Part 2: Owner of a Lonely Hearth

Dwarves have the most HP of any race except for Half-Orcs, and Barbarians have the most HP of any class, so Bob is going to be one hell of a tough nut to crack. Barbarians also end up having the best combat skills of any class, even better than Knights, despite having a limited weapon and armour selection. Knights can be superior early on if you find them good equipment, but by around level 20 Barbarians take the lead and never let it go.

Belvenath is an Elf Ranger. Druids and Rangers only get a +1 SP/level bonus from being elves, compared to the +2 bonus that Sorcerers and Archers get; fortunately, Rangers have enough base HP that the penalty from being an elf isn't a huge problem. Rangers are a Knight/Druid hybrid in the same way that Paladins are a Knight/Cleric hybrid; they can use most weapons and armour, their combat skills are comparable to a Paladin, and they have access to Druid spells. It's worth taking a Ranger along for the handful of situations where Druid-specific spells are important: their versatility means they won't end up being dead weight by the end of the game like Druids often are.

Gnomes have the best thievery skills of any race, and Robbers make better thieves than Ninjas, so Martlin here is just about the best thief possible. Robbers also have slightly more HP and a better armour selection than Ninjas, but they're not quite as strong offensively. Finally, Robbers level up faster than any other class, which is a nice bonus early in the game when every single level counts.

Blind Eagle is an Archer, which is a Knight/Sorcerer hybrid: they can use all Sorcerer spells and most weapons, but have lowish HP and a limited selection of armour. As a Human, he starts with a good balance of HP and SP.

Caelas, like his counterpart in the other party, is an Elf Cleric.

And Murphy, like her counterpart, is a Gnome Sorcerer.

A town's tavern is the place to go for all the latest rumours. You may need to tip first before getting any useful information.

Taverns also sell food.

Fine. Taverns sell a substance technically capable of sustaining life. Make sure to stock up: running out of food means you can't rest, which is bad news in the middle of a dungeon.

And, of course, there's one other thing we can do at taverns.

As you can see, being drunk raises Personality and Luck, but lowers all other statistics. Caelas' maximum HP has decreased due to the drop in Endurance, which is why his health indicator is silver (he has 6 current HP and 5 max HP). Also, everyone's portrait is hilarious now.

Immediately upon leaving Fountain Head, the party is assaulted by goblins. Goblins aren't much of a threat, having only 10 HP and a fairly weak attack. Since they can shoot at you, it's a good idea to close to melee range as soon as possible, at which point they can be beaten to death.

Each character class gets a different fortune. I'll show off the ones for the classes we don't have in this party when the other party comes through here.

So there you have it. Sophena's predictions are a mix of general gameplay advice, quest hooks and warnings. The warnings should be taken seriously: there are some enemies who will target characters of a specific class and attack nobody else in the party as long as characters of that class are still standing.

We also get a free gift with every fortune: Sophena casts Wizard Eye on the party. Wizard Eye turns the big "Might and Magic" logo in the upper right hand corner into a minimap of the party's surroundings. It's sort of redundant with the automap, but it does make things a little more convenient. Like all buffs in this game, Wizard Eye expires when the party rests or when the game clock hits 5:00 a.m.

Go too far away from town and you start to run into Orc Warriors. An Orc Warrior has 25 HP and hits significantly harder than a Goblin. Fortunately, it's still not such a big deal when there's only one of it.

Unfortunately, there isn't only one of it.

In all honesty, this fight would probably not have gone much better if the party was sober. Orcs are less dangerous than Moose Rats, but that's no excuse to be careless. Well, at least we won, and we got some loot out of it too. Now it's time to rest for the night and let the party sleep off their mortal wounds.

The Might Potion temporarily increases a character's Might by 5 points, which is somewhat helpful in combat and potentially useful for special encounters requiring high Might. A single bottle contains enough for five doses.

Destroying monster lairs earns us experience and loot, and it also stops monsters of that type from randomly respawning in that area. The wooden and leather stuff we picked up from the wagon is junk, but the crystal gear is slightly better than what we already have.

There are lots of wells in the game, and they generally give the party either healing or nice temporary buffs. This little well, tucked away in the mountains to the north of Fountain Head, raises the entire party's armour class by 20 points, which makes Orcs go from a serious threat to almost never hitting us.

The Orcs will be forced to leave the area when they find their outpost destroyed, and order will once again return to the Hidden Valley. (+5000 Exp)

And once again, we get plenty of loot out of it. The brass splint mail is worse than regular splint mail, but still better than what Belvenath's wearing at the moment. Coral boots are slightly better than regular boots, and the rest is junk.

The automap of the area around Fountain Head is starting to fill in, but it's still looking pretty incomplete. Most of the black bits are thick forest (which requires two party members with Pathfinder skill), mountains (which require two party members with Mountaineer skill), or water (which requires everyone to have Swimming skill).

Since we've cleared out this area as best we can right now, it's time to head back into town and spend our hard-earned loot.

M&M3 pulls a little trick on you at the start. You'd think the monsters in the starting town would be the easiest in the game, but going outside to fight goblins and orcs actually nets you more experience and gold for much less risk, which is why this party is now about a level ahead of the other one.

And since the party is a level ahead, they have access to all-new spells!
Create Rope: If you find yourself without a rope, fear not. This enchantment will conjure up the very strand you lack. Cast it over a pit to make it useful. (Well, it does what it says on the tin, you gotta give it that. This spell is only useful in a handful of situations, but it beats wasting inventory space on Rope and Hooks in case one of those situations comes up.)

Toxic Cloud: Exudes a noxious cloud around a group of monsters so foul they will choke away their very existence. (This is the first area-effect damage spell that Sorcerers learn. It does 10 points of acid/poison damage to a group of monsters. Since the damage doesn't scale up with your level, it's only useful early on.)

Protection from Elements: (This spell is a bit of an oddity in that it starts out relatively useless and gets much better as you level up, as the spell becomes more powerful and monsters with elemental attacks become more common. It's an absolute necessity for some high-level areas.)
Pain: Overcomes a group of foes with writhing pain. A little more than your average bee sting. (This is actually just a direct-damage spell: it hits a group for 8 points of physical damage. The damage isn't great, but only undead are immune to it.)
Suppress Poison: Without removing poison from an adventurer's system, this incantation will slow its degenerative effects. (Poison steadily lowers some of a character's statistics. When a statistic hits 0, you can randomly die at any time. This spell restores the character's statistics to what they were when he or she first got poisoned. It doesn't save you from having to run back to town to get the poison cured, but it beats having a party member die.)

And with that, you've seen both parties in action. Next update, we'll switch back to party 1. As is traditional, you get to vote on what exactly they'll do next. Should they explore the caverns beneath town, follow the second party's lead and explore outdoors, or go check out that creepy temple that we saw this update? Vote now!