Part 26: And They Seemed So Trustworthy
Chapter 22: And They Seemed So Trustworthy
Before we start, I forgot to mention that I got Lemina's all-enemy fire spell. It's a bit on the pricey side, although Lemina has enough MP that I can occasionally splurge with it.
Azado's to the south, past a bridge. In the remake, they throw a dungeon in the way. However, here, it's a short ways away and the enemies still haven't changed, so I'll just skip to the destination.

Wait, we're warping to Pentagulia? Okay... I guess we can't really board a boat, but I don't know why a warp exists. Ah well, whatever.

I'm guessing the tourism board here could use some work.
Also, they mentioned being under attack. Some NPCs in Vane also alluded to some nastiness going down in Azado. Let's find out what's the what.

Beads?! Why would beads do anything about a monster attack? Do the monsters simply refuse to destroy such works of beauty? Tell me more about these beads.

Nevermind you can stop.

Hm, the situation is quite dire, and desperate indeed.

Although I suppose life goes on regardless...

Hi 1995. Again.
By the way, if you want to lose faith in humanity, Wiki John Bobbitt. The stuff I learn while doing this LP, I swear...

Wait, he was the gate keeper? I was looking for the gate keeper?
I legit forgot that you had to find the gatekeeper and talk to him; I was just doing my normal "talk to everyone" routine.

This is a good time to mention that there's a bit more going on here in the remake. Ronfar meets up with a old buddy of his, and you stage a

She, uh, actually means "child." There's only one; the other one is the dad. At least I'm pretty sure.
EDIT: I'm wrong and NPC sprites are confusing.

...steel is harder than iron, honey.

Now I'd normally go on about low standards and shit, but... this sadly all too accurate.

And I'd normally agree with Lucia's impatience and desire to get away from this insane woman, but I hate myself so let's keep talking to her. there a drug problem in Azado or something?

Looks like.

The bar really isn't any less depressing.

Like the pot calling the- oh, wait, I think that's the point.

Let's take a break from depressing shit and crazy people to look at the shops.

Pretty nice selection, although we've seen pretty much all it before. The new item here is the Refresher Ring in the screenshot there. It's pretty useful, especially in the upcoming dungeon, but eh... I skip it.

For the weapon shop, the two new items they have are the Iron Mace and Razor Fan. I bought both. I'm not sure what the "equip effect" for the Mace is, actually. Also, with the Plasma Ring, Ronfar's got enough agility.
EDIT: Apparently it's a Earthquake proc. Thanks Prism!

Lotsa new stuff here. On the top row they have Lightning Armor for Hiro, Priest's Clothes for Ronfar, which protects against confuse, Aura Robe for Lemina, which protects against Freeze, Platinum Shield for Hiro, which protects against poison, and on the end the only old item here. On the bottom is the Steel Helm for Hiro and Ronfar; it's a very minor boost.

Aw, that's quite sweet actually.

...and then they kept talking.

Enough of the town. Let's go through this new opened gate and continue on.

Gosh I don't know it's almost as if anything the Cult of Althena does is somewhat suspect.

And I'm certain these beads are... sorry, my sarcasm is faltering. Let's just go.

As you'd expect, there's a line.

Easy, just lift up your shirt.
...I'm sorry.

I like the way this kid thinks.


Oh and the beads are totally a scam I know you're so surprised.
Well whatever, it's not our problem. To Pentagulia!

Really? Well... we have a drunken has-been. That good enough?


Stop making me redundant, Ruby!

Welcome to Azado Tower. It's... pretty boring, really.

It's a short tower, and pretty hard to get lost in. Don't go right here, though. It's a dead end.

The enemies here are... surprisingly easy. The Nipple Yanker, despite the terrifying name, isn't a threat.

That's their normal attack. Yeah.

