Part 16: Stop the Hacking: Faerie Leviathan
Extra Stage Thoughts
This one screams filler - most probably because it fits every definition of the term. The first and last third are almost indistinguishable from the first time we visited the hidden base, and having to go through the same four fucking desert screens a fourth time is just adding insult to injury. The middle part is a pretty cool setpiece, I grant it that; hampered just a little by simply not being all that fun to play, what with all the instant death and fish from out of nowhere, and it's really short to boot, so I don't really count it. An utterly forgettable stage, and I don't have anything to add, squeezed myself dry enough in the video anyway.
Boss Comments

- Homing Spears: A trifecta of projectiles that seek out Zero. Can be pretty tough to dodge, just because you can't see them all that well because of the screen size (it sadly bears repeating). Overall very basic, though. She'll swim upwards after this, so you usually won't get hit because of her movement, and far away anyway.
- Ice Ring Shield: Leviathan charges an ice ring, during which she's invincible from the front. Starting this attack, she always faces Zero, so you can goad her into shooting at one side, then come from behind. It's a dumbfire missile after she's finished shooting, so it's pretty easy to dodge especially as it moves so slowly. Beware of two things: The large AOE, and her immediate swerve to one side after a second or so once it leaves her spear. Thankfully, it's not impervious to bullets after having been fired, so you can get a shot in; again, that's a risk because of her movement, though.
- Icicle Rain: She swims left and right above Zero's position, spreading crystals. After quite a few are gathered, she'll drop them down. This is most easily avoided by using the space you're given, especially towards the sides of the arena where she just can't reach herself. Best time to hit her, too, from that save spot. After it, she'll slowly float down until she's about level with Zero, then start the spear attack again.
- Ice Dragon (EX Skill): She becomes invincible for a mercifully short time and creates an ice dragon which will always tail Zero. It's pretty durable, but you'll want to destroy it really quickly, because dodging it and her attacks at the same time while still trying to get a shot in is a nightmare. It's also really damaging. Best way is a charged fire attack...naturally. The position in the pattern for this is fixed, too: After an icicle rain. So you can manipulate her health in a way that'll only make her use this once, if you can get a consistent damage output going, read: If you're not me.
Leviathan is a really good fight. It shows how even with a rigid pattern, circumstances can still allow for a harrowing experience. This is less about pure action and more about planning: What is she going to use when, from which position, and how can I best avoid it/manipulate her? This fight really rewards you for exploiting her AI; most of what she does is in reaction to Zero's relative position. Learn to read the triggers, get a feel for her pattern, and this fight is really rewarding. It helps tremendously that the EX Skill is not shit; suddenly, all careful planning is to be thrown overboard, the dragon need to die now, a burst of action out of nowhere, and not bullshit or unfun? See, I told you they know how to make good bosses, just wait for the sequel where almost all are of that caliber!
Ranking High
Leviathan. Full stop. The rest of this is just incredibly easy, all the fish spawn from the same positions, the traps are obvious after your first time through, I think I pointed all of them out: bombs (don't get hasty, they explode far!), fish (learn where they are), sub (you can do it if you're quick), missiles (scout ahead, and yes, you can easily shoot them before they hit you), those assholes on top/to the bottom of the ladder (patience!)... yeah, just the bossfight, really. I can't give you good advice because I haven't quite figured it out myself, but all the pieces are there. Pattern, AI, health level, and getting rid of the dragon fast. It might be advisable to quickly switch to the Shield Boomerang when you know it's coming (and you will, with plenty of time to spare), charge it up with the fire chip and destroy the dragon immediately, but that would be cheating. Somehow. Look I don't know, you're kind of insane if you try to 100 point these anyway.

Infiltration is a boring track if it plays over scouring a huge base for Cyber Elves. 's all. (It's the same track that played for Protect Factory)