Part 20: The Lostest Boys
Chapter 18: The Lostest Boys
Last time, Mr. Kung-fu tasked us with going to Taben's Peak to investigate the bandits there and possibly even stop their enslavement of children. Wow, this got dark. In any case, the peak is directly to the east.

I didn't run into any random encounters. It's very close by.

That's, uh, one heck of a mountain.
Actually, if you look at the bottom, you can see tank treads. Hmm....

Indeed, this is the Grindery! In Lunar 1, Ghaleon built himself a giant tank fortress, because if you're megalomaniac taking over the world then why the hell not? That same tank took out Vane, as we saw in the flashback machine in the Mystic Ruins. In fact, the Grindery did break down right outside Meribia (after Alex and co. took out the magic flame fueling the engine, yeah I don't get it either) so there's some continuity there. Well, actually, the Grindery stopped directly north of Meribia, which was in a totally different location in the first game any- oh whatever it's magic let's move on.

So why hasn't Jean beaten him to death already?
Oh, and we already know the path to Vane is blocked, but let's just check it out anyway.

We cannot. Of course, the blockade is nothing more than some pipes, boxes, and branches, and would probably take less than an hour to clear. But the world of Lunar, above all else, is full of very lazy people.
Ah well, we weren't going to be heading that way quite yet anyway. So instead let's go do what we were going to do.

Wait a second...

Ooookay... there's a bit to cover here.

So... Nall, huh. Nall was in the first game.

Yeap, same white flying cat we saw. Well, we later learn Nall is actually a baby dragon. So, yeah, if you played the first game and have no idea what's going on with Ruby, you have brain damage. I'm sorry to break it to you like this. Anyway, while Nall had a secret identity twist in the first game, he was distinctively not-humanoid. So, uh, I'm not sure why he decided to turn into Rufio.

I really don't think they're going to turn one of the main characters from the first game into a child slaver. Not until the dark and gritty reboot, anyway.
Shit, I shouldn't even joke about stuff like that.

"He tugged my wings SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE."

You're really not cut out for this RPG hero thing, are you Ruby?

Also the elevator doesn't seem to work.

So... Taben's Peak. Is a bit of a bitch, actually. Far more than I really remembered it being.

The design of the dungeon is simple enough. It's a bunch of planks over the trees, occasionally with some arrows that may or may not indicate where you need to go. There's a complete of twists in the path here and there, but it's not really a maze.

Sadly, the enemies are largely palette swaps from the Haunted Manor, although without the gimmick this time. The Tormentors live up their name. They're quite fast, about as fast or slightly slower than Jean, and they like to come in big groups like this.

And their special attack hurts like a bitch. Fortunately, their regular attacks don't do as much, about 20-30 to Jean and 15-20 to Hiro, but you saw how much that special attack hurt. Hiro actually ended the round with 1 HP. I cut that close. Well, I could just heal him beginning of second round-

Okay, I'll admit I had no excuse for this. I knew Ronfar, even with his agility boost, wasn't going to go before the enemy, and I had Jean attack like a stupid. Although Hiro still may have been fucked, as herbs don't restore that much and there's four dudes left, one preparing to do its special, but...

Yeah, I fucked up.

And then Lemina finished them off. Whew! Man, I honestly forgot how much Lemina can kick ass, especially when you don't have much in the way of multi-target spells.

Thankfully, the rewards are very nice. Lemina gained a level, as well she deserved it, but the real prize is the MExp. I'm going to be earning a lot of MExp in this dungeon. Part of that is due to my own stupidity.

And say hello to the other Haunted Manor palette swap! They're not particularly noteworthy. They still have the straw thing.

Yeah, uh, that. It doesn't drain MP this time, though, but now they can do it twice in a round. Oh my gosh, one HP of damage to two party members?! This game is sadistic!
However, there is one enemy sprite we haven't seen before.

These are interesting. According to the guidebook, they give out stupid awesome amounts of experience.
I say "according to the guidebook" because I didn't manage to kill one.

For one, Ice Mongrels have stupid high defense. That was from Lemina's Flame spell. Poe Sword can only manage to do about 80 damage or so. They have 500 HP.

Also, they really like running away.
So, yeah, they're Metal Slimes, although at least Metal Slimes you can kill if you get lucky with a critical attack. I had no such luck.

The exit for the first floor is super easy to find. It's just all the way to left and then down.
For the next floor you're going to want to go all around on the upper way, until you reach the stairs, go down, and then to the right.

Along the way, you find these weird chutes. There's actually no reason to ever to use them, except to get one piece of treasure. Obviously I will get said treasure, and I will do it in the stupidest way possible, but for sane people ignore these things.

