Part 42: Metal Gear 2 Part Twenty-Three: Shut Up, Old Man
Metal Gear 2 Part Twenty-Three: Shut Up, Old Man
Well, here we are. We've killed Grey Fox and there's the cartridge. All Snake has to do now is get out of Zanzibar Land and he can go home to his crippling PTSD.

Once he grabs the cartridge, though, a ghost starts yelling at him.

The ghost also opens a door. If it hadn't, I guess the rest of this game would just be Snake standing around until he died of starvation.

Through the door is a hallway and the ghost yelling again. Calm down, ghost, nobody likes a pushy spectre.
The geometry here is Euclidean, at least, even if this isn't quite what a hallway is used for.

Through the hallway, we find Green Beret Man's brother, the sinister Red Beret Man.

And he sees us, too. What's worse, he has a gun. All Snake has right now are burns and injuries.

Oh, I guess it's Big Boss.
Metal Gear 2 Manual posted:
Former general troop commander of FOXHOUND.
An American who participated in LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol) in Vietnam, and afterwards, exploited his superior skills in SOG (Special Operations Group), the Green Berets and the Wild Geese. He has completed more than 70 missions. In the late 80's, he participated in several regional conflicts and race liberation wars. He was heralded as a true hero and made the front covers of popular magazines in many countries.
Then he lost an eye, and retired from the front line to concentrate on military education and training. The 1990's arrived and he was nominated as general planning commander of the international special forces squad FOXHOUND. Then, "BIG BOSS", transformed by greed and dreams of absolute power, managed to take control of OUTER HEAVEN, (the military fortress nation in Salzburg) and tried to establish world domination. He was stopped by "SOLID SNAKE" in operation N313. He has since fled to the Middle East.
Exact location is unknown.
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 89 kg
Sean Connery IS Big Boss.
He was less "stopped" by Snake than he was "shot in the face with an RPG a dozen times and left to die in Outer Heaven's double explosion self-destruct" but shit, I don't know. Big Boss has no reason to be in this game and it's dumb that he's here.

Big Boss, you are incredibly late with that. Pretty much the latest that any person has ever been.

What? What are you talking about? Please explain in the form of a speech.

Snake, this doesn't make sense either. You came to Zanzibar Land for OILIX. You had no reason to believe Big Boss was here, and even after Schneider told you, you had no reason to believe Big Boss was here, and every reason to believe Schneider was full of shit.
Oh, Snake has pretty bad PTSD from Outer Heaven, just throwin' that out there.

Constant nightmares, intense guilt, that kind of thing. The kind of issues that can shape a character, especially a battle-hardened professional killer like Snake. Good thing the game never brought this up until right before the very end.

Engrish aside, Big Boss is just getting back to the theme that soldiers can't ever leave the battlefield behind. This is the first time it's been extended beyond the East-West division of the Cold War, though. This would tie it in to Snake's PTSD really nicely if a)we knew Snake was born in '72 (putting him at 18 in 1990, just in time for the Cold War to end) and b)Snake's PTSD was mentioned before this conversation.

Thanks for explaining that some more, Big Boss. I wasn't really sure what you meant at first.

Yeah, I get it. You have strong feelings about war, man. Why aren't you telling Snake about how you're not pushing up daisies or something?

Snake calls Big Boss out here. Big Boss is full of shit and any reasonable person knows it.

Instead of rehabilitation and reintegration, Big Boss is obsessed with the idea of always having a war to fight.

Also, this. This soldier husbandry thing. He's taking the war orphans, raising them and training them as an army so that he can do the whole thing over again. Or, well, so they can do the who thing again. Big Boss is, like, 80 years old. Odds are he won't even see the Zanzibar kids get their driver's licences.

For Big Boss, it goes a little deeper than that. He's singularly dedicated to war. He defines himself by war. He's a war fanatic. I guess this is what you get when you build your entire worldview around having PTSD.

Big Boss, you're a useless dummy here. You are a crazy old man who can't let go of his glory days.

Snake still doesn't buy into Big Boss's horseshit.

Big Boss, shut the fuck up.

Even though they're tortured, Snake takes the opposite side from Big Boss. He's determined that he can be freed from war if he just finishes up in Zanzibar Land. Even if Big Boss is right and they're cut from the same cloth, Snake still won't just give up.

Snake and I want the same thing here. This is a long speech and Big Boss's ideals are dumb as hell. He's just another crazy bad guy who thinks he's good. He's not deep or ambiguous, he's just long-winded.

He's old and delusional and unstable. No comment is ever made on how he manages to run Zanzibar Land, but I don't think he really does. I think that Grey Fox is the de facto leader of the country. He might not be the president in title, but he seemed much more together than Big Boss does.
Of course, Grey Fox did some things so stupendously stupid that they got him killed from a position of basically unassailable power over Solid Snake, so there's that.

Snake, Miller's going to be mad that you're stealing his line.

Big Boss, you've just been making one mistake over and over for the last 30 years.

This is finally the end of the man's speech and the technical beginning of the fight against him.
Big Boss's theme:

By the way, "Homestuck" is a genre on tindeck all to itself. I think that's kind of dumb. Has nothing to do with the matter at hand, but there you go.
Next time on Metal Gear 2, the actual Big Boss fight.