Part 7: Tactical Nurse Action

: Looks like those drugs you got from the girl really work. I gave some to all the men.

: Now what?

: If we go to the harbor, we might find what we're looking for... At least, that's what Elisa said.

: The harbor...? I have absolutely no idea where that is. Seems we need to do some more recon.

: Big Boss, you got a minute? I've got a plan.

: A plan? What kind of plan?

: going to be sitting there. And that, if I may be frank, is a waste. It defeats the whole purpose.

: ...

: a "spy unit" and send them to key points on the peninsula. We've all been stationed here a while... So we've got a pretty good idea of how and where to lie low, and we'd make pretty good intelligence collectors, too. And--correct me if I'm wrong--you're going to want a broader picture of what's going on around the peninsula in order to accomplish your mission. So what do you think?

: Spies, huh...

: Right now, we've only got awareness of the few dozen yards around our truck. If we think we can figure out why FOX rebelled like this, we're not just dreaming--we're crazy. I think sending some of our men out to gather intel is a great idea.

: You got it, Boss.

: We don't have enough men to send them out willy-nilly. Got any ideas where we should start?

: Why don't we send a unit out to the supply depot? That's where they store all the cargo they unload at the harbor.

: Agreed. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for new recruits.
Mission 7: Getting a Clue - YouTube Blip Download

: Used to deliver supplies. It details how they get supplies unloaded at the harbor to the depot... which means it also shows how to get from the depot to the harbor.

: What do you think? We're heading for the supply depot.

: Roger that.
Mission 8: Getting a Map - YouTube Blip Download

: We now know the location of the town, the rail bridge, the Soviet security base, and the harbor.

: supply depot.

: Hmm... I guess it was worth the trouble, after all.

: I'll say. Now all we have to do is head straight for the harbor...

: Why? What's the problem?

: To get to the harbor, we have to pass over the rail bridge. But that bridge has been closed off and turned into a checkpoint.

: How do you know?

: A supplement to the map lists the rotation schedule for the soldiers manning the checkpoint.

: Is there a way to get around it?

: As you can see from the map, the eastern half of the peninsula is divided from the western half by a river. If we want to get to the harbor by truck, the only way is to cross over that rail bridge.

: So not only are we cut off from the harbor, we can't get to the east side of the peninsula at all... Is there a way to break through the checkpoint?

: checkpoint will be heavily guarded. Busting our way through probably isn't an option.

: Damn...

: At any rate, let's start by getting a feel for the situation at the bridge checkpoint.
Mission 9: Getting Into Trouble - YouTube Blip Download
As was said in the video for mission 9, you guys get to vote on where we go next. There are four targets ripe for demolition, and you get to choose which of them we go to first. Vote for two of 'em, and the top two get shown off in the next update, the other two in the one after that. The choices are:
The Town - 3 transport vehicles, potential for higher-tier recruits.
The Supply Depot - 1 transport vehicle, basically the same thing as the mission we just did this update.
The Patrol Station - 1 armory, the map has been altered slightly and is now more accessible.
The Research Lab - 1 culture tank, more scientists!
Bold your votes, if you'd please. Voting will close and will be tallied up 10 AM Eastern on Wednesday!