The Let's Play Archive

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 25

Scalding Coffee posted:

You can take your time with the update. I am not in a hurry to see Lufia the second, prequel.

Well I'm in a hurry to get this shit over with, so THERE.

Okay Doom Island.

It's floating northwest of Arus, you know, that place where we had to go through the magic barrier door to find Raile, only to find our he had left.

There's a landing platform, since I can't just fly up to the fortress, it won't let me.

Oh hmm a shrine, weird. . .

Hey this looks kind of familiar. . .

Oh those warps took me to doom island this whole time?! How does that work, it was underwater!

And he heals me and I can also save here, which is nice. Okay onto the fortress! We know what it looks like, so I don't need to screenshot it right? Okay I'll admit, I forgot. It's there though, it was also in the intro.

NEW ENEMIES?! Actually, the new enemies are incredibly strong and pretty tough. These guys weren't particularly hard, but some are.

All the treasure chests miraculously refilled. With stat raising potions and miracles!

As though Atlas isn't big enough on his own, MEGA ATLAS! Pushovers.

These things are pretty insanely hard, they can do between 100-200 damage per hit and have high defenses. A group of three can almost decimate my team. Almost.

I kinda wish I had four people.

These things are tough, and can use sunder (called "dragon") and generally just piss me off.

More miracles! There's also a staircase hiding underneath that text box, that goes down to. . .

Healing pads!

These guys use all manner of high level spells. Jerks!

I wish Lufia was here

Suddenly, the music gets really intense.

It's broken into splinters!

I thought splinters implied wood.

Well whatever it's fucking smashed to bits!

You cannot win without Dual Blade. Give up. Go home. You don't belong here. Why do you even bother to fight us?

I want Lufia back!

Really? But does she want to be with you, I wonder? Hmm. . .

She showed up in a big flash of energy and shit.

. . .


I'm sure you're not using any mind control or anything on her, either.



It's Dual Blade!

Impossible! We destroyed it!

It's flowing with Mixam's energy!

I wish I was flowing with Mixam's energy, if you know what I mean. . .

There's a lot of flashy spinny energy in this game.

It's magically fixed! YAY!




Maxim, thank you.

I'm going to stab you so many times no one will be able to identify your body again!

This is going to be easy as fuck. He can't even use magic!

After boosting Aguro's attack, he can lay down the hurt.

Since Gades can't use magic, I beefed up my defenses to prevent him from doing too much damage. He doesn't even do that much anyway.

He can raise his own attack power with the move undead. Weird names for enemy moves, let me tell you.

Wimp. Is that the best you can do?!

Apparently so. Fucking DESTROYED.

Note that they actually let you pause and heal between battles, which makes it a lot easier.

I didn't do anything to you, Maxim did. STOP GETTING US CONFUSED!

Amon likes to use magic. He also likes to use a move called chaos (he is the sinistral of chaos, although I think they call him Terror mistakenly, even though he's supposed to be chaos) that confuses your party. However, I have a magical defense against all his magic:

Mirror is essential for these battles (except Gades). All his magic, dread (which ends up lowering his defense instead of ours), flood, and chaos all hit him instead of my guys. Jerin ends up spending most of the battle making sure everyone is protected by mirror. However, mirror only reflects enemy magic, not support/healing magic. It's slightly broken.

Haha he lowered his own defense, what a faggot!

Aguro is a powerhouse.

He used this move, but nothing happened, not even an animation. It was really strange.

He managed to confuse Aguro, but Mixam put him in his place before Aguro hurt any of us. DEAD.

But can you wield Dual Blade? Let us see!

Of course, he's the most difficult of the three. Hard hitting physical attacks and attack all magic, plus he can take quite a few hits. However, I also have Mirror, so I think I'll be fine. And sometimes he heals himself with Stronger

Which heals practically nothing, and sucks.

He attempts to do something with this attack, but ends up hitting himself instead.

My attacks do a little less, even with Daos's defense lowered and my attack boosted. Oh well, I still kicked his ass.

Believe me though, I wasn't lying when I said the end boss is hard. Daos isn't the end boss.


They're attempting to merge into one!

Four sinistrals become one!

How can this be possible?!


