Part 22: Completely Pointless.
Chapter 20: Completely Pointless.Since we whipped that masked bastard so hard he became a regular bastard, let's go tell Nall that those kids are probably safe.

By which she means, "Jean got them to punch each other in the face."

"We don't know how to thank you enough for rescuing our friends!"
"You must be very powerful to have defeated the Blue Dragon Cult!"
"I'd like to hear the story of how you did it! Will you tell it?"

Huh, the party has split up for some reason. That's odd.
Well, I guess we're just going to hang around and bask in our accomplishments for a while.

We really shouldn't allow Lemina around children.

Well thanks a lot Captain Uninformative.

Like he used to say stuff like "double bamm bamm."

But I guess we can't be too hard on the guy.

Better hit the tattoo parlor kid.

All right, I get the point. Let's go fetch her, although I have no idea why she didn't greet us at the door.

As soon as we enter, we hear Lucia singing to herself.
Looks like she's taking a bath. I think the gentlemanly thing to do is to leave and let her finish.

Hiro is not a gentleman.

Oh good job Hiro.

So, yeah, sadly we can't avoid the hot springs shit entirely. I really have no idea what this is doing here, other than to show that Lucia has gained a nudity taboo. Characterization?

Or perhaps a course on basic societal etiquette.

Oh god the ellipses plague has spread HIRO YOU BASTARD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US.

Nah, I'm just going to talk to everyone. I mean, I could do it later, but I'm a rebel like that and not that, you know, I neglected to come back and talk to them later so that the update flowed better.

The remake, in a rare move, actually removes the pointless fan service scene (here, anyway) and adds a scene of Lucia bonding with the kids. Here, the kids just talk about how she's bonded.

Okay, that's just sweet.

And now Lucia's is trying to see if she can hate a kid to death. She cannot.
Anyway, let's go regroup.

And... nothing else? No? Okay. Well that was all kinds of pointless.

Before we go, Jean has some interesting moments with the kids. I just think it's kind of neat.

OH HELL YES. Let's go back and say hi to Gwyn!

Oh. In the first game, the Dragon Wings would teleport you to any town you've been to before. They've changed that in this game; now it just teleports you out of dungeons. And those Dragonfly Wings I bought are now completely pointless

You're all right Nall. Anyway, guess we better head on to Vane. I mean, we don't really have to, since our destination is further south, but Lemina would start pouting if we at least didn't visit Vane.

He farted, thoughtfully.

Vane is far to the south. It's a decently far trek, although the world map enemies still haven't changed, so we're in zero danger. Before we go to Vane, let's spend up the rest of my MExp.

I got the upgraded versions of Lemina's single target fire and ice skills, as well as Jean's poison dance.
There is a reason why I had this excess of MExp and didn't use it until now, but you'll see that shortly.

Any who, Vane.
It really is weird to see Vane on the ground.

Little China?

This doesn't involve rockets does it?

"Unless they somehow know about this plan, which they shouldn't because we're discussing it right in front of them."

By this point, we know better than to trust her, but trust or not it's the only way to go, sadly.

You're a cold one, Ms. Lemina.

...perhaps we should head to the Transmission Spring before Lemina gets even more bloodthirsty...

And boom here we are.

Ah crap. We don't have to go to the Prairie or something in the vain hopes they've got some magic water, do we?

Fortunately, she wasn't bullshitting us.

Since Lem so thoughtfully did the exposition for me, let's talk about the cave. There's a bit of treasure in here. The first is to the left-

Oh. Okay, so, uh, we're not getting treasure for right now. I guess we can just focus on navigation for now-

Or half of the place has caved in.
Is there anything to talk about? Well, on the second floor, this pops up.

Boss fight out of nowhere!
This fight's not much to talk about it. It has two regular attacks per turn in addition to its two special attacks. It has about 700 less HP than the Missing Link.

When the its eye flash it does Ball Wave, which I think is supposed to be a area of effect spell, but only hit Jean here.

I killed it before it could use it's other special attack. It lasted, like, three rounds. Ah, it's like Lunar 1 all over again.

Also, I should probably mention that Hiro has been catching up to his companions slowly, but surely. He's still way behind Ronfar and Jean's HP totals, but at least he's got more HP than Lemina. Hell, Lucia has more HP than her.

Also, everyone's slated to get a new spell at level 24, and Ronfar gets Loki Magic! Which, uh, apparently "uncurses target." That's what the hint text says. Looking online, apparently it removes buffs and debuffs from enemy or ally. Basically it's Final Fantasy's Dispel. Most enemies don't bother buffing or debuffing, so it's not that great. Hell, I had no clear idea what it did until now (and I'm not 100% sure that's correct, although it sounds feasible) so clearly it's not a vital spell.

And, yeah, there's nothing else to say about the Cave of Trial. There aren't even any random encounters! Vane is such a unhip place to be even the monsters don't want anything to do with it. Since there is nothing else here, let's skip to the next boss fight.
Oh yeah there's another boss fight.

Now this is more of an actual boss fight. He's got almost as much HP as the Missing Link, but he's not weak to fire. Keep in mind Hiro's sword is fire elemental, so since the last two bosses were weak to fire his Poe sword does even more damage to them. However, since Hiro's only doing 200 damage unbuffed, this battle is a tiny bit longer.
Like the previous boss, the Fleshsucker here can attack twice a round, but it has a ton more specials.

First off, here's Jean's new Swallow Dance. It's got moths 'n shit.

When it's lifting its arm, it does the Medusa Ray.

That kind of sucks, but I'll jus-

Oh yeah, stone doesn't prevent damage in this game. Shiiiit.
So I've got to cure Lemina's stone and heal her up, and Ronfar can only do one at a time. I mean, this boss is really slow so I could just have Ronfar cure her stone and have Hiro use a Dover Nut on her, but Jean must have an item on her that cures stone.

Neither the hint text or the guidebook (it just copies the hint text, actually) says which status ailments this cures, but if it's a lot, then maybe stone is included in it?

So this battle got even longer without an additional damage doer. Yay.

It telegraphs this move by lifting its right arm. It, uh, I assume it poisons. It hit Lucia, but apparently she's immune?
You know, I'm surprised it didn't occur to me until now, but she's probably immune to poison because Hiro is immune to it, due to his Fresh Ring. I have no idea why I never realized that. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, though. Are they sharing the ring somehow?

Di- Did you just throw your guts at me?
Other than the stoning attack, nothing this guy does is that dangerous. I killed it in the next round.
After that there's a couple more floors of treasure we can't get yet. I have no idea why the Cave of Trial is even in this game if they weren't going to do anything with it. I guess it's just for nostalgia. Anyway, let's skip to the end.

Oh hi Na- oh, no. Sorry. Force of habit.

We did see the monster that tried to attack you... it kicked your ass.

I don't think that's much of a concern if this Borgan ends up doing something to her. Speaking of which, I wonder if they'll lose their shit to see us inside?

Wait a sec. Are you telling me if we just fucking waited we could have just strolled in the front door?
God damn it Lemina.