Part 9: A Very Boring Daring Rescue
Chapter 7: A Very Boring Daring RescueSo Lucia's got herself into a major pickle and faces possible execution.
And we're in a new town! Let's go talk to everyone!
Dalton's theme.

There's a sight that says "welcome to Dalton motherfucker."

Normally I would care, I like being able to restore my HP and all that...

And not paying money for it. Hm.
But since I know what's coming up and where I can get to a free statue, I kind of don't give a shit.

Hey, not my fault I've played this game before!

Well, I played the first game, so I recognize the Four Heroes... but you're not talking about the same Four Heroes, are you? Guess we could humor the kid.

One would think the people wouldn't call themselves a cult, but what do I know. Anyway, this a lot of information to take in. Leo's an even bigger deal than we thought, Ronfar apparently dated a celebrity, and the cult of Althena allowed the leader of the KKK to join- oh, wait, wrong type of wizard.
Also, if you talk to the kid again right after he tells you about the new Four Heroes, the dialogue changes to reflect that you talked to him before. Of course, that goes away the second you enter and leave a building, but that's still neat.

First the thread(s) start fawning over Leo, now the NPCs are. I think I'm the only person who doesn't really like Leo all that much

Huh. That's interesting. We'll have to keep an eye out for that.
Also, you may have spotted a bar. The cult of Althena is super strong in this town yet a bar remains... well, let's check it out.

Ha! That was a call-back I wasn't expecting this game to make...

It seems like Leo's men are starting to suspect what's blatantly obvious. So they have working brain stems; good for them.

I can't believe Working Designs had the balls to put the words "balls" into this game, and we're not talking about basketballs. Although Sega was a lot less stringent on questionable content then say, Nintendo, Working Designs did have problems with censorship in the Sega-CD games. Although this game has naked anime chicks and blood and somehow still got away with a K-A rating, so someone fell asleep at the wheel.
Oh yeah, this game has a K-A rating, which the ESRB used instead of the E rating back in the day. Well, there is no smoking in Lunar Eternal Blue, despite Ronfar's odd affinity for that twig, so I guess it's okay.
Anywho, I guess we can leave Leo's men to wallow in drunken indecision. Before we see the rest of the town, let's check out the item shop.

They have most of the same stuff Larpa had, but there are two new items. Pictured above is the Mace, Ronfar's first weapon exclusive to him. He'll be down to one attack, but that one attack will be mundo powerful. There's also the Scale Armor, which is a bit pricey at 600 silver, but provides plus seven to defense. There isn't going to be a weapon or armor shop for a while, so you might as well spend your money. I pick up a Mace for Ronfar and some Scale Armor for Hiro, although I'm not going to need it right now.

So the rest of the Dalton is kind of odd.

The rest of Dalton connects through this tunnel. If I kept going right from here I'd hit the Destiny, but if I go down there's some more people.

Make sure, at least, you check this place out. If I keep going right and exit out the front...

Now in Lunar 1, there weren't many accessories, and by and large they didn't do much of anything. The Angel Ring, on the other hand...

Is quite nice. I'm hopefully not going to need it for a long time, but it's always nice to have for a tough boss fight.
If we go back in and then all the way down, that'll lead us to two residences. In that same tunnel, the flight of stairs all the way to the top leads to the sanctuary.

I'm not surprised, but it's still quite galling. They really don't want you to like the Althena-ites, do they?

Although her parents don't seem to agree.

That would explain how Leo was able to catch up with us so easily. And will continue to do so.

Okay, okay, I get it, everyone likes Leo. Tear down all the statues of Althena and erect ones of Leo instead... his followers would probably be less sleazy, at least.

Speaking of which! Yeah, I wonder who could have broken the statue.

That's... not ominous or suspicious at all. Or does Althena really suck at picking out real estate or something?

What is with all the people who want to bone god? That is not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd type.

I have no idea.
I think Lucia might be getting antsy. Let's go bust her out, shall we! Inflintrating music, please.

All right, we're on the Destiny... and it was completely unguarded. I'd wonder if we were walking into a trap, if not for the fact that Leo wouldn't really need to trap us. Well, let's poke around.

