Part 159: Episode XV: 2400
Episode XV: 2400 -
If we get peace again there still seems to be a chance of everyone staying ticked at the Klackons and us regrowing a decent-sized empire.
** Klackons(8)
** Silicoids(6)
** Psilons(5)
** Bulrathi(5)
** Alkari(5)
** Mrrshan(2)
This includes the just-recaptured Volantis. Spica, Ajax, and the recently-destroyed Alkari system of Misha all appear open. Then there's that Toxic and Regulus, the big jungle one, up in the upper-right by the Silicoids. The way this thing has gone I have no idea how many of them we are going to be able to snag or how long this period will last, with Klaquan being so Erratic. But I've got no better idea than throwing every Colonizer I can get out there.

Hopefully something in this next set of advances(the others are range 6 Irridium Cells and Duralloy Armor, the latter of which the birds already have) will be enough for us to secure our final truce.

Non-Aggression Pact signed. Another step towards having a powerful friend. The Fusion Bomb arrives and we'll pursue Mass Driver next. Perhaps there'll still be a window where that's worth putting on a ship.

With glee, in 2402.

The Psilons easily beat us to Misha, but we take Spica and Ajax. I'll gradually transfer in colonists to these worlds since they don't seem likely to be attacked soon, but it'll take time. If this is the new normal, it would put us at seven systems again, one behind the bugs.
I also decide to start shifting research into robotics to get that out sooner and aid what is hopefully a buildup period for us.

The peace only lasted a few years. Can't be sure but I think it was the Klackons. We're literally the only race not at war with them right now, yet they attack us. Still, that's the optimal diplomatic situation. Alkari and Silicoids still refuse any trade deals(even with Amiable relations in the first case), so it looks like the Mrrshan/Psilons are our best shot at real friends.
2411: The Silicoids take Regulus. We were making a play for it but not really expecting success there. They've also expanded to the left, and now hold a galaxy-best nine systems, with more probably to come soon.

Again. For however long we can. Got here just in the nick of time, as the familiar 'winning the tie' mechanic was in vogue, the Psilons getting here the same year.

We would have lost if we were anyone else. I hope this doesn't become a pattern with the eggheads. The Silicoids also take Esper, that last Toxic world. I knew it would happen eventually.

A dire blow. We had transports coming in, and fought off most of them, but they were faster. I saw it coming and tried to get an Alliance, but relations aren't quite good enough and we didn't have anything they wanted to bribe them up.
We're back down to six now, and lost one of our best systems. Also, when our transports arrive, the Psilons are going to flip out.

MOO can bite me right now.

Irridium Fuel Cells arrive. With the spoils of war routine very obviously in our future, I need all the speed we can get. Sublight it is.

You don't matter. Pretty soon you won't even be matter. In all seriousness, this is firmly in 'hope they're too busy with everyone else' mode.

Robotics III is in. It is also very good that we have this scanner available. A couple years later, Duralloy Armor is in, Industrial Tech 7 next on the agenda.

That's one problem down.

Battle of Dunatis

I think they were just waiting for us to solve the supernova problem. Amusingly, that bombardment wipes out all industry and takes Dunatis down to 1M pop. Their infantry lands the next year.
Five systems left. I'm just letting them do this, so it's a more dramatic comeback. Yep.

The Council reforms after its hiatus, and these are the two I'd expect to see headlining it for some while. Let's observe how irrelevant we are:
** Psilons(4) - Sedimin
** Silicoids(7)
** Alkari(4) - Sedimin
** Klackons(6)
** Mrrshan(2) - Sedimin
Well crap. I would have liked to vote for the rocks also, just to make them happier. But this is a classic 'everyone hates the bugs' deal. We abstain with our four votes, which put us right in the middle. Sedimin gets 17 as it is, just one shy of victory(27 total). The Silicoids have a very real chance at winning this diplomatically based on the Not-Klaquan vote.
And unless they do, you might want to grab a Snickers. That's the only way this game ends anytime soon.