Part 2: Passy away for Zero gain
Music: Crash -Short Loop-
Dramatic music and a girl running though we can't play yet, at least there's action involved.
The spritework for this game is fantastic. Tons and tons of different animations even for stock NPCs. In case you didn't get it, that picture up there links to the uncommented intro cutscene.
Some of the green-uniformed companions of the girl we saw in the first screen stay back to try and stop the as-of-yet unseen pursuers.
Oh. I guess we see them now. Those are the Pantheons, and their design is both remniscent of something...can't quite put my finger on it...and unsettling. What with their big glowing cyclops eye. Really like it, and also the speed blur here. When the artwork is stylized like that, it can work really well.
It seems the green guys are incredibly outclassed. This lends a new dimension to the desparation part of their desparate flight.


...this does.
So, did they hold them back long enough, at least?
Music: The Ruins of Lab

Best of luck, buddy...hopefully at least the giant machines won't fit through the hole you just blew into the wall, eh?
So what do we have here?

Music: Captive Legend

The plot thickens.
Our as-of-yet-unnamed companion approaches the supine figure...

Could have told him before he got energy barrier'd.

Music: Crash -Short Loop-
Predictably, our single soldier was brave, but unsuccessful in defending the door.

He takes a triplet of shots in the face to protect the girl and lives. She was wise in taking him along. Can take a beating, will jump in front of bullets for her, and even has a unique character portrait!

Also no time to dodge the bullets slowly flying in from the right...!

Oh shit.

We're out of people to take shots for you, girl, I hope you had a plan...really, though, the situation could hardly be worse.


Sounds dangerous.
Is dangerous, apparently.
safe return!
Love how they keep getting closer and closer. The tension is palpable. Milan's death shook Ciel quite a lot; precious time was already lost until Passy managed to snap her out of it.
Imagine this screen with a continually increasing number of elipses, staying about as long on-screen as it takes you to read my moodbreaking ramblings.

Ciel is holding the glowing sphere (which is how Passy looks in low-res sprite town, in case you hadn't figured that out already) out like she's charging some sort of energy shot, and Passy emits rays as if she was about to explode.
Music: Cyberelf

And with a sad little "pling", both the barrier and Passy shatter into nothingness.
Ciel is completely alone now, every ally and friend she had with her sacrificed for...Zero?
Everything stops for a second.
Music: Theme of Zero (MMX Version)

Oh fuck yes. This is what played when we saw Zero for the first time in the X series, and it's no less iconic here. In fact, it'll continue to play throughout the stage!

Help me. Please.
And this is where the gameplay video picks up.