Ha ha! It's mine now. See ya later suckas!
Nah, you can't do that. I wish you could.
Anyway, that door you see below is an actual door, so what's behind door number one?

Oh crap! Shit, what do we do? Guess we'll have to fight our wa-

Oh. Uh, okay. You have absolutely no problem with the strangers stomping around on your super-elite military vessel?
And that's a lot of books in the background. Wonder what kinda literature they keep aboard the Destiny.

Moving on.

Wait, this is where you keep the gunpowder?! And worse you'll do to us is just... suggest we leave? I don't think it's gonna be hard to rescue Lucia.

...that is such a stupid statement on so many levels I can't even begin to deconstruct it.
All right, no Lucia here. Fortunately, there's another door on the deck. Let's check it out.

This was why I wasn't concerned about the statue, by the way. Rather handy thing for the Destiny to have, ain't it?

Wait, I was just in the weapon room and they were cool wi- you people are confusing!
These guys are a bit tough; they like to defend a lot, and it will often take two Poe Swords to take them down.

Unless you use Ronfar's Herbal Breeze, which will knock the Guards out without any difficulty.

Enemies that are asleep take double damage or quadruple damage(I'm not 100% sure) so Hiro can easily one-shot 'em at that point. Have Hiro defend the first round while Ronfar casts Herbal Breeze, then have Hiro take the Guard out. That's it.

And we're gonna be fighting a lot more of 'em.
A lot more.
As you can imagine, it gets pretty tedious. It's not even remotely difficult, and the kicker? If you're still somehow having problems, you can just go and touch up at the Althena statue. The enemies won't respawn.

At least the rewards are pretty decent. Ronfar went up two levels and Hiro went up one.

And I finally got Ronfar's Health up to level 8, netting him Calm Litany! Calm Litany is the all party heal spell, and Ronfar's most useful spell.
By the way, Ronfar is going to need 1383 Magic Experience to reach level 9. Level 8 only required 853 MExp. You see what I mean about the cost sky-rocketing?
Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention some of the things the guards say once you beat the tar outta them can be kinda funny.

All right, this looks like an engine room... or we've accidentally stumbled into Phantasy Star 4. Either way is cool with me. Let's take a peek aro-

There we go.

Christ Lucia, you are not helping your case here! What would be so hard to understand about "there's this really smug faceless guy coming to fuck up your shit and I'm trying to prevent that"?

See Lucia, if you had just tried to explain yourself to him...

Leo doesn't seem as sure of himself as usual. Hm. Kinda wanna check up on something.

Back in a sec, Lucia!
If we try and follow Leo, we'll find he went to his quarters.

Huh. You know, that may not be a bad idea. If Leo lets Lucia see the Goddess in return, she'll gladly cooperate. And Lucia gets a pretty direct line to Althena, helped by one of Althena's head honchos no less! And if Althena still wants her dead then Lucia was faking the whole time. It's a pretty solid idea...
Nah, let's just break her out of jail.

All right guys, this is a big choice, so we'll need to take a vote. You'll have by-

Ah. Oh of those "yes/yes" choices. I chose number 1, if case you wanted to know.

I'm pretty sure all it changes is that one line.

It's savin' the world! That's the only thing an RPG hero does understand!

Oh Leo. Leo Leo Leo.... at this point you're making it too easy. You know, I'm actually starting to pity the guy. Let's not lock him i-

Or Ronfar will just up and do it. Thought Leo was your best buddy! That is cold, man.

Not moments earlier, you were willing to entertain her request to see Althena!

Not going to explain those reasons... actually, Ronfar really doesn't know why Hiro is helping Lucia, does he? I mean, he could reasonably guess, but still I'd want a more concrete explanation before I betrayed my best friend.

He's... making that seem more straightforward that it actually is. No, getting to Pentagulia will not be that easy... not that easy at all...
But the journey of a million miles begins with a single step, so let's get to stepping.
After we taunt Leo for a bit.

Next time... I think you all will enjoy it. It will involve pain. My pain.