Part 28
Plant Chapter, Arsenal Gear vs. Norton Anti-Virus--- Raiden makes it up to Strut L. Snake isn't the most computer literate person on the planet, it seems. Alright, let's go. This leads into the box warehouse. There was a guard here. He's gone now. Bugs ain't no match for my...running skillz. Uh oh... Oh, fine. Just fine. There's a hole travelling from her back to her stomach, and she's probably bleeding all kinds of organ fluid into her body cavity, but she's just fine. Right here. Snake strikes me as the type of guy who types with one finger and needs Otacon's help to check his email. ( ! CRAP. I knew we should have got Comcast DSL. MICROSOOOOOOFFFTTTT!!!!! Simeple answer: Nope.*
*Yes. DID YOU NOT CATCH MY SAD FACE HEAD TURN. Or...both! Gonna use you as bai- er, secret hatch. Uh, yeah. After some touching words, Emma grabs Otacon's glasses and... and... Now's not a good time to tell him that Spike is dead, is it?'ve got to be kidding me. Kojima must really, really, REALLY fucking hate "otakus". Snake's totally got a disgusted look. Oh, poopypants. We'd better get outta here. THEN LETS STOP STANDING HERE AND TALKING Just don't screw their moms on the way to shore, please. Once out of sight, Otacon cries his eyes out some more and babbles on about wanting to be loved, and how he's "always the survivor", echoing the scene from MGS1 where Snake puts down Sniper Wolf. No, those hostages are fucked. The virus disk? Well, uh, thanks. Huh? OH SHITS Couldn't just shoot him with the tranquilizer gun, could ya? Olga?! I knew it all along! please dont hurt please dont hurt GAH THE FUCKING HURST BLBLBLAKBLAKBLAKBLFBKABF I sure hope he didn't shit his pants because of that. Let's get this girly boy onboard so we can kick some robot ass. Arsenal cuts the Big Shell loose... And it plummets into the sea...
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