Part 29: Metal Gear 2 Part Ten: Plot Sewer
Metal Gear 2 Part Ten: Plot Sewer
Now that we've met Natasha in the washroom and taken the washroom elevator down to the basement, we're ready to look for Dr. Marv.

Outside the elevator, we find Snake and Natasha in...some kind of sewer? It's pretty dry for a sewer, but I suppose that's what you get when you only have one toilet.

In this area, instead of guards, there are these zamboni bulldozer things. If you run into them, you're toast, and there's no way to destroy them. Thankfully, they're pretty slow and there's plenty of space to move around them.

Also in the sewer, Snake comes across this door. At this point, though, we can't open it. I suppose that all the C4 he's carrying only works on doors that have been cemented over.

On the other end of the hallway (it's a small area down here), the pair finds another elevator. What in the sewer is so important that it needs two elevators leading down there? And why does one of them need to go to the ladies' washroom?

Back to the first floor! Let's see what we find here!

Ah, a solitary confinement cell! The most reasonable place to put an elevator. At least it's more accessible than Snake's cell in Metal Gear, which was built around him.

In the cell is Petrovich! Hopefully he can help us out at least a little.

Natasha interrupts the catch-up session to get these two back on track (and probably to stop anyone hitting on her again). At least someone on this mission is semi-professional.

Well, it's sure a good thing that the doors stay open for, like, five minutes. Is there even a reasonable way to build an elevator that only opens from one side? And is there any reason to use an elevator to transport hostages to and from solitary as opposed to just using a door?


Petrovich, you are about 75 years old. Any half-decent guard would be able to stop you stealing their keycard.
Zanzibar Land: home of the soldiers than can be outfoxed by an old man they have in custody.

You mean you'll be behind Snake and Petrovich, right? Bringing up the rear and covering the world's best hope of stopping a nuclear war and an HVT, right?

Nope! Natasha leaves Petrovich in the back of the line, right where he's most likely to catch a bullet in the back.

Poor lineup decisions aside, it's back to the sewers for us! What else will we find?

Let's use that card Petrovich gave us and see!

Aw yeah, just what I always wanted. A hallway with a big ol' shit puddle in it.

Hey Petrovich, if you want to be out of the shit hallway, maybe we shouldn't stop in the middle of it!

Here's an idea: let's not stand around in the middle of a choke-point that's also full of shit!

Alright, so that's what we're going with. Spectacular.

Petrovich has to piss, I guess. Have a good whiz, man.
Here's a little bit of music, which I can only link with Petrovich going to pee:

And so, Snake and Natasha sit down in the one part of the hallway not covered in dirty sewer water. Well, Natasha sits. Snake just sort of crouches there.

To the cutscene void!

Nah, it's just two people hangin' out in a sewer. This is a normal thing that people do.

Solid Snake has heard all kinds of war stories, but holy shit does the man love figure skating.

This line, right here. Christ on a bike. And this can't even be written off as a mistake by the fan translator, because it's still in the newer version:
Metal Gear 2 New Translation posted:
: ...Not exactly. It was something about the ice... It felt... cold.

Look at that! Even Snake doesn't know what's going on.

For once in his life, Snake finds that he is the one being hit on.

Way to use that 160 IQ, boss.

The point here is that either Natasha is significantly older than Snake, or Frank Jaeger is a little bit creepy.

This is one of the first times in the series where a character is developed pretty much all at once just by talking about themselves. It's usually reserved for bosses, and Black Color showed some of that with his after-battle speech, but this is the first real character-centric

And now, Petrovich comes back! Must've been a big one.

Snake finds this worth mentioning, but Natasha just wants to get down to business.

The rest of the sewer and the next area will have to wait until next time, though. That's enough for today.