The Let's Play Archive

Luigi's Mansion

by RChimpCola

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Original Thread: Spring Cleaning, Luigi Style. It's Luigi's Mansion [VLP]



Dear Luigi,

We welcome you to your brand new mansion. One that you've won, somehow in a contest you don't remember. There is definitely nothing suspicious about this at all. Please come to your new completely unhaunted mansion at your earliest convenience. We can almost certainly guarantee that there will be no ghosts or any other dastardly creatures hiding there to catch you unawares

The totally not haunted free mansion corporation.

Or at least that's how I imagine the letter Luigi got looks, yes that's right it's time for a Let's Play of Luigi's mansion. The gamecube launch title that did not feature Mario in any major way, unless you count him being Luigi's princess. Frankly, that's a little weird. Without too much brouhaha, let's get started


Luigi's Mansion Part One -- Featuring Ladderface and Sinatrapod.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Two -- Featuring Sinatrapod and Garfield -- Der Film.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Three -- Featuring Sinatrapod.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Four -- Featuring Ladderface, Garin, and Slowbeef.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Five -- Featuring Sinatrapod.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Six -- Featuring Sinatrapod.Kilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Seven -- Featuring Sinatrapod and LadderfaceKilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Eight -- Featuring RChimpCola and LadderfaceKilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Nine -- Featuring Ladderface, Sinatrapod, and Static_FiendKilobops
Luigi's Mansion part Ten -- Featuring Ladderface, and SinatrapodKilobops
Luigi's Mansion Part Eleven -- Featuring Ladderface, and SinatrapodKilobops
Luigi's Mansion Final Video -- Featuring Ladderface, and Sinatrapod ( THIS IS THE LAST ONE)Kilobops


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Super Mario Bros 2 Video 2Google
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Toad's World Video 2Daily Motion
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