Part 1: Introductions
Hey everyone, and welcome to the show. Not much point sticking around on the title screen, so let's get right into it. We begin, as always in MGS, with a cutscene.
Music: Imprisonment
Watch the cutscene!
We find our hero lying on a cot in a dingy room. Apparently simply being a 'legendary war hero' doesn't allow for a decent accomodation. Who knew?
A few images flash on the screen, accompanied by the sounds of battle.

: Excellent. It's been exactly twelve hours since we administered the drug. I trust your dreams were pleasant... Big Boss?

: Please, drop the act. I know all about you, Boss.

: Or would you prefer I called you... Naked Snake?

: Sounds like you've got the right guy. Who are you?

: My name is Lt. Cunningham. Until four weeks ago, I was with the CIA.

: FOX Unit's interrogation specialist?

: Ah, so you have heard of me. I'm honored, Snake.

: And those guys who attacked me -- they were FOX, too?

: Yeah... Although, we'll leave it at that, for now.

: What do you want from me? I'm retired from FOX. I'm guessing this isn't a social call, or you wouldn't have brought the goons.

: Yeah, I suppose you are, to the outside world.

: I just want to ask you one simple question. Six years ago, as a member of FOX, you prevented a full-scale nuclear war. You were hailed as a true patriot, given the title of Big Boss by the President.

: Threw aside your rank, your good name. Mysterious, don't you think? What did you see out there on your mission? What did you see in Groznyj Grad?

: Where is the legacy?

: You mean the Philosophers' Legacy...?!

: The secret cache of funds amassed by the Big Three during the Second World War. Where is it?

: If you're looking for the legacy, try the CIA. They are the ones who took it after the mission six years ago.

: It's always been my policy for persuasion, and I've found it to be quite effective.

: The CIA only recovered half of the Legacy from the Soviets after Operation Snake Eater. And you know where the other half went.

: The CIA... only got half?

: You can drop the act! You defeated The Boss and returned alive, so you must know where the other half of the Legacy is. And now... you're going to tell me, Snake.

: Don't have a clue.

: That's too bad.

: Because I'd hate to have to continue persuading you like this, "comrade". No matter.

: Sooner or later, I'm sure it will all come back to you.

: This isn't an official mission, is it? What happened to Major Zero? Tell me the truth, Cunningham!

: For now. *cackle*
And that leaves us in control of our good 'ol friend, Big Boss. Our first objective of the game is to try and find a way out of our holding cell. So, without delay, let's try the door!
Oh. Yeah, our door's locked (which, I might add is a little difficult to convey in screenshots, so you'll have to take my word for it). After all, what kind of prison would it be if they let their prisoners roam free?
If we take a small peek out the door, we get to see a fellow prisoner. There's literally no other option, so let's try the door again.

: !?

: Snake... so that's your name, huh?

: It's got a nice ring to it.

: Who are you?

: I'm a prisoner, like you.

: It's a long story. But never mind that. Don't you want to get out of here?

: ...You know a way?

: Take a good look under the bed. See that duct? The cover comes right off. You can go through it to the next room.

: How'd you know?

: But as luck would have it, they moved me to another cell right after that, so I never got a chance to use it. If you make it out, will you do a fellow prisoner a favor?

: A favor?
Metal Gear!? (Don't worry, I won't be pointing out every blatant redundancy. You guys are smart enough to do it yourselves.)

: Don't worry. You'll get something out of it, too.
And with that, our next update will finally get to some gameplay! Maybe... probably... a little.