Part 14: Head Trauma
Well, he can't go spewing his liquid nitrogen everywhere 'cause I assume he doesn't have that much left in his suit after the encounter with Snake. I am, of course, completely making this up, but it at least seems plausible. Other than that, he still has the LN grenades that he uses (except for when I fought him this time

Regardless, have an update!

: I hate to imagine what might have happened to him. But Snake's a legend--he's Big Boss. He wouldn't let himself get killed that easily.

: I'm with you, Campbell. We've gotta save him.

: Right.

: It hasn't been that long since he disappeared. I think the best approach would be to focus our search on his last known whereabouts.

: Exactly. So we've got to be aggresive. Interrogate any enemies you find there and try to squeeze some info out of them.
Mission 20: Snake's Trail - YouTube Blip Download

: Intel extracted via physical torture is unreliable. It has always been my understanding that a skilled interrogator doesn't have you resort to inflicting pain on his... subject.

: You're right, Commander. But it all depends on the time and the place. This man used to be a member of FOX.

: I was simply saying hello.

: Still, it's not easy getting information out of him... is it, Cunningham?

: BUt his resilience will be his undoing. This time, I'll get the location of the remaining Legacy for sure.

: Can you do it?

: It's not part of my normal regimen, but there is a way.

: Drugs? Truth serum won't work on a member of FOX.

: While he was away from the battlefield, they developed a new formula.

: more so if you're using a stronger formula. He could fall apart before you even have the chance to question him. You know that as well as I. Why the hurry, Cunningham?

: from an efficiency perspective.

: All right, then. But I want to talk to him first.

: Be my guest. Truth serums also have an anesthetic effect. If I use it before he recovers his strength, I can't make him hurt.

: You'd make a formidable opponent. I can see now why you've inherited the title of Boss. And yet you are troubled.

: Why do you fight?

: That's why you retired from FOX. But here you are back on the battlefield. Once you've inherited the soul of a warrior, you can never leave the battlefield.

: This whole business about stealing Metal Gear... It was all a setup fromt he beginning. The idea was the CIA's. They were planning to give the American-developed Metal Gear to the Russians.

: And do you know why?

: Enlighten me.

: To prolong the Cold War. The failure of its planned economy has left the Soviet Union's finances in shambles.

: they lost the Philosopher's Legacy. The Russians can no longer sustain the massive military spending demanded by the Cold War.

: in addition to acquiring the Legacy, has succeded in depolying MIRVs in battle, and is moving to cement her military superiority through the ongoing Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

: At this rate, the global balance of power will soon collapse, and before long, the Cold War will have ended. And when that happens, the CIA's importance will have diminished -- considerably.

: to maintain the balance of power?

: Metal Gear is a weapon far more advanced than any MIRV. It would be a most valuable trump card for Moscow, one that would render SALT irrelevant.

: ...and once again split into two. The age of soldiers and spies would continue. FOX's orders from the CIA were not to guard Metal Gear during transport, but to steal it, and then pretend to defect to the Soviet Union.

: A clever plan on the part of the CIA, all designed to protect its organizational interests.

: I don't believe it.

: This is what you call your "country."

: So that's why you staged a rebellion?

: Just as soldiers have need of talented officers, men have need of talented leaders. Leaders capable of granting guidance to the world.

: Have you heard of the Successor Project?

: ...No.

: Its goal -- to create the ultimate battlefield commander. The skills to wage war. The aptitude for strategy. The endurance to return from battle alive.

: And the charisma to overwhelm and master the hearts of soldiers.

: another product of the Successor Project. And the soldier they chose as the model leader was none other than the legend herself, The Boss.

: The Boss...?

: I inherited them. Snake...

: You were her last disciple. You and I are like brothers.

: Make yourself comfortable, "brother", for you're about to witness