Part 31: You Know Nothing Of Leo!
Chapter 27: You Know Nothing Of Leo!

And for some reason the game now gives us control, even though we're clearly meant to talk to Nall. Well, maybe we can talk this over with our teammates-


I love how she doesn't answer Nall's question. Yeah, we all played the first game; it ain't a surprise buddy. (Hell, even if you didn't, probably still not surprising)

So, one day, while Nall was just sitting in sepia tone-

Ghaleon just warped right in. Does Ghaleon have no idea how to use a door?

I wonder if every other single SSLPer hates the screen flash effect too. It never screenshots or gifs well.

I dunno, I'm with Ruby on this one. Didn't even try to defend himself.

So, this idea of "Dragon Aura" is new. In the original game, Ghaleon just straight up murdered the Dragons. Of course, this leds to questions of how the other Dragons ended up being replaced, as Nall was last living Dragon. And how do Dragon reproduce, anyway? Because they do, clearly, but it's clearly not a biologic- yeah, the Dragons in these games never made a whole hell of a lot of sense. It definitely requires a handwave and "it's magic" explanation.

Oh come on we all know the answer to that.

...what he means is...

Damn skip-

....I swear, guys, this stupid-ass crush Ruby has is running its course soon, I promise.


Well, we have our new goal for the next... third or so of the game. Let's go!

Now that's we're all on the same page, let's see if we can-

"Hey, we're the lookout team. Watch your backs. We just heard that the Destiny is coming this way. Be careful!"

And then Nall just disappears without any animation. So... only villains get warps?

That's what I was thinking, frankly. Not like he'd fight us to throw in a pointless boss fight or anything. That would be silly.

Before we go meet Leo, one last go around in Taben's Peak.
Warning: Probably not the last go around in Taben's Peak.

They never let us take this kid, I don't know why. He's got gumption. I like that.

More bizarre non-sequitur? Is there an epidemic of thought disorders in Lunar or something?



How the hell did you get lost up the mountain? How the hell would you have gotten up the monster infested mountain?

That's kind of sweet, actually.
We're done with Taben's Peak for the moment.

Before we go meet with Leo, I decided to use the rest of my MExp and level up Jean's dance to 16. This is last time I'm going to spend MExp on her Dance, unless I've really got a lot of excess later on. Her dance skills are just not very good. Really, the only reason I spent MExp on Dance is for Dopple Dance. And it's pretty much for one, very specific purpose.
Anyway, let's leave Taben's Peak and see if Leo- helps if you exit on the correct side.

Guess what it's time for!

At least he cuts to the chase. I appreciate that.

And the game wastes no time! And look, he bought back the sword we stole from him! Again. Good for him.

Although maybe he shouldn't have gotten it from a costume shop. That is sad.
Yeah this ends in two rounds.


Double excellent!

Goodbye for now, fantasy moon Javert. Try to avoid bridges for the time being.
So the Destiny is ours. We don't get any of the crew, but apparently we don't need 'em. Also, portable Althena's statue. Nice.

There's a bit of goofing off you can do at this point, but not as much as you'd think. For now, let's just go along the plot express.

As they established earlier, the Destiny goes over water and land. However, you need to have a ramp to move from land to sea, and it can't go past small paths. Will this game use that as an excuse to make us exit our land tank and hoof it? Will it ever!

As Ruby mentioned, we need to exit here and go west.

Once we start seeing ice, we know we're in the right place.

And... we're already going to have walk. Yay. At least we have a new world map theme, and it's really nice to boot.
Fun fact: in the original game, the White Dragon Cave was a little ways south of the hero's hometown, Burg. The area was certainly mountainous, but not arctic. But in a mere thousand or so years, the area has turned arctic. And it's no longer an island. Also, Burg and Saith are gone, but that's par for the course at this point.
Yeah, geography has never been this series' strong point.

Fortunately, it's not a long walk, just north and then east. However, we finally get some new world map enemies!

The flies are back! They're hardier in this game, in that it takes more than one hit to kill them, but they're still jokes.

Oh, I finally tried out the Iron Mace's earthquake ability. It shakes the screen and does piss-poor damage against all enemies. Pretty shit.

Hey, Ice Mongrels again! Like in Taben's Peak, these guys have absurd defense, high HP, tons of EXP, and a tendency to run. They have tweaked from their earlier appearance, though. Now they have even more HP and defense!

Poe Sword is the only thing that scratches their defense! Also, they have over 700 HP. Yeah. Hell, in one battle, I managed to roll a fucking snakes eyes, which, if you recall does 333 damage to everything. Still never killed one.
Of course, I don't think you're meant to. When I say it gives an absurd amount of EXP, I mean it gives as much as the final boss of the game. You're actually meant to kill these much later.
EDIT: As Prism mentions, these things drop so much EXP that if you kill anything else in the battle it triggers a rollover glitch! Sheesh!

Did try out Dopple Dance, though. Dopple Dance creates Jean clone that attacks at the end of the round.

It's uh... a thing. It'll do that for two rounds.

Finally, we have Ice Pups, which we can actually kill. They're pretty sturdy, and wicked fast, but they're not too bad.

Ew. That inflicts an ailment; fortunately, though, Jean has the Fresh Ring on. I'm not actually sure what ailment it is, but it's either Sleep, Freeze, or Poison.

But for now, we're signing off.