Part 139: Episode XIII: Opening
Episode XIII: Opening
A lot to like here. We appear to have a good chance at controlling the upper-right sector, while there's a pretty even distribution of homeworld locations throughout the rest of the galaxy. Only one of the top five races: no Klackons, Psilons, etc. The main concern is there are Humans and a bunch of races that hate us. Which means the biggest immediately apparent danger is an early loss to those manipulative swine in the Council. That's already happened to me twice, my two fastest losses. Keeping a sharp eye on it doesn't mean I can prevent it from happening again, but I'm sure going to try.

Here's the immediate vicinity, with only this red star within range. At least it points towards the center of the galaxy. Really doesn't matter if it's crap, since it's the only option.

Wow. The RNG showeth it's mercy, showering bountiful blessings!

I'll leave the rest of them alone, but you can't have an Empress Nermal without an Abu Dhabi.

This is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Oh keep those cards and letters coming you spectacular giver of gifts!! So, time to transfer population to Abu Dhabi, and we need a lot of Recons. Nine of them. That's probably good, but it'll take a bite out of our growth curve.

Of course we should more than make up for it with this. Initial Colonizers normally cost 570 BC. Now with that early artifact acquisition, it's down to 486 BC -- a 15% reduction. Combine that with the 50% reduction in waste cleanup, and we're flipping ecstatic. If we can find some other reasonable planets around to send some out to, this could be an amazing start.

First of two within range. Well that won't do it.

The Recon Rush can be seen pretty well here in 2306. Also; the string of fantastic fortune ends. Nothing else habitable within three parsecs, so we'll need range research before we can colonize anything else.

So this is going to be available nearby. It's just a Recon.

First possibility found. It'd do.

Two Tundras in a downward direction, for those of you scoring at home. That'll be important to try and get early.

Radiated and an uninhabitable bracket the nebula. Nobody's going that way anytime soon.


We can always use a research world. Waiting on a couple more yet, but they are six parsecs out. So we're about to be 'boxed' into our own corner here. We need range 4 optimally, then we can get Xendalla(50M) which will give us range to grasp the other two. Nothing we can settle at all heading further into the galactic center which is a big disappointment. That would put us at five systems. So range 4, then Tundra landings would seem to absolutely vital here. Until we get Tundra, Abu Dhabi will be our point-system.

There are Sakkra past the nebula to the left then. Jinga, population 38, guarded by a destroyer. Probably their first colony, with Sssla the yellow star to the left. That way definitely looks like a no-fly zone.

This looks like it'll be worth guarding, but we'd need reserve tanks to get there(six parsecs).

Strategic location in the center, but nothing else that's for sure. In 2313, that concludes the initial scouting.

Wow. It's only 2317 -- they're getting frisky and fast. The next year we get our initial tech pull; accelerated clock due to the gift of lowered expenses.
** Computers: Battle Computer Mk. II, Deep Space Scanner
** Construction: Improved Industrial Tech 9
** Force Fields: Class II Deflectors
** Planetology: Death Spores. That's rather hilarious. Disappointed not to see Tundra here.
** Propulsion: Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Deuterium Fuel Cells
** Weapons: Hand Lasers, Gatling Laser
Battle Computer and Gatling Laser choices to fuel any possible early conflicts, and Hydrogen to get us going with expansion sooner. The opening's actually finished here, so we'll have an extended(in terms of time) second update for this game.