Part 12: I Love the Thieves' Woods
Chapter 12: I Love the Thieves' Woods
I was counting it awhile back, and as far as I can tell, the mandatory amount of times you have to pass through the Thieves' Woods in some fashion is... eight or so. Not counting how many times you will go through them to deliver items and such.

Believe it or not, I kind of forgot where the White Dragon Cave was. I had an idea that it was in the top right part somewhere. It's not hard, you just go like you're traveling to Perit, and then go directly east of the town.

Eh, honestly though, I'm kind of bitching over nothing. We're already here! Wow, that was painless.

Huh, what's that?

...I swear I'm not leaving anything out. You examine this floating cube, and Jian brings this up.
I dunno, maybe he's going somewhere with it.

You have to admit, that's a more pragmatic solution than Loki's. Although this does mean that Althena could have had a kickass eight legged horse.

Okay, so probably a lot of you are thinking "where the fuck did this come from?" and I was too. (No, none of this is in a prior Lunar game.) Turns out, a giant was mentioned by the citizens of Perit earlier.

A couple of other Perit NPCs confuse the sasquatches with this giant. And if you come to the White Dragon Cave earlier and examine this stone, Jian will warn everyone not to anger the giant. The thing is, the game gives you no context for these references, so I was confused and didn't know what to make of it.

Wait, why are we talking about Delrich Temple?
Oh... Oh no.

You've got to be kidding me, game.

You know what it's time for? Time to go back through the Thieves' Woods, and back to the first dungeon of the game. Yeap.

This sure is a good addition, meaningful addition to gameplay.

This is my bad, but there are a ton of steps right outside the temple. I didn't think anything of it at the time, since I just figured this was another way for the game to waste your time.

I also have to admit I was confused one what to do here, and really for no reason. You can probably guess what to do based on this screenshot, but I was of the mindset that the game was expecting something really obscure. I actually went through the dungeon again, and I found out some odd stuff.

To get to the bottom part of the temple, you have to press all the statues again.

And you can fight the four Sasquatch again if you wanted to.
But, uh, yeah let's go back to what you're supposed to do.

No, no, Flora, that would actually be interesting. Let's not kid ourselves.

I'm kind of impressed how the game took that many words to say "a door opened elsewhere."
All right, back through the Thieves' Woods. That would bring us up to about 10 mandatory trips.

Yup. And it's not like there's aren't NPCs in Perit who will tell you this is the White Dragon Cave, or a fucking sign telling you where the cave is.

Yay we're finally in.

I guess all the Dragon caves have to have stupid gimmicks. This one is falling icicles. Unlike the Red Dragon Cave, there isn't any precedence for that. Not to say the White Dragon Cave doesn't have a gimmick in a prior Lunar games; in Lunar SSSC you had to trick these yeti-type enemies into running into ice pillars.
There won't be anything nearly as interesting here.

Seriously, there's nothing to say about this dungeon. There's a blue chest in the first room, with a good piece of arm-wear for Gabryel, and that's about it for this screen. It's not a large or difficult room to clear, and I think maybe there's one new enemy but I couldn't really tell. It doesn't cast magic, steal, or break, so I can't really note it.

The second room is a little more complex, and it also has a blue chest. Apparently the blue chest only has a Mental Drop, an MP restoring item. You can't buy those, but I never use them, so I decided to pass. Also, I didn't get the chest pictured; it's an Evasion Ring. I assume it increases evasion. I doubt I would have used it if I got it.

I guess one thing to note is that the enemies' HP are getting higher. Two Gale Cuts couldn't take down all the enemies. Jian's Inferno at least does make a good "fuck this" button, but I'd like to get some use out of my other party members. Foolish thought, I know.

But yeah, that's it. Again, two rooms and we're done. The White Dragon Cave in the original Lunar 1 was more interesting. And keep in mind, the White Dragon Cave is the first dungeon of Lunar 1.
Now, if I were the naive sort, I would be excited about seeing the White Dragon. You see, in Lunar 1, meeting the White Dragon was really memorable. When you finally make it to the White Dragon's chamber, it's dark. You hear growling and see pair of eyes staring at you. And when you're about ready to shit your pants, the room lights up and you see... a kind, sage, almost grandfatherly creature. He introduces himself as Quark (for Fidy, as he's known in Japanese... WD made the right call) give him a ring/quest (depends on the version), and ultimately spurs Alex on his quest.

I don't know what the fuck that is, but it ain't Quark.

I was thinking about just using Quark's picture or the White Dragon from Lunar 2, but... no this game does not deserve that.

That really makes no sense. And yeah, in Lunar 1 the Dragon's don't have to disappear to give you their power. Why is this in the game? You already had an excuse why the Dragons can't kick Iggy's ass!

When I was playing this, I was actually kind of confused whether or Iggy actually did the Dragon trials. The game doesn't even bother to confirm that he did until now. I guess I should have assumed that, but with as much stupid bullshit this game is piling on, I couldn't be sure the game wasn't gonna pull some shit by saying that Iggy somehow became a Dragonmaster through some alternate method.

"I'm going to prove that I'm better than the bad guy by resorting to violence!"

You don't actually know that. Or a damn thing about him.

All right, next Dragon fight. What can he do?

Oh dear. This is going to be a challenging fight. We're going to need to be care-

Nah I'm just kidding you can stagger him too.

I really want to know why the boss fights in this game are starting to be easier than the regular fights.

Well, that was another dragon. Yup. So... I guess we just roll onto the next with the same joyless, mechanical efficiency.
Actually, before we move on, I'd like to mentioned that in Lunar 1 the White Dragon doesn't give you a piece of armor, he gives you something called the White Dragon Wings.

They give you a small amount of magic defense when you equip them. More importantly than that, however, they can instantly warp you to any town you've been to before. Why, that would be super useful here, wouldn't it?
...yeah, that would be nice.

Nah, Jian just saw Deliverance and he thought it was a documentary.

So, uh, you care to tell me where the Meryod Cave is? No. All right then.
Oh! Before I forget, we got a new spell! It's called Wind Cutter.

And yeah, you gotta equip the ring we got from the White Dragon to use it, and no you can't have both Inferno and Wind Cutter accessible at the same time.
Best part?

It's the same animation as Jian's fire spell, just the graphic overlay on top is a recolored version of Gab's Gale Cut effects. The original Lunar game didn't have the best spell graphics, but at least the Dragon Spells have interesting and special animations.
Well, for the lack of concrete direction, let's go back to Port Searis. And that's mandatory Thieves' Woods trip number 11.

Turns out, it's right by Port Searis. Okay.

Whenever this game has a half-decent line it just makes me sad.

Well, if we ever go to "Goolien" I'll keep my eye out.

Ha ha ha

Oh shut up Lunar Dragon Song.