Part 2: Prison Break
Well, hey, a little double post never hurt anyone, eh?

The update in video form! Blip, too. And a download, just in case.
So now, after the brief interruption by a complete stranger who, by some chance managed to open an escape route out of our cell, we're back in control of Snake. First order of business is to crawl through that vent the prisoner mentioned. At the end of the dialog, Snake pries the lid off of it himself, so let's get to it.

If you've played an MGS game before, crawling hasn't changed a bit. Press the X button to go into a crouch, and move in a direction to start crawling. Alternatively, you can hold X to go directly into the prone stage.

On the other side of the vent is an item box. This particular item box contains a Mk. 22 tranquilizer gun, the same as from Snake Eater. However, it also contains...

And we're treated to another cutscene, not five minutes after the first. Hope you brought popcorn, 'cause we got us here a plot dump.
No music link for this cutscene, because I unfortunately couldn't find it.

Click here to watch the cutscene minus all the other stuff.

And we're again back into the game engine, but Roy's not quite done talking at us just yet.
Music: Comm Base

Thankfully, this is simply a tutorial for how to do things within the game.

This is our inventory, accessed with the circle button. There're only four slots in our inventory out in the field at any given time, and if we run out of slots, we won't be able to pick anything else up. Some items we'll find out on the field are things like support items, ammunition and weapons. Basically, the standard fare.

If we equip a weapon and press the left trigger, we can ready our weapon, and if there's a target nearby, Snake will automatically lock on to them. The weapon you've currently got selected shows up in the bottom right. If it's silenced, the silencer meter will show up next to it. If that meter drops to nothing, the silencer breaks. You get a new silencer after every mission, so you don't have to worry about collecting them.

We control Snake with the analog nub, and pressing the triangle button gives us the ability to stalk, making a return from Snake Eater. Stalking slows us down, but prevents us from being heard easily. As this is an MGS title, and therefore, a stealth action game, you can probably tell why this is a good thing. Speaking of stealth, in the top right corner of the screen is the 'surround indicator', which gives us information like location and distance of guards we can't see. If the direction the guard is in is colored blue, they can hear but not see you. If it's red, he can and will see you if you're in the open.

Pressing the right trigger puts us in first-person view, giving us more precise control on our aim. The analog nub on the PSP can be a little less accurate than you'd like at times, and as such the devs allow us a little leniency. By pressing the left trigger while in first-person, the aim slows down considerably, for even MORE precision. How wonderful!

Even with first-person aiming, however, hitboxes and my aim can sometimes leave something to be desired.

Roy isn't impressed, either.

By pressing triangle near a wall, you can press up against it and peek around corners.

If you're not careful, though, it is more than possible to accidentally have your finger slip off, and overshoot into the hallway you're trying to peek into.

As in MGS2 and 3, you can fire from a corner by peeking around it and using the left trigger.

Directly outside of our cellblock, there's a door leading into what I assume is prisoner processing. But before we're allowed to go in there, Roy has one last thing to tell us.

Right. Now that he's done, we're free to explore.

In the processing center, to the left of where we entered, there's the electronic gate Roy told us about. On the back wall, there's two doors. One opens up and contains:

The other is locked. To the right is another way to explore the prison. But, since we'll be returning here later on, I'll save that for then.
As for the binoculars, they allow us to zoom in on a target in first-person view. Honestly, not that useful.

Outside the gate, there's a guard that watches the exit out into the open area.

A nice little detail in the game is that if you miss a guard by a close enough margin, they will become suspicious and take a look at where the shot originated. Same goes if you hit a surface near a sentry. Just another reason to be as precise as you can.

After two shots, I finally manage to peg him and move on.

Outside, and to the right is our destination: a ramp leading up toward the level exit. The ramp is guarded by one sentry on our current level...

...and another in a guardhouse at the top of the ramp.

Taking out both guards gives us access to our stage exit, but first there's another item we can collect in the guardhouse.

Medical kits, fairly obviously, serve as our healing items should we take damage. They come in two varieties, small and large. The same goes for rations, which recover our stamina bar. Both of these meters are on the bottom left of the screen, and if either run out we're forced (at least at this point) to restart. Later on, we'll have more options, when that happens.

Here's our level exit. In a few missions, they can either serve as checkpoints or mission ends. This one just means that we're currently done in the prison complex.
Next update, the comm base, and YET MORE EXPOSITION. Don't worry, the game picks up after that, trust me!