The energy of Dual Blade! It can't be!

Daos! Erim's energy is becoming unstable!

Erim, my sister!

My. . . My head! Aaah!

Yay, she's free!

Lufia, can you hear me?!


Do you remember me?

I remember but. . . who am I?

Good, good!

Mixam. . .

Watch out, guys! The sinistrals are changing!

Come to me! Meet the hideous destiny you so richly deserve!


He is Guard Daos, the incredibly difficult end boss! His attack all magic takes off ~100 per hit, he's fast, and he has high defense and a ton of HP. He can also confuse your whole party. I TOLD YOU THE END BOSS WAS HARD! And you can't heal before the battle either! But you get Lufia back, rejoyce!

I was able to get mirror on Mixam and Aguro to block this move, but unfortunately. . .

He confused both Jerin and Lufia. This is going to be a hard battle without Mirror, Trick, and especially Thunder. Although I discovered I had an item called shriek that cures confusion, YAY!

Damn I missed that girl and her magic.

I ended up having to use Lufia to physically attack my confused characters, since she's so weak, to snap them out.

Sorry jerin, but lufia is going to do what she's wanted to since you joined the party.

Man I sure boosted Aguro's attack a lot. DAMN!

fucking FRIED!

THANK YOU, AND GOOD NIGHT! Actually, I guess being in the high 50's helped this battle not be ridiculously hard. It was still pretty hard though.


Hold the sword, Mixam.

Lufia, what. . .

16 years ago I was born as Lufia. But I was Erim long before that.

I. . . Don't believe that!

Face reality Mixam! Just as the sinistrals are your enemy, mine are those with Maxim's blood.

How can we be enemies? The Sinistrals are my foes, not you!

You idiot, I AM a sinistral! I am Erim! Even if you defeat Amon, Gades, and Daos, they'll return again as long as I live!

But. . .

Finish this Mixam.

Oh noesz, I think she might explode or something!

Mixam! Destroy me!

Dual blade is doing something funky!


I was so scared. . . all of Erim's memories flowed into me and. . . I started to forget you, Mixam.

That's why you disappeared in front of me?

But, when you called my name, I realized I remembered you Mixam. . .

Don't talk now.

Mixam, it's alright, the Sinistrals are gone forever.

Lufia, hold on!

Mixam. I was much happier in the short time I was Lufia than in the eternity I was Erim. (aw )

What are you talking about? We'll always be together!

Mixam, I don't want to go, yet. I want to be close to you, Mixam. (aw )

I won't let you die Lufia! Trust me!

We'll always be together? For a long time? Good. . . good. . .

Lufia? LUFIA!

Aw she fell, they should build this bridge out of sturdier materials.

Oh shi

Let's get out of here, it's too dangerous!

Mixam, come quickly!

Lufia. . .

Snap out of it, we have to go!

Okay let's cut to random people aroun the world rejoycing at the fact that Doom Island is falling and the Sinistrals are dead!

Is it trying to land?

No, it's out of control! It's falling!

Falling? Hey, they did it!

I know. I felt the energy vanish.

You mean?

It's finished. The people of our world can live in peace and safety once more.

I wonder if he leaves the house?

My long battle is over at last. Finally, real peace will arrive! Guy. Maxim. Selan. . . All over. Everything is coming to an end.

That sounds kind of ominous. . .

Yeah yeah this is getting old.


Hey wait, I parked on the other side of the island, what the hell. How'd the falcon get over here?

Any longer, and we would have disappeared with Doom Island!

I think he wants to be alone. . .

Don't jerin, there's nothing we can say to Mixam right now.

But. . .but!

We defeated the Sinistrals, our journey ends here. No one can stop Mixam.

But don't I even get to say goodbye? Does it have to end this way? I never even got to do it with him. . .

Aw poor girl.

Whee this is a long ending, I should've just made a video.

I have something else to do. I leave the training to you. You can do it.

But it's my first time, I can't. . .

Don't be a whiny bitch, just do it.

It's been a whole year, hasn't it?


I wonder what happened to Mixam?

I don't know. He's not in Alekia. I don't know where he is now, but. . . I have a feeling we'll meet again.

Yeah, I feel the same thing. We'll see him again. I dream about him every night, and when I wake up my underwear is moist.

