
Let's Play:
Q: Why not MMBN1?
A: MMBN1 was already LP'd by Broken Loose. While not uploaded to the LP archive, it is listed on the master list, and I'd like to LP a game that the forums haven't already seen.
Editor's Note: Due to loss of images, Megaman Battle Network 2 & 3 are not included in this archived copy.
Q: A MegaMan RPG? With annoying characters? What the hell is this?
A: The MegaMan Battle Network games are a large deviation from the normal platformers people are used to. Fans of the original games might not like them, its true, they're very different from any of the other Megaman games, save for the Starforce sequel series.
Q: There's a ton of stuff to collect in these games! Will you really be showing how you get all of it?
Q: How will you be LPing this game, anyway?
A: Hybrid. I'll be using screenshots to show off most of the gameplay, and I'll link to Youtube videos of the bosses. No boss in the entire series should take more than the allotted 10 minutes, so don't mind that. I'll also be posting links to music tracks that I especially like, some of them are quite nice.
Q: Can we recommend you use any specific chips or strategies or combinations?
A: You can, but I'll only show them off if they're especially notable, game-breakingly powerful, funny, or otherwise worth the time.
Q: How will you play, then?
A: I'll avoid using anything cheap, for starters. No Gater , for example, though I'll show it off. Other than that, whatever seems fun to use. One of my favorite aspects of this series is how insanely customizable it is. While in competitive play, and up against some of the post-game superbosses, certain builds are favorable or sometimes outright necessary, the rest of the time the games can be played however you want and with a massive amount of variability.

And even people from outside the forums have gotten involved! Cowbocks from YouTube has kindly begun playing through MMBN3 Blue to provide missing images for those updates as well.
Table of Contents
MMBN4 Red Sun Exclusive Content: By Ephraim225
- Update 1: DA NAAAAAH!
- Update 2: Proving that water into (rice) wine is NOT always a miracle.
- Update 3: SearchMan: Team-Killing Asscock.
- Update 4: Flame on!
- Update 5: Girl power? Roll Soul!
- Update 6: In conclusion, Red Sun is no improvement over Blue Moon. Shocking, isn't it?
MMBN5: Double Team DS
- Update 1: Maybe they're obsessed with darkness because they're blind as fucking cave-adapted albino fish.
- Update 2: Liberation Missions!
- Update 3: NPCs that are likable, all allied with me. WHAT!?!
- Update 4: MMBN2 nostalgia, hand-in-hand with MMBN2 trauma.
- Update 5: Current Forecast: Fuckery!
- Update 6: On the merits of Percussive Therapy.
- Update 7: Chop chop chop.
- Update 8: Go Team Colonel!
- Update 9: Someone say weaboo? I think someone said weeaboo.
- Update 10: The dread builds.
- Update 11: The Zybourne Dungeon.
- Update 12: Forbidden: Assassins Recommended: Sense.
- Update 13: Slippy's Hit!
- Update 14: Purple palette shifts: the surest indication of evil.
- Update 15: I fucking hate Dr. Regal.
- Update 16: Would an assault on a DarkChip factory be....Black Ops?
- Update 17: MegaMan Battle Network: Corruption.
- Update 18: Doc Regal's World!
- Update 19: Catharsis.
- Update 20: And now, the healing can begin.
- Update 21: Murkland? NebulaArea? BlackEarth? I dunno.
- Update 22: Clusterfuck!
- Update 23: Code Mayhem.
- Update 24: (Liberation) Mission All Over!
- Update 25: Going Postal in the Postgame
- Update 26: Nemesis.
MegaMan Battle Network 6: Gregar Version (Broken Loose gameface) and MegaRockBlog Patched Falzar Version (Epee Em)
- Update 1: Happiness!
- Broken Loose: "Internet Dog" sounds like a 4chan thing.
- (Note: Broken Loose's house caved in after this update. I'm not joking. So much for that.)
- Update 2: YAAAH TOAST!
- Update 3: Burning Rings of Fire
- Update 4: Plunger Mettaur!
- Update 5: Wario the Disgruntled Ex-Animal Trainer?
- Update 6: Plata-Knight!
- Update 7: Cross Confusion.
- Update 8: The cock rises.
- Update 9: And so the torment begins.
- Update 10: Evil Spirit Funhouse.
- Update 11: The Glory of BeastOut!
- Update 12: Craziness
- Update 13: Early Bird
- Update 14: Crows and Bugs.
- Update 15: Objection!
- Update 16: Overruled!
- Update 17: Manly tears.
- Update 18: Rush to the Undernet.
- gameface Update 1: Hopefully there won't be any more collapsing houses.
- gameface Update 2: A Match made in heaven.
- Update 19: Chop Chop, let's move it!
- gameface Update 3: The hottest, steamiest update imaginable.
- gameface Update 4: Son of a Bitch?
- Update 20: PIKIRAPIKIRA!
- Update 21: Interlude: Navi Design Contest Results!
- Update 22: Sausage.
- gameface Update 5: Cooking still only has one step: cutting.
- Update 23: CrissCross!
- Update 24: Hatehatehatehatehate.
- Update 25: Mach Speed Mood Whiplash.
- Update 26: On the Origin of CyberSpecies.
- gameface Update 6: My pack is halfway up my ass...
- Update 27: The best guest commentators ever.
- Update 28: Colonel Goku Satsu.
- Update 29: Story Time.
- gameface Update 7: Avoiding a thread derail?
- gameface Update 8: Gregar Cross Recap.
- Update 30: Falzar Cross Recap.
- Update 31: The final dungeon.
- gameface Update 9: The (almost) last of the version differences.
- Update 32: Cybeast Showdown.
- gameface Update 10: The last of the version differences.
- Update 33: The Final Errands: Part 1.
- Update 34: The Final ErraSCREEEEEECH!
- Update 35: Gotta Catch 'Em All.
- Update 36:The Final Errands: NumberOpen is Your God.
- Update 37: Settling an old score.
- Update 38: The Last Grinding.
- Update 39: The Grand Finale: Part 1.
- Update 40: The Grand Finale: Part 2.
- Update 41: The Grand Finale: Part 3.
MegaMan Network Transmission: By FighterKnuckles, slight guest commentary by myself. By AnimaBolt (VLP)
- 1: FK needs to make these kinds of things noticeable.
- 2: AnimaBolt hijacks things.
- 3: GutsMan? Hard? This is...wrong. Guest Commentary with Six of Spades.
- 4: It's his own damned fault for asking the rest of us what order he should do things in.
- 5: Remember the QuickMan lasers from MM2? They're baaaaaaa-aaaack!
- 6: NeedleMan's design is hilariously uncreative.
- 7: IceMan's design isn't different at all from his original, really.
Bonus Stuff:
Gnilley: A game played entirely by shouting.Fan art - contains spoilers
By gnome7:

By TwoPair:

By Depressing Box:

By MissEchelon:

(I'm uncertain about this one, unfortunately, but it seems to be her art style.)

By Shaezerus:

(Colored by MissEchelon)
Design-A-Navi contest run by PlasmaMan:
ClashMan.EXE by Bruceski and Screaming Idiot:

SnidleyMan.EXE by Depressing Box:

Concept Art also by Depressing Box:

BanditMan.EXE by gnome7:

BeardMan.EXE by Terry Van Feleday:

VegasMan.EXE by Six of Spades:

PlugMan.EXE and DynamoMan.EXE by SKBasis:

Messload of Navis by SKBasis:

ZoneMan.EXE by SystemLogoff: