good under certain conditions fuck if I know.

an IP where Deckard summons a giant whale to attack all enemies, apparently he's some kind of Viking.

back here again. . .

This guy says something a little different, but sells the same stuff. I upgraded the equipment of a few of my people. Of course, the next section was the same as before, so let's just skip to the top. . .

Ah, here we are.

We're paying you back for last time.

There are no friends who will come and save you this time.

You're the one without friends to help you! We've already defeated the two of them.

Oh, you mean Gades and Amon? I never really considered them my "friends". . . We are Gods, we are not the same as you foolish humans.

Huh, that's pretty sad, not having any friends you can count on.

That must be why you can destroy towns and people without flinching.

It is human to feel more pain when a friend is suffering than when you yourself is the one suffering. That is what is wonderful about humans.

You're just an imperfect existence that can't understand what true pain is!

Ha ha ha ha!!! You would tell a God that he is imperfect! You are the best! You are far too entertaining! But you are not forgiven for your insolence! You will rue your lack of power!

Your overconfidence is your weakness.

Your faith in your friends is yours!

I was all ready to make a video of this battle, with the handicap that I could only use magic, but. . . it was pretty much impossible, since I wasn't doing very much damage, and he has a move called like Bad Memory or something that makes it so any damage coming from a specific character is reflected. ANY damage. And you can't get rid of it, as far as I can tell. So. . . Seena was my main damage doing over a thousand per turn with Zap, but when he used that move on her, I couldn't win with just magic. So fuck it, otherwise it's kind of boring.

He of course has his own spiritual force attack

Like outside of battles, he attacks with laser beams pew pew

It hits everyone for decent damage and also can cause random negative statuses, which is I guess why his ring prevents them.

I decided to call on Nature to aid me! Come whale!

It only did like ~400 damage because Daos is a jerk. Also, I tried out ultimate bet but as I said before it reduced Ruby's HP to 1 and MP halved and only did like 300 damage, maybe it does more the more HP/MP you have? I also used Cursed Dice which was awesome, she rolls a dice and it raises a specific stat by a bunch for everyone based on what she rolls. Oh, she takes a bit of damage too, but it's totally the bomb, kind of like the Gadgeteers in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

This wasn't so bad, although his magic is still really strong and can OHKO most people. He's a dick.

As always, he gives you more EXP/Gold when you're supposed to kill him, but less LP. What a jerk.

I enjoy typos. I think they ran out of room for letters and were like FUCK IT CUT OUT A FEW VOWELS

This is the power of friends!

Ha. . . Humans are foolish after all. . . Do you think you've all beaten me?

Don't be a sore loser.

I am not. . . there is only one weapon in this world that can stand against Gods. . . Unless you use that, we will come back to life as many times as we want! HA HA HA HA!!! Dies.

Was he being serious?

Seena, what do you know?

. . . Dual Blade.

What's that?

I thought it was only a myth. . . It was a sword used by the great hero Maxim that amplifies the Spiritual Force of its user.

Such a thing exists? Where can we find it?

I don't know. But we may have a clue if we can find Doom Island.

So Doom Island must be holding the final key!

That must be it!

Alright, let's find information on Doom Island! Where should we go?

. . . Don't look at me! How the fuck should I know?

. . . Let us go to the Rosplett Continent in the south. It is a mystical continent upon which humans have yet to tread. . . We may learn more there.

Alright! Let's go to Rosplett Continent!

Next time on LP Lufia TLR, the new continent! Seriously, it would have been more interesting if this game was less formulaic. . . Or is it? You might be surprised. . .

 Before you ask, no the Star Wars quote was not in the game.