Part 26: Episode III: 2443 - 2449
wedgekree posted:
Let's go skin us some furballs!
Episode III: 2443-2449
2444 was a momentous year. First up, we get Anti-Matter Torpedoes! Only fire every other turn, but they don't have limited ammunition and hit twice as hard as a Stinger missile. Win. Can't be used in bases though. The last three items seen here are the latest tier. Missile base defense continues to be top priority, and the Pulson Missile is a significant upgrade over the Stinger(faster, more accurate, a third more damage). It's still not as good as what the Psilons have but it will definitely help. Then, the final battle on Simius:
Victory! Out of all that captured tech, the only thing that we didn't have is the extension to Range 6. However all of it does boost our overall tech levels a bit. The Mrrshans have a small group of troop transports incoming and a couple small bands of ferrets. They are of little concern. We'll leave a small group of cruisers here and move on to Fierias. There are a few dozen bases to be dealt with there, but that should be no trouble.
After clearing out the bases on the homeworld in a single strike -- each cruiser seems to be more than equal to a Mrrshan base -- we proceed with sending in more invasion troops.
Personal Absorption Shield(+20 to ground combat) is in now. We'll absolutely crush the Mrrshan in the next round of fighting with that. Going with Cloaking Device here as it's somewhat cheaper than the Class VII shield.
Well that was rather well done. Kill ratio about 2.5:1 on the invading. The Bulrathi warning is rather hilarious, since I consider them my next target at the soonest opportunity. But first things first: one more Mrrshan world to take at Antares. That'll wait though to see how much they want to fight: there are quite a few ships incoming to Fierias. Our 19 planets now equal the Silicoids in number.
The Council meets again, and the lizards get off the fence. Apparently they aren't getting on well with the Psilons. Also, we have just edged the Silicoids out of the running here.
Unexpected. With the support of the rocks and the Sakkras, could we actually win this??
We have killed two-thirds of them off in the past twenty years. A little bitterness is understandable, even if they were the instigators.
Nope, not winning this one. They are big enough to be a veto block unto themselves, having gotten enough better terraforming tech to make their planets even more productive.
We throw our 15 votes to Tachaon as well just for the heck of it. Not enough to put them over the top. A short update here, but we've dealt a crushing blow to the furballs.