And here is the treasure! You can't actually get to it from this floor. I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out how the hell you get it before giving up and looking at the guidebook. Guys, I swear I've played this game several times before.
So how do you get it? Well, you have to down and around and then up to the next floor. From the next floor, go left, all the way up, right, and then down.

Until you reach this chute. Go down and...

You get a pretty pink bow. It increases defense by 2 compared to the girls' current headgear. I put it on Jean.
And that's the only piece of treasure in the entirety of Taben's Peak. And once we've got it, we have to go down yet another floor and then climb back up.
Yeah, if you want the treasure you have to climb up to the 5th floor, drop down to the 4th for the treasure, then drop down to the third. Well fuck that I thought. So I didn't actually grab it on the way up. I decided to get it on the way back out. I thought it'd be fairly quick, as I'd just drop in, grab the treasure, and warp out.
Guess what's disabled in this dungeon?
Yeah, I really got my fill of this place. This dungeon isn't particularly hard, but it's longer than I remember. And none of the enemies are susceptible to status ailments, making my strategy of spamming Chance Dice bite me in the ass.

Although, if you roll snake eyes, it fucking murders dudes. Small consolations.

Honestly, for all the shit I give her, Lucia's really turning into a big help. She pretty much consistently does something at least a little bit useful, and doesn't require MP to boot. She was honestly probably more useful than Jean was the whole time, and doesn't that sting?

Anywho, if we pretend you didn't go down this chute (and really, you shouldn't) from here you all the way up and to the left. On the next floor, up and to the right, and there's the exit.

Like so.

So I guess we're in the bandit hideout? I wonder if we'll find our new frie-

Oh hey buddy.

Oh my god a bunch of 8-year-olds. What are we going to do.

Well, we could just, I don't know, punch the kids really, really hard, but then we'd feel bad about that.

"Meaning even this small group could easily dispatch a bunch of rag-tag kids."

"Well, have fun with that."

Oh god, doesn't that open up an uncomfortable avenue of discussion! You have the issues of poverty, social roles, child exploitation...

Anywho, now that we've been captured, let's walk around and casually talk to people.

Eh, that takes way too much effort to learn, and costs too much TP. Stick with Super Swallow Dance.

Shut your mouth!

This is the saddest capture I have ever seen.

Nevermind. Damn kid, that's nasty.

But- but what if we asked really nicely?

You know, for as tight-lipped as she was about this, Jean's getting awful chatty as of late.

Such as... arms.

"Anyway, you want to hear how I was trained to brutally kill people with my bare hands?"

I do have to say, I like how they gussied up the place. Hell, I'm just glad you can get to the top of this place without going through a mind-numbing labyrinth first.
Anywho, on the second floor we see-

For some odd reason I'm starting to get a premonition of something stupid happening in the future... not sure why...


Oh, sorry. Lapsed into a different musical number there.

Well, he'd have to go through all your friends first.

Oh, nice try Ronnie, but next time, try not coming off as a pedo.

A little simplified, but ain't that the truth?
Well, I think we might have established that these kids may not be a group of killer assassins, so let's talk to Nall and get the full story.

"Seriously, Nall, you kind of suck at this."

How does he know her name? They never introduced themselves. Okay, okay, you can argue that it's logical that he knows who she is but then that opens up another can of worms...

You know, Nall is really depending these guys' common decency to not punt children in the face. He'd best count his lucky stars the Lucia had her whole character development bit just before.

Actually, that's a good question. Nall should know where the entrances to the sewer are, he's been there. It's been a while, yes, but he'd know where to start. Those kids in Meribia shouldn't have been so lost.

No, mister, you are not weaseling out of this plot hole!

Okay, so he does remember where the entrance to the sewers are... and didn't tell those kids for some reason. Then why bother- oh fuck it whatever.
All right, guess we've got our next objective. Before we leave, let's check up on Lucia.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Oh Lunar: Eternal Blue. You're all right in my book.

Oh please do.

And Hiro starts to wonder if he can hate a kid to death. He cannot.

Eh, it's just the weight of this strange world on her shoulders. Dunno what Lucia's being such a baby about.

Well, we have a vacancy...

Oh poo.

Aw. That's kinda sweet

In any case, time's a wasting, and frankly I wouldn't want to be in Lucia's shoes either, so let's hit the road.

What, you mean instantly warp to the ground floor and skip tedious backtracking?! Who do you think I am, a sane person?!

Oh Ruby, why so pointlessly malevolent?
I'll spare you all the tedious backtracking I decided to inflict on myself, and we'll pick up next time in Meribia. 'till then!