Part 17: She's so Frigid
Chapter 15: She's so FrigidSo last time we slogged through probably one of the worst dungeons in the game and Ghaleon came back from the dead and zapped Leo's ass. It was weird. Anyway, now that Leo's out of the picture, let's cross Nota.

And although Leo and his dudes have skedaddled, word about our... confrontation spread. Huh.

We got... some okay equipment for Hiro? That's kind of like priceless ancient treasure?

Oh and the mysterious ancient film projector... Man, that last update was weird.


At this point Ronfar, I'm not sure what the point of service is.

K-A rating folks. K-A rating.

Once again, Lemina dispenses her wisdom. Anyway, let's cross over.


And we're on the other side! I know it doesn't really look like it, but trust me.

Hell, I'm betting that ship accounts for 50% percent of their membership.

Wait, wouldn't fishy smelling lipstick be appealing to Ruby? It'd be a portable snack!
I, uh, don't wear make-up.

But okay, even I know you don't wear make-up to bed!

Fair amount of new stuff here! The shield and helmet are the same we got earlier in the ruins, but everything else is new. Pictured is the Shell Armor, which is an upgrade for Ronfar. On the one hand, it's a defense boost, but the anti-Poison property isn't all that great. Anti-Sleep is a hell of a lot more useful, plus Ronfar's old armor boosts Wisdom slightly. The Aura Dress, which both Jean and Lemina can equip, has the very nice Anti-Freeze property, and raises magic endurance. On the end is the Headband, which is the first piece of headgear both of the women can wear. I upgrade everyone's armor, although I'm going to keep Ronfar's old armor for now.

I have no idea how you can to that conclusion, Jean.
But it appears like the next town up (and you know Zulan is going to be the next town up, don't be stupid) has something going on.

Thank goodness we swapped Lucia's clothes out and that is her only defining characteristic and not, say, her long blue hair.

Oh fuck. This guy. Okay, I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. This guy wants us to make a delivery of wine to the other side of Nota. There is a guy on the other side who complains about needing wine with pasta, but he was boring so I didn't show him. (He was the guy with the son who wished he's stay home once in a while and come to his little league games.)

So you walk all the way over to the East Nota and deliever the wine.

You get the receipt, and then you have to return that to the guy who gave you the wine. And what do you get for this little errand?

Fuck you too, Lunar: Eternal Blue.
This isn't in the remake, although in that version there is this whole drama going on about a mayor and marriage and teenagers and... stuff. That whole thing pays off much, muuuuuch later. Basically no, the Rememberize Crystal is not in this game.
Also I made the mistake of talking to the guy again. Again he'll ask you if you want to run the errand for him, but this time...

You can't say no. Fuck. Well you know what?

It's mine. I'm keeping it. Yeah, you can't do anything with it, and it'll just take up space, but damn it, I'm teaching this asshole a lesson. Don't trust random kids off the street to deliver booze for you! A life lesson we all could stand to learn.
Yes I am that lazy. Deal with it.

Nah, nah, man, you can sell 'em with the right pitch. It's a little unusual to hang an action figure in effigy, but why not?

"Uh, no, mister, I just want a kung-fu Mauri doll, not... whatever weird thing you're talking about."

Also this makes me laugh for some reason. I'm thinking perhaps Working Designs didn't finish this bit.

It's.... a sponge. What's so gross about sponges?
Anyway, that item shop just sells Herbs, Spring Water, and Purity Herbs, so no reason to stop by there. Let's hit the road!

"Pretty good stretch to Azado," oh that's rich. What he means is "about three towns later."

Enough bitching about Ronfar's many, many lies, let's get started on the way to Zulan. We run across-

Ah fuck the fish bunnies are back! These guys were absolute bastards in Lunar 1. The Wasps weren't too bad, although as you can guess, they poison you...

Which... kills them. That, uh, didn't happen in the first game. I know that does happen in reality... to bees. Not wasps. Game Arts doesn't know shit about biology, game ruined!
In any case, the aqua bunnies are fast, but since I've got five party members and multi-target spells at this point, it's not too bad. Both Hiro and Lemina do tons of damage against them, although Jean's falling behind pretty badly by now.
These are the only two enemies along the way, so it's a long but fairly easy journey.

And I have no idea why there's those huge ramps right next to this narrow mountain passage, but all right. Fine.

Anyway, we're at Zulan.

It's cold! It's so cold that it stopped the music again. Argh.

Well I could have helped your grammar, but I decided not to.
So, uh, I'm going to be preempting Jenner here, but it's pretty likely that this guy is not Ronfar's actual grandfather, since "grandpa" is a pretty common thing to call an old man in Japanese.

And then Lucia's all like "so what your problem, then? I walked around in worse storms buck-ass naked! Wimps."
Well, she should.

Just sell to the make-up lady from Nota. And how is it there are two separate conversations about rancid-smelling fish products this close together?

Oh yeah. Zophar. We haven't

Good for you buddy.

Uh, Lemina can cast fire spells herself. Why can't she do it?

I see.

You all get the idea. It's cold.
So let's look at armor and shit. Yeah, that's what I'm settling on for a transition.

It's all old, except for the Steel Armor next to the Iron Armor, and the Iron Bracelet. Steel Armor is for Hiro, and the Iron Bracelet is for everyone else. It's all just straight upgrades, so new armor all around!

As for the weapons, I already have an Iron Scimitar and the fan on the end is a much needed upgrade for the Jean. The other two weapons are for Ronfar. Now, I mentioned that I was kicking myself for not buying the Ritual Dagger earlier. Why? Well, apart from the freeze attack, the Ritual Dagger has another interesting side-effect.

It increases your agility by 10. By the way, 39 agility is faster than Jean. Just by a point, mind you, but still faster. It's not a good weapon; the Bow I currently have is long-range, and the Flail to the right has higher attack power. But for my healer go before everyone else? That could be handy.
If you really want Ronfar to have some offensive power (I really don't know why that'd be so important to you) you could buy both and just have Ronfar switch to the Dagger at a boss fight, and I do have to money to do that, but fuck it.

Aw, how cute! They're playing Lunar 1!

I, uh, don't remember that part though

At this point, I'm starting to include things I think are a reference, but have no idea what it's a reference to.

Ah Working Designs. Always classy.
There's an item shop just above. Normally I'd skip it, but there's actually something new there!

Oh this will be nice! I buy one, although I shouldn't have been so stingy in retrospect. Also, they sell the Fresh Ring for 12,000 silver! I could actually afford it, buuuut... yeah that's a lot of money. I think I'll pass.

All right, I get the point.

In any case, our plot destination is here.

So, uh, are the injured dudes related to that?

Oh dear. This must be one nasty monster!

Ruby, however, don't give a shit. She don't fetch water for nobody.

Oh, now I feel like a shitheel for making the earlier Yonah reference.

A major shitheel.
*Or a "cure," whatever!

Oh god! We better act fast! I don't know much longer she can survive the ellipses!

Do you even need to ask?

All right, let's go kick some ass-

Urgh! That is classic her!

Fine, go! We don't need you! We'll get another space lady. A better space lady! One that casts Thunder Blow more than once a blue moon!

Homegirl, I don't know. She's hot and cold.