Part 4: Raiders of the Lost Diary
Here, have a 5 AM update! This is the first update using the intended format for the rest of the LP, so enjoy.
Episode Four: Raiders of the Lost Diary

: The first recon target we were given during the pre-mission briefing at Fort Bragg was here... A Soviet front-line patrol base. This will be our first target for information collection. I can take you there. I've got a good idea of where it's located.

: It'll do. So what's the plan?

: This place is packed with soldiers--the perfect target for our first recon. Get as much intel as you can. You should be able to extract useful information by listening in on soldiers.

: Heh heh, looks like we'll make a great team, Snake. OK, let's get moving.
Mission 2: Gathering Information - YouTube Blip Download

: Find anything interesting?

: You're not going to believe this...

: Try me.

: It seems the rebels are actually planning to activate that new weapon they stole.

: ...but it looks like we don't have much time.

: No way. They're in the middle of negotiations with Washington and Moscow. Even assuming this launch plan is real, it's got to be a bluff to strengthen their hand.

: Maybe. But they exterminated us Green Berets - their own comrades - without mercy or remorse. I don't think they're too particular about means to their end.

: ...

: But if they're serious about this, it could ignite a global crisis.

: ...

: Snake, until we have a clearer picture of what's going on here, I think we should assume the worst. Better to overreact now and laugh about it later than ignore this and live to regret it.

: ...I can't argue with you on that.

: It's our duty to act before the launch deadline.

: Yeah, you're right.

: ...Even so, the fact is there are only two of us, and we can't do this alone.

: Got any ideas?

: ...Snake, when you were listening in on the enemy, did you get the feeling that maybe not everyone's satisfied with their commander?

: Yeah, some of them were griping about it.

: ...Tell me, how hard do you think it would be to recruit some of those soldiers over to our side?

: Recruit them?

: Exactly. We could use any grievances they have against their leader to try and persuade them to join us. Sowing discord among the enemy has been a basic element of psychological warfare since the time of Confucious, right? Play our cards right, and we might be able to find out what's really going on.

: Hmm...

: What do you think, Snake?

: Sigint was saying the same thing... ...Yeah, it might be worth a try.

: Heh heh, I knew I could count on you. Now, first thing we gotta do is choose a suitable candidate.

: So what exactly does that entail?

: That means you'll have to drag 'em back to the truck so we can all have a friendly chat about them joining our little resistance. Go out and give it a try. Oh, and one more thing... We've learned the name of the enemy commander.

: Who is it?

: "Gene"...?

: OK, then. Let's get this mission started. Pick someplace where there'll be enemies easy to convert. So, where to, Big Boss?
Mission 3: Gathering Recruits - YouTube Blip Download
I was actually wrong with something I said in the video. You actually cannot kill using the chokehold in this game. No matter how quickly you tap the button, it'll still just put him to sleep.
Watch the cutscene by itself

: Quick thinker, too. They trained you well. You're a good soldier.

: Who... who are you?

: Call me Snake.

: Snake? Is that a code name? You must be with the Americans. Are you with the FOX Unit too?

: I'm not with the Americans or with FOX.

: Just a soldier? ...Then why?

: We're here to stop FOX Unit from going renegade.

: ...and stole a top-secret weapon. He plans to use that weapon and the warheads in this base, as bargaining chips to negotiate with your country. But blackmail is more like it. We're here to put a stop to it.

: ...and capture the traitors in the FOX Unit. I can understand if you're afraid of FOX.

: Will you join us?

: You're here... to save us? And you want me to help you defeat Gene?

: What's so funny? You think... he's been brainwashed?

: Brainwashed? Is that what you think is happening here?

: But I'm afraid you two have it all wrong.

: Wrong?

: We didn't rebel because of Gene... Our country betrayed us first!

: ...unable to reach our friends and loved ones because of the secrecy of our mission. The climate was brutal. The meals were meager. We watched as our comrades succumbed to disease, or died fighting the Columbian government.

: believing our efforts were all for the good of the motherland! And how did the motherland reward us? By stabbing us in the back.

: If the existence of this base came to light, the political fallout with the United States could fatally undermine Moscow's position in the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks Brezhnev is promoting. That's why...

: What matters to us is that Mother Russia wiped this base from existence. But instead of allowing us to return home, the army erased all traces of communication and cut off our supplies. They sought to isolate the peninsula, and make it look like this was all the work of a few out-of-control soldiers. We were abandoned by our own country!

: A nation not
of soldiers, but for them. We do not follow Gene out of fear. He will deliver us justice.

: That's why we follow him, not you. You'll never be able to stop him.

: A professional soldier never brings justice into the mission. The only ones who need a reason to fight are the ones who fight for a living. That's what my mentor told me. Politics are fickle. They change with the times. So long as we remain loyal to our countries, soldiers like us need nothing to believe in. She died out of loyalty -- not to justice, not to her country. To herself. For the mission.

: Who was she?

: They called her the Boss. I killed her.

: The Boss? The legendary soldier? Then Snake...

: You're the hero who killed Colonel Volgin at Groznyj Grad.

: Prove your loyalty as a soldier. That's what the boss told me. I still don't know what she meant.

: Prove your loyalty... Not to justice, not to your country... but to yourself. Does Gene truly plan to threaten the the motherland?

: Snake procured documents from a patrol station that confirm as much. If launched from this base, the weapon Gene stole could deliver a devastating blow to every major city in Russia. I know it's hard to believe.

: No. I believe you. Not as a member of the Red Army, but as a soldier.

: Snake, give me my mission.