A year has passed, Jerin, and there's something I want to tell you.

What's this, Aguro? You're never this serious.

How long do you think you're going to stay in town?


What do you mean, "what"? A year ago you said there was no place for you, so I let you live with me here. And yet, you've never looked for a new home.

Are you saying I've become a burden?

Yeah, you're bothering the hell out of me. Because of you, I can't even eat unless I serve in the army!

Hey I earn my keep, don't I?

It's expensive when two people live together. Besides, I don't even have a girlfriend!

You couldn't find one even if I wasn't living with you!

You weren't cute when I met you! A year later, you're still not cute!

I don't care if you think I'm cute or not!

Such attitude! No wonder you can't find a place to live!

Those two are made for eachother. They should just fuck and make up, seriously. This is the real conversation, too, I didn't make this one up.

Hmm the nearest village to where Doom Island crashed, this time. . .

Aw shit Priphea must be like poppies or something because I'm totally tripping right now.

Yes, I'm Mixam. I've been travelling the world for about a year now.

Around the world? I envy you. I've never been outside of the village.

Excuse me, but may I ask your name?

It's Lufia. I live in this willage with my grandfather.


is there something wrong with my name?

No! Not at all!

Oh, Grandpa!

Hey it's Flake.

Oh hey, person I've never met before! Welcome to our humble village. We are simple people here, enjoy your stay!

Hey grandpa, if it's okay, why don't we let him stay with us? I want to hear about the world outside this village.

Now that's a good idea. Mixam, will you stay and tell her some stories?

Of course, I'd be happy to.

Oh boy, I'm going to go make some tea!

As if you don't know, cheeky monkey!

That's Lufia, you dolt!

That can't be! Lufia is. . . a year ago. . .

We moved her here after her fall from Doom Island. She was weak, but she survived.

So it really is Lufia!

Yes, she's Lufia alright. But she can't use magic anymore.

What do you mean?

She's just an ordinary girl now.

But, why?

Because of Dual Blade. Its great power affects people in different ways. The blade's energy changed Lufia. Her magic and her memories. . . all gone.

Changed her? How can that be?

No doubt about it. When I found her, she couldn't even remember how to speak!

well, what about her memory now?

I taught it to her. Most of it is an illusion.

I didn't know. But why do you want me to help Lufia so much?

I don't know, I just. . .

Oh, you made cinnamon tea! You usually don't make it. What changed your mind?

Well, we haev a guest and I thought it would be nice.

When my guests come you make ordinary tea.

That's not true! Sometimes I make it for your guests!

Haha! It's alright, I understand. My friends alone can get you to make it. But Mixam is your own age, so I knew you'd want to do something special!

What, how can you say that? Ignore him Mixam.

I see, so you're saying you don't like him?

I never said that! Let's just have some tea, then.

What a gigantic bitch! That really must be Lufia!

Yes, but she's different from the Lufia you knew.

I don't care, as long as she's alive!

Even without her memories? She doesn't remember you!


Aw it brings a tear to my eye. How sweet!

This is the part where it freeze frames Maxim raising his fist with a sunset in the background, and then an 80's rock song plays.


Oh shit wait

The credits! I'm sure most of you don't care, but here are some pics they show during the credits!

Mark and Reyna running in circles!

Fatass king Herat eating!

Reliving the final battle in my nightmares every night!

Pirates planning to rape and pillage a tourist cruise.

That wacky Raile, can't keep his son Lou out of trouble!

AWWWW! How cute, they love eachother! What a sweet ending.


Yeah, we know.

I missed FOUR FUCKING CHESTS, ARGH! They are probably hidden in the walls of the Alumina caves, because according to my friend there are chests you can get by walking through walls there, but I didn't find any. BLAST! Oh well, I'm still awesome though.

And now, if I ever start over I can name the hero TAITO and I get 4x gold and exp! Not that I plan on playing through this game again any time soon, if ever again. Thanks but no thanks.

Damn, I'm done, what ever will I do?


I might start it before I go on vacation and then update it while I'm on my roadtrip home, cause some of the hotels/motels I'm staying at have internets. STAY TUNED, DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!

I love Lufia.

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