
Master of Orion 2 is one of the old classics of the 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) genre, developed by Simtex and published by Microprose in 1996. In it, new empires rise in a galaxy once dominated by now-vanished races, and struggle for eventual dominance over the galaxy.
As the electorate of the United Republic that has finally unified Humanity, however, we do not yet know that. Instead, we are looking to the first elections after the last remaining pockets of autocracy on Earth have been brought to heel by the United Republic, guiding Humanity into its future...
Spoiler Policy
I'm certain that many, and likely most, of us are fully familiar with Master of Orion 2. Nonetheless, in the interests of maintaining a certain atmosphere of discovery for whoever hasn't played Master of Orion 2 yet, I would appreciate refraining from discussing elements of the game I have not yet introduced.
Voting Policy
Please limit yourself to one vote per vote I request, and place your vote in bold for easy review on my part. Non-bolded votes will be ignored. As well, supporting any form of autocracy makes you look bad in front of the voters. A vote for Communists, Nazis, Kings, or Theocrats will lead to the vote being ignored.
Narrative Conventions
In the interests of my own belief in the fiction, I will refer to total population of planets as billions rather than millions, will treat each turn (which is ambiguous, in the game, whether it is one year or one tenth of a year) as one year so that population growth rates are approximately correct, and treat the starting year as 2700.
Table of Contents
Updates- 2700-Earth United
- 2700-2720-Reaching to the Red Planet
- 2720-2740-The Wheel of Industry Grinds Slow and Sure
- 2740-2760-A Leap Into the Starry Night
- 2760-2780-Market Forces
- 2780-2800-Man is Not Alone
- 2800-2820-Vigilance
- 2820-2840-A Constitutional Revolution
- 2840-2860-Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
- 2860-2880-Shadows of Evils Past
- 2880-2900-The First Galactic Unification Summit
- 2900-2910-War, War, and Betrayal
- 2910-2920-A Tireless Guardian
- 2920-2930-"I am ATLAS"
- 2930-2940-The Taming of Suud
- 2940-2950-The Return of War
- 2950-2960-To Fight For Freedom
- 2960-2970-The Referendum
- 2970-2980-Ye Shall Be As Gods
- 2980-2990-Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair
- 2990-3000-Revolution, Victory, and Peace
- 3000-3010-Consolidation
- 3010-3016-Orion
- 3016-3041-The Gathered Might of the Republic
- 3042 onwards-The United Republic Victorious
- Epilogue-Selected Worlds of the United Republic, ca. 3041
Anything linked here can be presumed to either accurately reflect some factual matters about the setting or be an actual cultural artifact (although the facts in pulp novels or propaganda may be open to dispute).
- Extract from Chapter 7 of "Crimson Children", a pulp novel
- The role of the player in the game
- The player's role redux and 'subsidies'
- The state of hydroponics technology in the Republic
- Republican small craft technology
- The start of an episode of the Deckard Hour
- The Imperial States of North America were indeed historical states
- Republican flag and party logos
- An extract from a speech from a town hall meeting in 2799
- A piece of fallout of the 2834 scandals
- Technological comparison of the United Republic and the Nations ca. 2860
- Declaration of Sentient Rights
- A Conservative campaign speech on how Klackon issues should be addressed
- Terrible pulp novels will be with us always
- Republican surface military equipment ca. 2920
- A Republican surface trooper from the Sheol relief effort
- A History of the Bifrost United Asteroid-Kombinate
- Unified State surface technology ca. 2940
- Economic technologies of the region ca. 2940
- A brief guide to the galaxy ca. 2940
- A history of conquest
- The executive structure of the United Republic
- Governmental structure redux
- Evolutionary history of the Elerians
- Unified State banner and organisational divisions
- An economic report on the Council of Enlightened Matrons
- Antaran power armor