Part 27
Plant Chapter, Something Witty Goes Here--- More swimming! Rest in peace, Stillman. You were a good guy.
Well, I don't really think you can rest in peace right now but...oh whatever. Gettin' some air. that a rubber duck? YES. Glad that's over. Now to get to - Oh for fuck's sake woman, they're just bugs! Pfft, fine. I'll take care of them. Wait a minute, why am I doing this when I can - THROW BALLS OF BOOM AT THEM! Well that didn't really work. But I've got another idea... Sleep tight! DONT LET THE SEA LICE BITE HA HA HA Wait here while I go kick some ass. Hey guys, guess what time it is. TIME FOR YOU TO BE DEAD C'mon you waif. I once kicked a man in New York just to watch him tumble over and get knocked unconcious. Damn. What the...? That you carry a security card around your neck? Uh....suuuuure. <> How can you stay mad at that? Let's roll. Right, this hatch should lead down to the oil fences. Just pop this open and - OH SHIT SOMEBODY'S PLAYING LINSDAY LOHAN MUSIC FUCK ...did it stop? FUCK THERE IT GOES AGAIN Animal, vegetable, or mineral? That seals it. Kojima has a ladder fetish. A LOOOOOOO
...ooooong ladder fetish. Almost the same length as my colossal wang. Nothing quite like a low-res sun texture to set the mood, eh guys? Oh hell yes. Uh, okay. The second Emma jumps down onto the pontoon bridge, she trips on something. Way to go. "He'll never be the head of a major corporation!" -Austin Pfft. Gun Cyphers. Is Snake gonna have to choke a bitch?! DEAT FROM ABO - ER, WELL, WAIST LEVEL. After completely ignoring the mission and letting Snake take care of the hostiles, Raiden turns to blasting seagulls out of the sky. Oh you don't know, babe. (No, I'm serious. Just wait.) I am, actually. Thanks! There's Snake, being a total badass. I love Snake. In a completely heterosexual, manly, brotherly way. Emma finally makes it across the bridge. Safe for now. I decided to see (well, hear) just what was on our Yorda-wanabe's mind... Damn right it is. Gimme a break, they're both military issue! What are you, a lesbian? Hey, I try. What're you talking about? Must be what? WHAT? ABOUT WHAT?! Oh fine, forget about it. Further demonstrating her brilliant balance capabilities. Whew. Looks like she's home free. And here is a wondeful shot of Raiden's girl ass. What the fuck? But you died! Third time's the charm, you sonuvabitch. Fuck you! Whew. Hey, she doesn't look too good... Oh no... No! Go go go! I...I have no words... ---
Will Raiden....uh..oh fuck it.