Part 13: Why.

: the warheads. Meaning we were way off the mark.

: I hate to admit, but you are right.

: But we can't give up. We still gotta prevent the launch.

: We failed at stopping the transport of the nukes. The only option left is to destroy Metal Gear itself. I know that's a tall order, but in a way, you could say it has made our job a tad easier.

: prominent target. There are only so many places it can be stored, and more people are likely to know its location. We need to find someone who was involved in the Metal Gear operation--a high-ranking officer, or maybe a maintenance crew guy.

: I see your point, but...

: I know. Assuming they've got information controls in place, it's more likely they don't have anything useful to tell us. But... right now, it's our only lead.

: ...

: transportation of Metal Gear... Something about a guy who was stabbed in the back by the army and is reportedly dead.

: You sure he said that?

: No matter how charismatic Gene is, he'd never get away with activating this state-of-the-art weapon inside another country's territory on his own.

: And this official who helped Gene and then got tossed aside... If he's still alive... He'd probably know where Metal Gear is.

: ...Incredible, Snake. Of course! If anyone's got info on Metal Gear, it's Gene's silent partner in the government! How'd you figure it out?

: Yes! I remember now. He did say something about how a government official was cowering in fear near a tarmac...

: OK, let's focus on gathering intel. Can you think of any other likely places?

: All right. We'll need to use our spy units a bit more to expand the scope of our intel network.

: Right. As much as Metal Gear sticks out like a sore thumb, we'll be here until next year if we have to search this whole place.
Mission 18: Interrogating Officially - YouTube Blip Download

: intercontinental ballistic-launch capabilities. An ICBMG, if you will. And we have reports that the nuclear warheads were transported out of the storage facility and brought to the ballistic missile launch silo.

: operate on the assumption that Metal Gear has already been moved to the launch silo.

: There's no reason to doubt it, anyway.

: Exactly. And one more thing...

: the location of the silo...

: ...

: Snake...
Mission 19: Nullification - YouTube Blip Download
There are cutscenes here, but they're better seen in motion. Check the videos, if you haven't already.