Part 15: Levers
Chapter 15: LeversLast time Jian became a Dragonmaster... sort of? I suppose he has to cut off Iggy's head to become a "real" Dragonmaster.

By the way, you know what's also not in the game? Althena's Sword, which is the sword of the Dragonmaster. Again, kind of an important bit of iconography not to have in the game, but honestly at this point the game has far larger problems that not including a specific sword.
Whatever, we need to go find him really quick which is why we have to... do a thing.

Okay, first off, I got Gab some expensive new armor, and Jian some headgear. I actually can find this in a blue chest, but if I can buy one and not bother with the blue chest shit I will. There's not a whole lot more I need to buy, just stuff for Flora.
Anywho, what to do next?

I guess that's as good a lead as any.

Although this guy's dialogue does change too... but it's telling us about a cave we've already been to. Why the hell would we ask about it?

Well, obviously it's because we want to learn about geography.

Oh, you're going to make us backtrack, aren't you?

All right, we got the damn flowers for... no reason. Just that I knew that we needed them.

Okay, so I kind of did this in the wrong order. I'm thinking the game expected us to go see Kirlis when we first finished the Blue Dragon Cave, or possibly before that. We were probably supposed to see him, get sent off to get those stone flower thingies, and then go back. Fuck you Lunar Dragon Song, I'm not playing that game. But because I did this, I missed out on certain pieces of dialogue that the game assumes I'd see, and as a result the dialogue is going to be disjointed. Then again, the game does not program in alternate dialogue in case you do this in an different order. So it's kind of my fault and kind of not.

So yeah, we pass through the forest again. Wee.

This time, we'll actually enter the tower.

So the tower is all sciencey-looking as you might imagine. And I'm going for that chest.

Headgear for Gab. It also helps protect against poison and paralysis, so that's okay.

Although there are these things on the wall that shoot balls that hurt you. I don't know why that's there.

So there's two staircases leading up. I go up the first one I see.

And I go up the first one I see on the second floor.

And we're here. Hi Kirlis.
Oh, and refusing the hand the stupid flower provokes no funny dialogue, so let's just give him what he wants.

"Prepare your mind for expansion?" Are you pushing drugs?

It kind of reminds me of that little airship in Arc the Lad 2... that's probably just me.

Of course it does.

Yeah, yeah, I get you... wait, where is this lab?

Okay... where's the damn lab?

You fuckers are never psychic when I need you to be.

I ran around the tower trying to find another exit, thinking the lab was attached to this tower. It's not. There is some more treasure in this tower.

But other than a blue chest containing armor for Gab, which I've already bought anyway, none of it is particularly worthwhile. This Healing Ring is the only other noteworthy thing here. Gives you HP regen, obviously, but HP regen in this game is 5% of your max HP rounded down. Not worth the accessory slot.
All right, where is this damn lab, then?

Outside Port Olbeage.
Looking at the script, there are three references to Negri. Three total mentions of the name in the whole script, and we saw all of them. The game does not tell you where to find this.

So this is obnoxious.

Falling rocks from the sky for no reason! Cool!

And acid pools. If there's any reason why this place is such a shit hole, the game never tells us.
It starts pretty simple. You can only go to the top right.

And there's a fork in the road here. The right just leads to treasure, though.

Paralysis protection and HP regen. Eh

And I didn't even see this at first. I had to come back to get this.

...actually, it does improve luck and dex, as you can see. Still, not worth going back for, I'd say...

Anyway, the room on the top has a lever. So what door does it open? Well, there was a closed door right next to this room.

Ha ha, nope. It opens this door at the beginning of the dungeon.

Anyway, a couple of doors down, and it leads to another lever.

And the only blue chest in the whole place. It gives us some armor for Jian that I already have. So I skip it.

Oh, and guess what. That level we just pulled? The door it opens is yet again on the other side of this lab, right next to where the first lever was. There's also a lever inside this room. And the door it opens is on the other side of the lab, by the second lever.

Honestly, the blatant padding here is just sad. It's not even a particularly large lab or anything, but you can just hear the designers desperate to squeeze just a few more minutes of playtime in. By the way, by this point my play time was... around 21 hours I think. Admittedly, recording and other LP business pushes the play time up a bit, but yeah it's hard to imagine, isn't it?

One more room past that, and we've already got the stone. No boss or anything.

That was... sweet? I guess that could be a good character moment if we cared about Flora. Why is she here again?
Anyway, it's time to return to Not Myght and get our airship. And that means we gotta pass through two towns and the eastern Moto forest.
I really do cut a lot of the chaff out of this LP.

Oh hey, this airship has a name. Anyway, let's claim this airship.

I would say that Jian has a memory of a goldfish, but as anyone who's seen Mythbusters can attest, goldfish can be trained to memorize simple mazes, and they can retain the training for over a month. I'd rather not ascribe that level to intelligence to Jian.

Now that we have the airship, we can, in fact, go anywhere to any town on the map! It's about damn time!
...not that there's anything to do, mind you. I mean, this makes Gad's job so, so much easier, but why would I bother at this point?

There's not even a reason to talk around, since as far as I can tell, there's very little new dialogue.
Actually, there is one thing we can do. We don't have to, and it's not really worth doing, but... yeah, sure, let's do it.

Now while we can go to any town, that's not true for dungeons. In order to go to a dungeon, we'd have to land on the nearest town, and then immediately exit. For example, if we wanna go onto the western side of the Sungrid bridge, we'd have to land on Lind, and then exit, and then we can go on the bridge.

Oh, and speaking of Lind, I wonder if the writers suddenly remembered that the Vile Tribe was portrayed sympathetically in Lunar SSSC.

In any case, there is something to do on the Sungrid bridge. We pull the lever on the Lind side, and then go to Leephon, leave, and enter the bridge from that side. Then we gotta travel all the way to the end of the bridge.

No one has even cleaned the bodies up. Nor have they decomposed, somehow.

That lever we pulled on the other side? Opened this door.

And it leads to another fucking lever, because of course it does.

And the door that lever opens is in the middle of the bridge.

Angel Rings auto-revive you once. Considering that I haven't had a KO since... the three stooges fight, I think, I do not need this. The thought is nice, I guess.
But, uh... yeah, that's it. There's nothing else to do. Next time, we go back and give Iggy what's coming to him. It's an update certain to be full of drama, excitement, and maybe even a little romance.*
*Drama, excitement, and romance not guaranteed