Their special can do some damage, but fortunately they telegraph it with that grey ring. They're also slow, so you can focus fire and take them out before they can pull the spell off.
As for the Metallions, they... don't always attack. They can hit you from across the map for about 30 damage, which is pretty average. But sometimes they just... don't do anything at all. I'd say half of the time they just skip their turn. Odd.
Frankly, both of these enemies are so nonthreatening, you're better off sticking with regular attacks, except maybe to take out a Nipple Massager before it can fire ring you. (Even then, you can probably just gang up on them with regular attacks anyway)

Fortunately, Lucia's getting really, really generous with her magic. I have no idea if Plasma Rain here is really any different from Lightning Bomb, but damn if it isn't glorious.

Also, I forget if I showed off Napalm Shot yet. It's an area of effect spell. It's not great.

The lack of threat reflects in the pretty meager rewards you get from them.

Now the cyclopes, or Monocrop, actually are scary. When their eyes are closed like that, they'll try and petrify a character.

So glad Ronfar has that Tri-Ring.

Their regular attacks are nothing to sneeze at, though. (Thanks for ruining the shot, Hiro!) Feel free to break out the MP to deal with these jerks.

Lemina got a new spell at level 24. Magic Shield is an interesting spell. It forms a protective barrier around Lemina, reducing damage for anyone in it. It's 51 goddamn MP, so I won't be using it for a while, but you'll see it in action soon enough.
Anywho, once you go left on the second floor, it's a straight shot to the 6th. Once you get to the sixth floor, there is another fork. Go up and then downstairs for a Dover Nut.

On the seventh floor there's a statue of Althena. Convenient! Let's top off and-

Ah hell no. I actually rewinded the clock and skipped the statue, because fuck the man I didn't need the heal, although if you're really hurting I'd part with 1000 silver. Also, you do kind of want to be reasonably topped off before you get to the end of the tower because of, you know, reasons.
At the top of the room there are two doors. Choosing the one on the left gets you another Angel Ring (one time resurrection) and the other leads to progress. Obviously get the damned Angel Ring unless you have a crippling fear of success.

One last fork on the eight floor. The bottom staircase leads to treasure, a Starlight and Sunflower Seeds, and the one on the right to progress.
Now that I've got all that walkthrough stuff done, let's go to the end.

Before you head to the platform, there's a goodie to the right.

It restores a bit of HP after every round. It's okay. I gave it to Lemina, if only because she doesn't have any accessories yet.

You fool! You forgot "open sesame!"

Honestly, this boss is pretty sad. There's actually three targets in the battle, the main body plus the two vine arms. It's hard to see, but the left vine arm is glowing. It's actually telegraphing an attack.

Be Vine Tonite does a bit of damage and it latches onto a character, preventing them from doing anything but attacking the vines. After a few rounds it will return to the Corpse Crusher, although I'm not sure if you have to hit it or if it will return on its own. But it only hit Lucia, so who cares?

It followed Be Vine with this attack called Pulsinator. Ouch! It telegraphs Pulsinator with a triangle of little flashing dots at its chest.
So why did I say it wasn't particularly scary? It only has 1820 HP, and the vines have about 400. Total that is more than the last boss we faced, but we only have to kill the main body. You can kill the vines first, but unless one of them is attached to a character you need, why bother?

It can also attack you. It's underwhelming.

It died on the fourth round. It has another attack it didn't get to use. (Also, if I realized it was weak to ice, I could have killed it sooner!)

Also Hiro joins the level 24 club and get Battalion Sword! It's a sword attack that hits all enemies. It's also a staggering 25 MP. Generally not worth using except in bad situations.


NO! WHY ARE WE EVEN AJFJSDLFfjljslfskfjslfjsl


Oh yay.

No, I'm sorry, those aren't the actual lines. A girl can wish.

Okay, that is dumb, but arguably not as dumb as the remake, where they accidentally blunder onto the freaking Destiny. Oops.

Sorry, sorry! I'll stick to the script...

"I mean, if we were the same level that would just be ridiculous."

We actually regain control, for some reason. Huh. Well, whatever, I need to know what the flying hell is going through Leo's brain.

Oh Working Designs.

Well, she's gonna... do... world save-y things. That save the world?

Aw crap.