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Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

by python862

Part 19: Silo

Zenostein posted:

So, what's the point of having multiple sneaking teams if you can't say, hypothetically, send them off to blow something up while you sneak into somewhere else. Is it just so you can exhaust all your other sneaking teams and then grab another with slightly less micromanagement?

Good question! I think that's what they were going for, but it's hard to say. There are literally only those three or four missions where you don't have Snake that you have the opportunity to choose which unit you're sending out. Otherwise, you've gotta put Snake in that unit and then whichever unit he's in goes out and blah blah blah blah. Really, it's a flawed system in this game, and it really wasn't fixed in Peace Walker. The most you're going to need those extra sneaking units for is, possibly, multiplayer. But, since that's gettin' kaput-ed at the end of the month, there's really not much use for it anymore at all.

Also, good points about Null. I didn't know enough about the history to make heads or tails of it, but I'm glad at least someone can. Anyway, have an update!

No briefing this time around, because Roy repeats it just before you start the mission anyway, and it's really a bunch of, "Hey, go here quickly, and don't fuck up."

Missions 26 and 27: Entering the Silo - YouTube Blip Download