Part 4: Sharp Shooter (Part 1)

Chapter 3 - Sharp Shooter
His next job sends Mace to a troubled mining outpost. A group of bandits have invaded, and rigged the solar shield generator with explosives. If their demand for money is not met, they'll blow the shield and the outpost gets fried. And Mace also has a personal interest in this job, because the leader of the bandits is apparently an ex-ranger!
Arachnids - No one ever properly named these loathsome spider-like pests, and no one knows their exact place of origin. It must lie somewhere in the Vagner system, because shortly after mining began, settlers began discovering them in every ship that traveled in-system, like rats on old sailing ships. Even full depressurization won't always clean a ship out. Their sole virtue is that they feed on cockroaches.
Space spiders are jerks. There really isn't more to say about them.