Part 10: Fear, Terrible, Fear, METAL GEAR
Oh hey, so I kind of lied! Not intentionally, of course, but since my prior engagements for the weekend fell through, why not have an update? It's 2 AM in the East US, so it's technically Monday, right?

: looking for is at the harbor. Right now, we still don't have a clue what "it" is. It could have something to do with FOX's rebellion...

: Sneak into the harbor and conduct a search as you see fit. Of course, you should still excercize caution. And be extra alert for any security--we can't rule out the possibility that this is a trap.

: into getting my ass kicked...
Mission 15: Investigating the Harbor - YouTube Blip Download

: Yankee dog... keep your filthy paws off my collection!

: Well, well... If it isn't Colonel Skowronski. I'd heard you were on the run.

: would be caught hiding in a place like this...

: You think you scoundrels can just do as you please in my base? As soon as my reinforcements arrive from Russia, we will crush you like the vermin you are! We will teach you whose base this really is. The same goes for that bastard Gene as well!

: Is it hard? Being an officer, that is, when no one follows your orders?

: Silence!

: You're a monster!

: Damn it! My arm!

: I'd heard an intruder was lurking about here. And here I find I've come all this way... For nothing! I'd been hoping to see the face of an old friend. Wasn't I...? Snake? My raison d'etre!

: You...

: You're not worth killing. But I can't have you wandering around like this.

: How dare you put me in a cage like a cow...!

: Be quiet. The lock should melt some time before you starve to death. Best to save your strength.

: Rrrrrghhh!

: Python... You're alive...

: Have you come back to kill me, Yankee dog?

: Eliminate the intruder! This is a direct order from Colonel Skowronski!

: You're not the same man as before. Do not worry. My orders fall upon deaf ears, anyway. Four weeks... It's been four weeks since that whelp Gene arrived here. And in those four weeks, everything has changed.

: Aren't there any soldiers still loyal to you?

: You must be joking. Wouldn't you like to know how, in just four weeks, that man was able to bring the entire peninsula under his control?

: A country of soldiers...

: Ha! A mercenary nation? Preposterous! This piper has them all dancing to his tune. But I won't be fooled.

: His tools lie deep in the hearts of all men: Greed, and that which lays beneath it...

: He simply reaches beyond the impenetrable wall that guards men's hearts... and then strikes!

: Fear. Yes, fear!

: Fear...?

: Compared with the fear that man brought with him, that puny weapon you carry is harmless.

: No idea how terrible that man truly is.

: Fear, huh?

: What's a World War II fighter doing here?

: It is a part of my collection! Once the king of Russian fighters, it could hold its own against the Focke-Wulf
and the Messerschmitt.

: Were you a fighter pilot?

: Indeed I was. Yes... a fighter.

: I would riddle Gene's body with holes this very day. Somebody! Anybody...
Bring me a plane! A plane!

: Let's continue the search. Somehow I don't think that drunk was the thing Elisa wanted us to find.
From where we start out after the cutscene, you can turn around, and the boxes sitting there will actually have the Russian text Snake read in the cutscene. Apparently it contains a Lavotchkin La-5. Just a neat little detail.

: It's labeled "MADE IN USA"... That's gotta be it! This is what she wanted me to find.

: keeping the prototype weapon in.

: How can you be so sure?

: It reads "MADE IN USA" on the crate. They must have disguised it to make it look like it's headed for Vietnam.

: I just checked some of the crates and... They're empty. The contents must have already been shipped out of the harbor.

: Looks that way. But... there's one other thing that caught my attention.

: They left a bunch of spare parts behind... HEAT rounds for a recoillest cannon, spare barrels for an M1919... and bulletproof armor close to five inches thick.

: Whoa, Snake... those sound like parts for a tank or an armored vehicle. There's got to be some mistake. The new weapon the U.S. was developing was supposed to be able to hit every major city in Russia, right?

: I know that. But by the looks of the crate, it was definitely a land-based weapon. I'm sure of it.

: ...Something doesn't add up here.

: We might be overlooking something important. I'll see what else I can find here.

: All right. Be careful, Snake.
Hopefully it's apparent by now why I left this little bit out of the video. Talky, talky, talky. Not all of it really that interesting, either.

: Heh heh...

: Who is this?

: Oh, I'm sorry.

: enough for taking care of Volgin.

: Volgin... at Groznyj Grad!?

: Yes. So you do remember.

: Who are you...?

: Prividyenie... Ghost.

: Hmh. Call me whatever you please. After all, a name is nothing more than a decoration.

: You seem to have quite an interest in the prototype weapon.

: You know something about it?

: Do you remember the Shagohod?

: It was a nuclear-armed tank that could fire a nuclear missile from the ground... Then you mean...!?

: At last you're beginning to catch on.

: But the Shagohod was only capable of firing a single intermediate-range missile. It couldn't possibly hit every major city in Russia.

: You're right. The old Shagohod could never do that. But America has already developed a working MIRV.

: ...Multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles. A single ballistic missile that carries multiple nuclear warheads, each capable of striking a different target...

: Precisely. But MIRVs do have their weak points. Low accuracy. The high cost of development. And the inability to control them once they've been launched. The prototype that Gene stole is a nuclear tank developed by America to make up for these shortcomings.

: The new design travels along a ballistic trajectory that allows it to infiltrate the territory of any country in theworld. No ABM system would be able to stop it. And as a nuclear launch platform carrying multiple-warhead missiles, it can penetrate any type of terrain and neutralize an enemy country all by itself, without requiring any support whatsoever.

: They're going to strap the Shagohod to an ICBM and launch it into an enemy country? That's possible!?

: and more mobile... for instance, a walking tank? And what if you used a booster far more powerful than the Shagohod's, like the Saturn rocket they used to launch the Apollo Lunar Module?

: A walking tank... Of course. At the same time Sokolov was developing the Shagohod... the Granin lab was developing a bipedal walking tank at Groznyj Grad... called Metal Gear... Ghost, are you Granin - the man who designed Metal Gear...? No... Granin must be dead. He was killed by volgin.

: But go ahead and believe I'm Granin if you like.

: So Metal Gear is actually a walking nuclear tank equipped with multiple small nuclear warheads?

: Exactly. However, it's still in the preparation stage. It's not ready to launch yet.

: Gene intends to arm it with the Soviet-made warheads stored on this peninsula.

: But can it use Soviet warheads? Oh, wait... the blueprints for Metal Gear were originally Soviet-made, too. ...I'm surprised they were able to smuggle something of that size out of America.

: They had a government official involved. He is said to be dead...

: All right. I got it. So if I take out the nuclear storage facility on this peninsula, we can prevent Metal Gear from being launched.

: I'll give you whatever help I can. Even if I am a ghost, it still doesn't feel right to let them launch Metal Gear into the Motherland.

: My frequency is 144.78. I'm counting on you to stop Metal Gear.