Part 6: Pumpkin Gorge and the unused Swamp King concept art
I got stuck on my first time through, because I didn't know the dragon gem was a required item which kinda makes me wonder why the witch talisman is so easy to miss.Let's look at some concept art:
Early Pumpkin Gorge Design

"A snap shot of a level walk through and notes on how I wanted to see the various elements come together."
Walking Pumpkin Drawing

"My version of the MediEvil equivalent of a Triffid."
The Swamp Guardian
(I wasn't sure if this was a different boss in a later level, but after running through most of the later level to find out I'm almost sure this might be what ended up being the Pumpkin King or a boss that didn't make the final cut.)

"A very silly looking monster. Children love funny monsters with lots of eyes and bum holes to make fart noises!"